Jobs API 2.0


This article documents the 2.0 version of the Jobs API. However, Databricks recommends using Jobs API 2.1 for new and existing clients and scripts. For details on the changes from the 2.0 to 2.1 versions, see Updating from Jobs API 2.0 to 2.1.

The Jobs API allows you to create, edit, and delete jobs. The maximum allowed size of a request to the Jobs API is 10MB.

For details about updates to the Jobs API that support orchestration of multiple tasks with Azure Databricks jobs, see Updating from Jobs API 2.0 to 2.1.


You should never hard code secrets or store them in plain text. Use the Secrets API to manage secrets in the Databricks CLI. Use the Secrets utility (dbutils.secrets) to reference secrets in notebooks and jobs.


If you receive a 500-level error when making Jobs API requests, Databricks recommends retrying requests for up to 10 min (with a minimum 30 second interval between retries).


To access Databricks REST APIs, you must authenticate.


Endpoint HTTP Method
2.0/jobs/create POST

Create a new job.


This example creates a job that runs a JAR task at 10:15pm each night.


curl --netrc --request POST \
https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/create \
--data @create-job.json \
| jq .


  "name": "Nightly model training",
  "new_cluster": {
    "spark_version": "7.3.x-scala2.12",
    "node_type_id": "Standard_D3_v2",
    "num_workers": 10
  "libraries": [
      "jar": "dbfs:/my-jar.jar"
      "maven": {
        "coordinates": "org.jsoup:jsoup:1.7.2"
  "timeout_seconds": 3600,
  "max_retries": 1,
  "schedule": {
    "quartz_cron_expression": "0 15 22 * * ?",
    "timezone_id": "America/Los_Angeles"
  "spark_jar_task": {
    "main_class_name": "com.databricks.ComputeModels"


  • <databricks-instance> with the Azure Databricks workspace instance name, for example
  • The contents of create-job.json with fields that are appropriate for your solution.

This example uses a .netrc file and jq.


  "job_id": 1

Request structure


  • When you run a job on a new jobs cluster, the job is treated as a Jobs Compute (automated) workload subject to Jobs Compute pricing.
  • When you run a job on an existing all-purpose cluster, it is treated as an All-Purpose Compute (interactive) workload subject to All-Purpose Compute pricing.
Field Name Type Description
existing_cluster_id OR new_cluster STRING OR NewCluster If existing_cluster_id, the ID of an existing cluster that will be used for all runs of this job. When running jobs on an existing cluster, you may need to manually restart the cluster if it stops responding. We suggest running jobs on new clusters for greater reliability.

If new_cluster, a description of a cluster that will be created for each run.

If specifying a PipelineTask, this field can be empty.
notebook_task OR spark_jar_task OR
spark_python_task OR spark_submit_task OR
pipeline_task OR run_job_task
NotebookTask OR SparkJarTask OR SparkPythonTask OR SparkSubmitTask OR PipelineTask OR RunJobTask If notebook_task, indicates that this job should run a notebook. This field may not be specified in conjunction with spark_jar_task.

If spark_jar_task, indicates that this job should run a JAR.

If spark_python_task, indicates that this job should run a Python file.

If spark_submit_task, indicates that this job should be launched by the spark submit script.

If pipeline_task, indicates that this job should run a Delta Live Tables pipeline.

If run_job_task, indicates that this job should run another job.
name STRING An optional name for the job. The default value is Untitled.
libraries An array of Library An optional list of libraries to be installed on the cluster that will execute the job. The default value is an empty list.
email_notifications JobEmailNotifications An optional set of email addresses notified when runs of this job begin and complete and when this job is deleted. The default behavior is to not send any emails.
webhook_notifications WebhookNotifications An optional set of system destinations to notify when runs of this job begin, complete, or fail.
notification_settings JobNotificationSettings Optional notification settings that are used when sending notifications to each of the email_notifications and webhook_notifications for this job.
timeout_seconds INT32 An optional timeout applied to each run of this job. The default behavior is to have no timeout.
max_retries INT32 An optional maximum number of times to retry an unsuccessful run. A run is considered to be unsuccessful if it completes with the FAILED result_state or
life_cycle_state. The value -1 means to retry indefinitely and the value 0 means to never retry. The default behavior is to never retry.
min_retry_interval_millis INT32 An optional minimal interval in milliseconds between the start of the failed run and the subsequent retry run. The default behavior is that unsuccessful runs are immediately retried.
retry_on_timeout BOOL An optional policy to specify whether to retry a job when it times out. The default behavior is to not retry on timeout.
schedule CronSchedule An optional periodic schedule for this job. The default behavior is that the job runs when triggered by clicking Run now in the Jobs UI or sending an API request to runNow.
max_concurrent_runs INT32 An optional maximum allowed number of concurrent runs of the job.

