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Getting started with data mesh checklist

During your data journey with cloud-scale analytics, you'll find there are multiple stages in your adoption lifecycle. This section provides a quick getting started checklist to help you adopt your scenario in stages. These stages are:

  • Stage 1: First landing zone
  • Stage 2: Additional data domains
  • Stage 3: Improve consumption readiness
  • Stage 4: Critical governance components

Stage 1 - First landing zone

  • Define your first use case(s)
  • Deploy your first data management landing zone
  • Deploy your first data landing zone
  • Define your first ingestion pattern (for example, batch parquet)
  • Develop your first data product (ingested raw, abstracted to product)
  • Determine 'just-enough' governance
  • Define metadata requirements (application information, schema metadata)
  • Register your first data consumer (manual process)

Stage 2 - Additional data domains

  • Refine your target architecture
  • Deploy more data landing zones
  • Extend with second, third, and fourth data products
  • Realize your data product metadata repository (database or Excel)
  • Implement your first set of controls (data quality, schema validation)
  • Realize your consuming pipeline (taking input as output)
  • Establish data ownership

Stage 3 – Improve consumption readiness

  • Implement self-service registration and metadata ingestion
  • Offer other transformation patterns (transformation framework, ETL tools, etc.)
  • Enrich controls on the provider side (glossary, lineage, linkage)
  • Implement your consuming process: approvals, use case metadata, deploy secure views by hand
  • Establish your data governance control board

Stage 4 – Critical governance components

  • Apply automation (automatic secure view provisioning)
  • Deploy strong data governance, set up your dispute body
  • Finalize your data product guidelines
  • Define your extra interoperability standard
  • Develop your self-service data consumption process
  • Develop your data query, self-service, catalog, lineage capabilities, etc.
  • Develop more data marketplace capabilities


These four development stages allow you to set up a minimal viable product in stage one, learn, and iterate into stage two. Throughout your staged approach, you grow in maturity for creating a self-service, scalable, and governed platform.

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