Work with files on Azure Databricks

Azure Databricks has multiple utilities and APIs for interacting with files in the following locations:

  • Unity Catalog volumes
  • Workspace files
  • Cloud object storage
  • DBFS mounts and DBFS root
  • Ephemeral storage attached to the driver node of the cluster

This article has examples for interacting with files in these locations for the following tools:

  • Apache Spark
  • Spark SQL and Databricks SQL
  • Databricks file system utilities (dbutils.fs or %fs)
  • Databricks CLI
  • Databricks REST API
  • Bash shell commands (%sh)
  • Notebook-scoped library installs using %pip
  • pandas
  • OSS Python file management and processing utilities


File operations requiring FUSE data access cannot directly access cloud object storage using URIs. Databricks recommends using Unity Catalog volumes to configure access to these locations for FUSE.

Scala supports FUSE for Unity Catalog volumes and workspace files on compute configured with Unity Catalog and shared access mode. On compute configured with single user access mode and Databricks Runtime 14.3 and above, Scala supports FUSE for Unity Catalog volumes and workspace files, except for subprocesses that originate from Scala, such as the Scala command "cat /Volumes/path/to/file".!!.

Do I need to provide a URI scheme to access data?

Data access paths in Azure Databricks follow one of the following standards:

  • URI-style paths include a URI scheme. For Databricks-native data access solutions, URI schemes are optional for most use cases. When directly accessing data in cloud object storage, you must provide the correct URI scheme for the storage type.

    URI paths diagram

  • POSIX-style paths provide data access relative to the driver root (/). POSIX-style paths never require a scheme. You can use Unity Catalog volumes or DBFS mounts to provide POSIX-style access to data in cloud object storage. Many ML frameworks and other OSS Python modules require FUSE and can only use POSIX-style paths.

    POSIX paths diagram

Work with files in Unity Catalog volumes

Databricks recommends using Unity Catalog volumes to configure access to non-tabular data files stored in cloud object storage. See What are Unity Catalog volumes?.

Tool Example
Apache Spark"json").load("/Volumes/my_catalog/my_schema/my_volume/data.json").show()
Spark SQL and Databricks SQL SELECT * FROM csv.`/Volumes/my_catalog/my_schema/my_volume/data.csv`;
LIST '/Volumes/my_catalog/my_schema/my_volume/';
Databricks file system utilities"/Volumes/my_catalog/my_schema/my_volume/")
%fs ls /Volumes/my_catalog/my_schema/my_volume/
Databricks CLI databricks fs cp /path/to/local/file dbfs:/Volumes/my_catalog/my_schema/my_volume/
Databricks REST API POST https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.1/jobs/create
{"name": "A multitask job", "tasks": [{..."libraries": [{"jar": "/Volumes/dev/environment/libraries/logging/Logging.jar"}],},...]}
Bash shell commands %sh curl http://<address>/ -o /Volumes/my_catalog/my_schema/my_volume/tmp/
Library installs %pip install /Volumes/my_catalog/my_schema/my_volume/my_library.whl
Pandas df = pd.read_csv('/Volumes/my_catalog/my_schema/my_volume/data.csv')
OSS Python os.listdir('/Volumes/my_catalog/my_schema/my_volume/path/to/directory')


The dbfs:/ scheme is required when working with the Databricks CLI.

Volumes limitations

Volumes have the following limitations:

  • Direct-append or non-sequential (random) writes, such as writing Zip and Excel files are not supported. For direct-append or random-write workloads, perform the operations on a local disk first and then copy the results to Unity Catalog volumes. For example:

    # python
    import xlsxwriter
    from shutil import copyfile
    workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('/local_disk0/tmp/excel.xlsx')
    worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
    worksheet.write(0, 0, "Key")
    worksheet.write(0, 1, "Value")
    copyfile('/local_disk0/tmp/excel.xlsx', '/Volumes/my_catalog/my_schema/my_volume/excel.xlsx')
  • Sparse files are not supported. To copy sparse files, use cp --sparse=never:

    $ cp sparse.file /Volumes/my_catalog/my_schema/my_volume/sparse.file
    error writing '/dbfs/sparse.file': Operation not supported
    $ cp --sparse=never sparse.file /Volumes/my_catalog/my_schema/my_volume/sparse.file

Work with workspace files

Databricks workspace files are the files in a workspace that are not notebooks. You can use workspace files to store and access data and other files saved alongside notebooks and other workspace assets. Because workspace files have size restrictions, Databricks recommends only storing small data files here primarily for development and testing.