Set this value if you want to be able to execute multiple runs of the same job concurrently. This is useful for example if you trigger your job on a frequent schedule and want to allow consecutive runs to overlap with each other, or if you want to trigger multiple runs which differ by their input parameters.

This setting affects only new runs. For example, suppose the job’s concurrency is 4 and there are 4 concurrent active runs. Then setting the concurrency to 3 won’t kill any of the active runs. However, from then on, new runs are skipped unless there are fewer than 3 active runs.

This value cannot exceed 1000. Setting this value to 0 causes all new runs to be skipped. The default behavior is to allow only 1 concurrent run.

Response structure

Field Name Type Description
job_id INT64 The canonical identifier for the newly created job.


Endpoint HTTP Method
2.0/jobs/list GET

List all jobs.



curl --netrc --request GET \
https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/list \
| jq .

Replace <databricks-instance> with the Azure Databricks workspace instance name, for example

This example uses a .netrc file and jq.


  "jobs": [
      "job_id": 1,
      "settings": {
        "name": "Nightly model training",
        "new_cluster": {
          "spark_version": "7.3.x-scala2.12",
          "node_type_id": "Standard_D3_v2",
          "num_workers": 10
        "libraries": [
            "jar": "dbfs:/my-jar.jar"
            "maven": {
              "coordinates": "org.jsoup:jsoup:1.7.2"
        "timeout_seconds": 100000000,
        "max_retries": 1,
        "schedule": {
          "quartz_cron_expression": "0 15 22 * * ?",
          "timezone_id": "America/Los_Angeles",
          "pause_status": "UNPAUSED"
        "spark_jar_task": {
          "main_class_name": "com.databricks.ComputeModels"
      "created_time": 1457570074236

Response structure

Field Name Type Description
jobs An array of Job The list of jobs.


Endpoint HTTP Method
2.0/jobs/delete POST

Delete a job and send an email to the addresses specified in JobSettings.email_notifications. No action occurs if the job has already been removed. After the job is removed, neither its details nor its run history is visible in the Jobs UI or API. The job is guaranteed to be removed upon completion of this request. However, runs that were active before the receipt of this request may still be active. They will be terminated asynchronously.


curl --netrc --request POST \
https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/delete \
--data '{ "job_id": <job-id> }'


  • <databricks-instance> with the Azure Databricks workspace instance name, for example
  • <job-id> with the ID of the job, for example 123.

This example uses a .netrc file.

Request structure

Field Name Type Description
job_id INT64 The canonical identifier of the job to delete. This field is required.


Endpoint HTTP Method
2.0/jobs/get GET

Retrieve information about a single job.



curl --netrc --request GET \
'https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/get?job_id=<job-id>' \
| jq .


curl --netrc --get \
https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/get \
--data job_id=<job-id> \
| jq .


  • <databricks-instance> with the Azure Databricks workspace instance name, for example
  • <job-id> with the ID of the job, for example 123.

This example uses a .netrc file and jq.


  "job_id": 1,
  "settings": {
    "name": "Nightly model training",
    "new_cluster": {
      "spark_version": "7.3.x-scala2.12",
      "node_type_id": "Standard_D3_v2",
      "num_workers": 10
    "libraries": [
        "jar": "dbfs:/my-jar.jar"
        "maven": {
          "coordinates": "org.jsoup:jsoup:1.7.2"
    "timeout_seconds": 100000000,
    "max_retries": 1,
    "schedule": {
      "quartz_cron_expression": "0 15 22 * * ?",
      "timezone_id": "America/Los_Angeles",
      "pause_status": "UNPAUSED"
    "spark_jar_task": {
      "main_class_name": "com.databricks.ComputeModels"
  "created_time": 1457570074236

Request structure

Field Name Type Description
job_id INT64 The canonical identifier of the job to retrieve information about. This field is required.

Response structure

Field Name Type Description
job_id INT64 The canonical identifier for this job.
creator_user_name STRING The creator user name. This field won’t be included in the response if the user has been deleted.
settings JobSettings Settings for this job and all of its runs. These settings can be updated using the Reset or Update endpoints.
created_time INT64 The time at which this job was created in epoch milliseconds (milliseconds since 1/1/1970 UTC).


Endpoint HTTP Method
2.0/jobs/reset POST

Overwrite all settings for a specific job. Use the Update endpoint to update job settings partially.


