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Supported metrics for Microsoft.AppPlatform/spring

The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.AppPlatform/spring resource type.

Table headings

Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
Unit - Unit of measure.
Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings.

For information on exporting metrics, see - Metrics export using data collection rules and Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.

For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.

For a list of supported logs, see Supported log categories - Microsoft.AppPlatform/spring

Category: Common

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
App CPU Usage (Deprecated)

The recent CPU usage for the app. This metric is being deprecated. Please use "App CPU Usage" with metric id "PodCpuUsage".
AppCpuUsage Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes
App CPU Usage

The recent CPU usage for the app
PodCpuUsage Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes
App Memory Usage

The recent Memory usage for the app
PodMemoryUsage Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes
App Network In

Cumulative count of bytes received in the app
PodNetworkIn Bytes Total (Sum), Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes
App Network Out

Cumulative count of bytes sent from the app
PodNetworkOut Bytes Total (Sum), Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Category: Core

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export

Requests processed
Requests Count Total (Sum), Maximum, Minimum, Average containerAppName, podName, statusCodeCategory, statusCode PT1M Yes
Restart Count

Restart count of Spring App
RestartCount Count Total (Sum), Maximum, Minimum, Average containerAppName, podName PT1M Yes
Network In Bytes

Network received bytes
RxBytes Bytes Total (Sum), Maximum, Minimum, Average containerAppName, podName PT1M Yes
Network Out Bytes

Network transmitted bytes
TxBytes Bytes Total (Sum), Maximum, Minimum, Average containerAppName, podName PT1M Yes
CPU Usage

CPU consumed by Spring App, in nano cores. 1,000,000,000 nano cores = 1 core
UsageNanoCores NanoCores Total (Sum), Maximum, Minimum, Average containerAppName, podName PT1M Yes
Memory Working Set Bytes

Spring App working set memory used in bytes.
WorkingSetBytes Bytes Total (Sum), Maximum, Minimum, Average containerAppName, podName PT1M Yes

Category: Error (Java)

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export

Tomcat Global Error
tomcat.global.error Count Total (Sum), Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Category: Gateway

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Max time of requests

The max time of requests
GatewayHttpServerRequestsMilliSecondsMax MilliSeconds Maximum, Average Pod, httpStatusCode, outcome, httpMethod PT1M Yes
Request count

The number of requests
GatewayHttpServerRequestsSecondsCount Count Total (Sum), Average Pod, httpStatusCode, outcome, httpMethod PT1M Yes

Size of old generation memory pool after a full GC
GatewayJvmGcLiveDataSizeBytes Bytes Maximum, Average Pod PT1M Yes

Max size of old generation memory pool
GatewayJvmGcMaxDataSizeBytes Bytes Maximum, Average Pod PT1M Yes

Incremented for an increase in the size of the young generation memory pool after one GC to before the next
GatewayJvmGcMemoryAllocatedBytesTotal Bytes Maximum, Average Pod PT1M Yes

Count of positive increases in the size of the old generation memory pool before GC to after GC
GatewayJvmGcMemoryPromotedBytesTotal Bytes Maximum, Average Pod PT1M Yes

GC Pause Count
GatewayJvmGcPauseSecondsCount Count Total (Sum), Average Pod PT1M Yes

GC Pause Max Time
GatewayJvmGcPauseSecondsMax Seconds Maximum, Average Pod PT1M Yes

GC Pause Total Time
GatewayJvmGcPauseSecondsSum Seconds Total (Sum), Average Pod PT1M Yes

Memory assigned to JVM in bytes
GatewayJvmMemoryCommittedBytes Bytes Maximum, Minimum, Average Pod PT1M Yes

Memory Used in bytes
GatewayJvmMemoryUsedBytes Bytes Maximum, Minimum, Average Pod PT1M Yes

The recent CPU usage for the JVM process
GatewayProcessCpuUsage Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average Pod PT1M Yes
Throttled requests count

The count of the throttled requests
GatewayRatelimitThrottledCount Count Total (Sum), Average Pod PT1M Yes

The recent CPU usage for the whole system
GatewaySystemCpuUsage Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average Pod PT1M Yes

Category: Ingress

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Bytes Received

Count of bytes received by Azure Spring Apps from the clients
IngressBytesReceived Bytes Maximum, Minimum, Average Hostname, HttpStatus PT1M Yes
Throughput In (bytes/s)

Bytes received per second by Azure Spring Apps from the clients
IngressBytesReceivedRate BytesPerSecond Maximum, Minimum, Average Hostname, HttpStatus PT1M Yes
Bytes Sent

Count of bytes sent by Azure Spring Apps to the clients
IngressBytesSent Bytes Maximum, Minimum, Average Hostname, HttpStatus PT1M Yes
Throughput Out (bytes/s)