Tool Example
Apache Spark"json").load("file:/Workspace/Users/<user-folder>/data.json").show()
Spark SQL and Databricks SQL SELECT * FROM json.`file:/Workspace/Users/<user-folder>/file.json`;
Databricks file system utilities"file:/Workspace/Users/<user-folder>/")
%fs ls file:/Workspace/Users/<user-folder>/
Databricks CLI databricks workspace list
Databricks REST API POST https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/workspace/delete
{"path": "/Workspace/Shared/", "recursive": "false"}
Bash shell commands %sh curl http://<address>/ -o /Workspace/Users/<user-folder>/
Library installs %pip install /Workspace/Users/<user-folder>/my_library.whl
Pandas df = pd.read_csv('/Workspace/Users/<user-folder>/data.csv')
OSS Python os.listdir('/Workspace/Users/<user-folder>/path/to/directory')


The file:/ schema is required when working with Databricks Utilities, Apache Spark, or SQL.

Workspace files limitations

Workspace files have the following limitations:

  • Workspace file size is limited to 500MB from the UI. The maximum file size allowed when writing from a cluster is 256 MB.

  • If your workflow uses source code located in a remote Git repository, you cannot write to the current directory or write using a relative path. Write data to other location options.

  • You cannot use git commands when you save to workspace files. The creation of .git directories is not allowed in workspace files.

  • Reading from workspace files using Spark executors (such as"csv").load("file:/Workspace/Users/<user-folder>/data.csv")) is not supported with serverless compute.

  • Executors cannot write to workspace files.

  • symlinks are not supported.

  • Workspace files can’t be accessed from user-defined functions (UDFs) on clusters with shared access mode on Databricks Runtime 14.2 and below.

Where do deleted workspace files go?

Deleting a workspace file sends it to the trash. You can recover or permanently delete files from the trash using the UI.

See Delete an object.

Work with files in cloud object storage

Databricks recommends using Unity Catalog volumes to configure secure access to files in cloud object storage. You must configure permissions if you choose to directly access data in cloud object storage using URIs. See Manage external locations, external tables, and external volumes.

The following examples use URIs to access data in cloud object storage:

Tool Example
Apache Spark"json").load("abfss://").show()
Spark SQL and Databricks SQL SELECT * FROM csv.`abfss://`; LIST 'abfss://';
Databricks file system utilities"abfss://") %fs ls abfss://
Databricks CLI Not supported
Databricks REST API Not supported
Bash shell commands Not supported
Library installs %pip install abfss://
Pandas Not supported
OSS Python Not supported


Cloud object storage does not support credential passthrough.

Work with files in DBFS mounts and DBFS root

DBFS mounts are not securable using Unity Catalog and are no longer recommended by Databricks. Data stored in the DBFS root is accessible by all users in the workspace. Databricks recommends against storing any sensitive or production code or data in the DBFS root. See What is DBFS?.

Tool Example
Apache Spark"json").load("/mnt/path/to/data.json").show()
Spark SQL and Databricks SQL SELECT * FROM json.`/mnt/path/to/data.json`;
Databricks file system utilities"/mnt/path")
%fs ls /mnt/path
Databricks CLI databricks fs cp dbfs:/mnt/path/to/remote/file /path/to/local/file
Databricks REST API POST https://<host>/api/2.0/dbfs/delete --data '{ "path": "/tmp/HelloWorld.txt" }'
Bash shell commands %sh curl http://<address>/ > /dbfs/mnt/tmp/
Library installs %pip install /dbfs/mnt/path/to/my_library.whl
Pandas df = pd.read_csv('/dbfs/mnt/path/to/data.csv')
OSS Python os.listdir('/dbfs/mnt/path/to/directory')


The dbfs:/ scheme is required when working with the Databricks CLI.

Work with files in ephemeral storage attached to the driver node

The ephemeral storage attached to the driver node is block storage with built-in POSIX-based path access. Any data stored in this location disappears when a cluster terminates or restarts.

Tool Example
Apache Spark Not supported
Spark SQL and Databricks SQL Not supported
Databricks file system utilities"file:/path")
%fs ls file:/path
Databricks CLI Not supported
Databricks REST API Not supported
Bash shell commands %sh curl http://<address>/ > /tmp/
Library installs Not supported
Pandas df = pd.read_csv('/path/to/data.csv')
OSS Python os.listdir('/path/to/directory')


The file:/ schema is required when working with Databricks Utilities.

Move data from ephemeral storage to volumes

You might want to access data downloaded or saved to ephemeral storage using Apache Spark. Because ephemeral storage is attached to the driver and Spark is a distributed processing engine, not all operations can directly access data here. Suppose you must move data from the driver filesystem to Unity Catalog volumes. In that case, you can copy files using magic commands or the Databricks utilities, as in the following examples:

dbutils.fs.cp ("file:/<path>", "/Volumes/<catalog>/<schema>/<volume>/<path>")
%sh cp /<path> /Volumes/<catalog>/<schema>/<volume>/<path>
%fs cp file:/<path> /Volumes/<catalog>/<schema>/<volume>/<path>

Additional resources

For information about uploading local files or downloading internet files to Azure Databricks, see Upload files to Azure Databricks.