This example request makes job 2 identical to job 1 in the create example.

curl --netrc --request POST \
https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/reset \
--data @reset-job.json \
| jq .


  "job_id": 2,
  "new_settings": {
    "name": "Nightly model training",
    "new_cluster": {
      "spark_version": "7.3.x-scala2.12",
      "node_type_id": "Standard_D3_v2",
      "num_workers": 10
    "libraries": [
        "jar": "dbfs:/my-jar.jar"
        "maven": {
          "coordinates": "org.jsoup:jsoup:1.7.2"
    "timeout_seconds": 100000000,
    "max_retries": 1,
    "schedule": {
      "quartz_cron_expression": "0 15 22 * * ?",
      "timezone_id": "America/Los_Angeles",
      "pause_status": "UNPAUSED"
    "spark_jar_task": {
      "main_class_name": "com.databricks.ComputeModels"


  • <databricks-instance> with the Azure Databricks workspace instance name, for example
  • The contents of reset-job.json with fields that are appropriate for your solution.

This example uses a .netrc file and jq.

Request structure

Field Name Type Description
job_id INT64 The canonical identifier of the job to reset. This field is required.
new_settings JobSettings The new settings of the job. These settings completely replace the old settings.

Changes to the field JobSettings.timeout_seconds are applied to active runs. Changes to other fields are applied to future runs only.


Endpoint HTTP Method
2.0/jobs/update POST

Add, change, or remove specific settings of an existing job. Use the Reset endpoint to overwrite all job settings.


This example request removes libraries and adds email notification settings to job 1 defined in the create example.

curl --netrc --request POST \
https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/update \
--data @update-job.json \
| jq .


  "job_id": 1,
  "new_settings": {
    "existing_cluster_id": "1201-my-cluster",
    "email_notifications": {
      "on_start": [ "" ],
      "on_success": [],
      "on_failure": []
  "fields_to_remove": ["libraries"]


  • <databricks-instance> with the Azure Databricks workspace instance name, for example
  • The contents of update-job.json with fields that are appropriate for your solution.

This example uses a .netrc file and jq.

Request structure

Field Name Type Description
job_id INT64 The canonical identifier of the job to update. This field is required.
new_settings JobSettings The new settings for the job.

Top-level fields specified in new_settings, except for arrays, are completely replaced. Arrays are merged based on the respective key fields, such as task_key or
job_cluster_key, and array entries with the same key are completely replaced. Except for array merging, partially updating nested fields is not supported.

Changes to the field JobSettings.timeout_seconds are applied to active runs. Changes to other fields are applied to future runs only.
fields_to_remove An array of STRING Remove top-level fields in the job settings. Removing nested fields is not supported, except for entries from the tasks and job_clusters arrays. For example, the following is a valid argument for this field:
["libraries", "schedule", "tasks/task_1", "job_clusters/Default"]

This field is optional.

Run now


  • A workspace is limited to 1000 concurrent task runs. A 429 Too Many Requests response is returned when you request a run that cannot start immediately.
  • The number of jobs a workspace can create in an hour is limited to 10000 (includes “runs submit”). This limit also affects jobs created by the REST API and notebook workflows.
  • A workspace can contain up to 12000 saved jobs.
  • A job can contain up to 100 tasks.
Endpoint HTTP Method
2.0/jobs/run-now POST

Run a job now and return the run_id of the triggered run.


If you invoke Create together with Run now, you can use the Runs submit endpoint instead, which allows you to submit your workload directly without having to create a job.


curl --netrc --request POST \
https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/run-now \
--data @run-job.json \
| jq .


An example request for a notebook job:

  "job_id": 1,
  "notebook_params": {
    "name": "john doe",
    "age": "35"

An example request for a JAR job:

  "job_id": 2,
  "jar_params": [ "john doe", "35" ]


  • <databricks-instance> with the Azure Databricks workspace instance name, for example
  • The contents of run-job.json with fields that are appropriate for your solution.

This example uses a .netrc file and jq.

Request structure

Field Name Type Description
job_id INT64
jar_params An array of STRING A list of parameters for jobs with JAR tasks, e.g. "jar_params": ["john doe", "35"]. The parameters will be used to invoke the main function of the main class specified in the Spark JAR task. If not specified upon run-now, it will default to an empty list. jar_params cannot be specified in conjunction with notebook_params. The JSON representation of this field (i.e. {"jar_params":["john doe","35"]}) cannot exceed 10,000 bytes.
notebook_params A map of ParamPair A map from keys to values for jobs with notebook task, e.g.
"notebook_params": {"name": "john doe", "age": "35"}. The map is passed to the notebook and is accessible through the dbutils.widgets.get function.