Bytes sent per second by Azure Spring Apps to the clients
IngressBytesSentRate BytesPerSecond Maximum, Minimum, Average Hostname, HttpStatus PT1M Yes
Failed Requests

Count of failed requests by Azure Spring Apps from the clients
IngressFailedRequests Count Maximum, Minimum, Average Hostname, HttpStatus PT1M Yes

Count of requests by Azure Spring Apps from the clients
IngressRequests Count Maximum, Minimum, Average Hostname, HttpStatus PT1M Yes
Response Status

HTTP response status returned by Azure Spring Apps. The response status code distribution can be further categorized to show responses in 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx categories
IngressResponseStatus Count Maximum, Minimum, Average Hostname, HttpStatus PT1M Yes
Response Time

Http response time return by Azure Spring Apps
IngressResponseTime Seconds Maximum, Minimum, Average Hostname, HttpStatus PT1M Yes

Category: Performance (.NET)

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export

Number of timers that are currently active
active-timer-count Count Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Number of bytes allocated in the managed heap
alloc-rate Bytes Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Number of Assemblies Loaded
assembly-count Count Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

% time the process has utilized the CPU
cpu-usage Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Number of Exceptions
exception-count Count Total (Sum), Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Total heap size reported by the GC (MB)
gc-heap-size Count Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Number of Gen 0 GCs
gen-0-gc-count Count Total (Sum), Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Gen 0 Heap Size
gen-0-size Bytes Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Number of Gen 1 GCs
gen-1-gc-count Count Total (Sum), Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Gen 1 Heap Size
gen-1-size Bytes Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Number of Gen 2 GCs
gen-2-gc-count Count Total (Sum), Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Gen 2 Heap Size
gen-2-size Bytes Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

LOH Heap Size
loh-size Bytes Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Number of times there were contention when trying to take the monitor lock
monitor-lock-contention-count Count Total (Sum), Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

ThreadPool Completed Work Items Count
threadpool-completed-items-count Count Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

ThreadPool Work Items Queue Length
threadpool-queue-length Count Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Number of ThreadPool Threads
threadpool-thread-count Count Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

% time in GC since the last GC
time-in-gc Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Amount of working set used by the process (MB)
working-set Count Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Category: Performance (Java)

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export

Size of old generation memory pool after a full GC
jvm.gc.live.data.size Bytes Maximum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Max size of old generation memory pool
jvm.gc.max.data.size Bytes Maximum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Incremented for an increase in the size of the young generation memory pool after one GC to before the next
jvm.gc.memory.allocated Bytes Maximum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Count of positive increases in the size of the old generation memory pool before GC to after GC
jvm.gc.memory.promoted Bytes Maximum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

GC Pause Count
jvm.gc.pause.total.count Count Total (Sum), Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

GC Pause Total Time
jvm.gc.pause.total.time MilliSeconds Total (Sum), Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Memory assigned to JVM in bytes
jvm.memory.committed Bytes Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

The maximum amount of memory in bytes that can be used for memory management
jvm.memory.max Bytes Maximum Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

App Memory Used in bytes
jvm.memory.used Bytes Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

The recent CPU usage for the JVM process
process.cpu.usage Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

The recent CPU usage for the whole system
system.cpu.usage Percent Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Category: Request (.NET)

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export

Total number of requests in processing in the lifetime of the process
current-requests Count Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Total number of failed requests in the lifetime of the process
failed-requests Count Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Request rate
requests-per-second Count Maximum, Minimum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Total number of requests in the lifetime of the process
total-requests Count Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Category: Request (Java)

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export

Tomcat Total Received Bytes
tomcat.global.received Bytes Total (Sum), Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Tomcat Request Average Time
tomcat.global.request.avg.time MilliSeconds Maximum, Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Tomcat Request Max Time
tomcat.global.request.max MilliSeconds Maximum Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Tomcat Request Total Count
tomcat.global.request.total.count Count Total (Sum), Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Tomcat Request Total Time
tomcat.global.request.total.time MilliSeconds Total (Sum), Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Tomcat Total Sent Bytes
tomcat.global.sent Bytes Total (Sum), Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Tomcat Config Max Thread Count
tomcat.threads.config.max Count Total (Sum), Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Tomcat Current Thread Count
tomcat.threads.current Count Total (Sum), Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Category: Session (Java)

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export

Tomcat Session Active Count
tomcat.sessions.active.current Count Total (Sum), Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Tomcat Session Max Active Count
tomcat.sessions.active.max Count Total (Sum), Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Tomcat Session Max Alive Time
tomcat.sessions.alive.max MilliSeconds Maximum Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Tomcat Session Created Count
tomcat.sessions.created Count Total (Sum), Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Tomcat Session Expired Count
tomcat.sessions.expired Count Total (Sum), Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

Tomcat Session Rejected Count
tomcat.sessions.rejected Count Total (Sum), Average Deployment, AppName, Pod PT1M Yes

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