If not specified upon run-now, the triggered run uses the job’s base parameters.

You cannot specify notebook_params in conjunction with jar_params.

The JSON representation of this field (i.e.
{"notebook_params":{"name":"john doe","age":"35"}}) cannot exceed 10,000 bytes.
python_params An array of STRING A list of parameters for jobs with Python tasks, e.g. "python_params": ["john doe", "35"]. The parameters will be passed to Python file as command-line parameters. If specified upon run-now, it would overwrite the parameters specified in job setting. The JSON representation of this field (i.e. {"python_params":["john doe","35"]}) cannot exceed 10,000 bytes.
spark_submit_params An array of STRING A list of parameters for jobs with spark submit task, e.g.
"spark_submit_params": ["--class", "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi"]. The parameters will be passed to spark-submit script as command-line parameters. If specified upon run-now, it would overwrite the parameters specified in job setting. The JSON representation of this field cannot exceed 10,000 bytes.
idempotency_token STRING An optional token to guarantee the idempotency of job run requests. If a run with the provided token already exists, the request does not create a new run but returns the ID of the existing run instead. If a run with the provided token is deleted, an error is returned.

If you specify the idempotency token, upon failure you can retry until the request succeeds. Azure Databricks guarantees that exactly one run is launched with that idempotency token.

This token must have at most 64 characters.

For more information, see How to ensure idempotency for jobs.

Response structure

Field Name Type Description
run_id INT64 The globally unique ID of the newly triggered run.
number_in_job INT64 The sequence number of this run among all runs of the job.

Runs submit


  • A workspace is limited to 1000 concurrent task runs. A 429 Too Many Requests response is returned when you request a run that cannot start immediately.
  • The number of jobs a workspace can create in an hour is limited to 10000 (includes “runs submit”). This limit also affects jobs created by the REST API and notebook workflows.
  • A workspace can contain up to 12000 saved jobs.
  • A job can contain up to 100 tasks.
Endpoint HTTP Method
2.0/jobs/runs/submit POST

Submit a one-time run. This endpoint allows you to submit a workload directly without creating a job. Use the jobs/runs/get API to check the run state after the job is submitted.



curl --netrc --request POST \
https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/runs/submit \
--data @submit-job.json \
| jq .


  "run_name": "my spark task",
  "new_cluster": {
    "spark_version": "7.3.x-scala2.12",
    "node_type_id": "Standard_D3_v2",
    "num_workers": 10
  "libraries": [
      "jar": "dbfs:/my-jar.jar"
      "maven": {
        "coordinates": "org.jsoup:jsoup:1.7.2"
  "spark_jar_task": {
    "main_class_name": "com.databricks.ComputeModels"


  • <databricks-instance> with the Azure Databricks workspace instance name, for example
  • The contents of submit-job.json with fields that are appropriate for your solution.

This example uses a .netrc file and jq.


  "run_id": 123

Request structure


  • When you run a job on a new jobs cluster, the job is treated as a Jobs Compute (automated) workload subject to Jobs Compute pricing.
  • When you run a job on an existing all-purpose cluster, it is treated as an All-Purpose Compute (interactive) workload subject to All-Purpose Compute pricing.
Field Name Type Description
existing_cluster_id OR new_cluster STRING OR NewCluster If existing_cluster_id, the ID of an existing cluster that will be used for all runs of this job. When running jobs on an existing cluster, you may need to manually restart the cluster if it stops responding. We suggest running jobs on new clusters for greater reliability.

If new_cluster, a description of a cluster that will be created for each run.

If specifying a PipelineTask, then this field can be empty.
notebook_task OR spark_jar_task OR
spark_python_task OR spark_submit_task OR
pipeline_task OR run_job_task
NotebookTask OR SparkJarTask OR SparkPythonTask OR SparkSubmitTask OR PipelineTask OR RunJobTask If notebook_task, indicates that this job should run a notebook. This field may not be specified in conjunction with spark_jar_task.

If spark_jar_task, indicates that this job should run a JAR.

If spark_python_task, indicates that this job should run a Python file.

If spark_submit_task, indicates that this job should be launched by the spark submit script.

If pipeline_task, indicates that this job should run a Delta Live Tables pipeline.

If run_job_task, indicates that this job should run another job.
run_name STRING An optional name for the run. The default value is Untitled.
webhook_notifications WebhookNotifications An optional set of system destinations to notify when runs of this job begin, complete, or fail.
notification_settings JobNotificationSettings Optional notification settings that are used when sending notifications to each of the webhook_notifications for this run.
libraries An array of Library An optional list of libraries to be installed on the cluster that will execute the job. The default value is an empty list.
timeout_seconds INT32 An optional timeout applied to each run of this job. The default behavior is to have no timeout.
idempotency_token STRING An optional token to guarantee the idempotency of job run requests. If a run with the provided token already exists, the request does not create a new run but returns the ID of the existing run instead. If a run with the provided token is deleted, an error is returned.

If you specify the idempotency token, upon failure you can retry until the request succeeds. Azure Databricks guarantees that exactly one run is launched with that idempotency token.

This token must have at most 64 characters.

For more information, see How to ensure idempotency for jobs.

Response structure

Field Name Type Description
run_id INT64 The canonical identifier for the newly submitted run.

Runs list

Endpoint HTTP Method
2.0/jobs/runs/list GET

List runs in descending order by start time.


Runs are automatically removed after 60 days. If you to want to reference them beyond 60 days, you should save old run results before they expire. To export using the UI, see Export job run results. To export using the Jobs API, see Runs export.



curl --netrc --request GET \
'https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/runs/list?job_id=<job-id>&active_only=<true-false>&offset=<offset>&limit=<limit>&run_type=<run-type>' \
| jq .


curl --netrc --get \
https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/runs/list \
--data 'job_id=<job-id>&active_only=<true-false>&offset=<offset>&limit=<limit>&run_type=<run-type>' \
| jq .


  • <databricks-instance> with the Azure Databricks workspace instance name, for example
  • <job-id> with the ID of the job, for example 123.
  • <true-false> with true or false”.
  • <offset> with the offset value.
  • <limit> with the limit value.
  • <run-type> with the run_type value.

This example uses a .netrc file and jq.


  "runs": [
      "job_id": 1,
      "run_id": 452,
      "number_in_job": 5,
      "state": {
        "life_cycle_state": "RUNNING",
        "state_message": "Performing action"
      "task": {
        "notebook_task": {
          "notebook_path": "/Users/"
      "cluster_spec": {
        "existing_cluster_id": "1201-my-cluster"
      "cluster_instance": {
        "cluster_id": "1201-my-cluster",
        "spark_context_id": "1102398-spark-context-id"
      "overriding_parameters": {
        "jar_params": ["param1", "param2"]
      "start_time": 1457570074236,
      "end_time": 1457570075149,
      "setup_duration": 259754,
      "execution_duration": 3589020,
      "cleanup_duration": 31038,
      "run_duration": 3879812,
      "trigger": "PERIODIC"
  "has_more": true

Request structure

Field Name Type Description
active_only OR completed_only BOOL OR BOOL If active_only is true, only active runs are included in the results; otherwise, lists both active and completed runs. An active run is a run in the PENDING, RUNNING, or TERMINATING RunLifecycleState. This field cannot be true when completed_only is true.

If completed_only is true, only completed runs are included in the results; otherwise, lists both active and completed runs. This field cannot be true when active_only is true.
job_id INT64 The job for which to list runs. If omitted, the Jobs service will list runs from all jobs.
offset INT32 The offset of the first run to return, relative to the most recent run.
limit INT32 The number of runs to return. This value should be greater than 0 and less than 1000. The default value is 20. If a request specifies a limit of 0, the service will instead use the maximum limit.
run_type STRING The type of runs to return. For a description of run types, see Run.

Response structure

Field Name Type Description
runs An array of Run A list of runs, from most recently started to least.
has_more BOOL If true, additional runs matching the provided filter are available for listing.

Runs get

Endpoint HTTP Method
2.0/jobs/runs/get GET

Retrieve the metadata of a run.


Runs are automatically removed after 60 days. If you to want to reference them beyond 60 days, you should save old run results before they expire. To export using the UI, see Export job run results. To export using the Jobs API, see Runs export.



curl --netrc --request GET \
'https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/runs/get?run_id=<run-id>' \
| jq .


curl --netrc --get \
https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/runs/get \
--data run_id=<run-id> \
| jq .


  • <databricks-instance> with the Azure Databricks workspace instance name, for example
  • <run-id> with the ID of the run, for example 123.

This example uses a .netrc file and jq.


  "job_id": 1,
  "run_id": 452,
  "number_in_job": 5,
  "state": {
    "life_cycle_state": "RUNNING",
    "state_message": "Performing action"
  "task": {
    "notebook_task": {
      "notebook_path": "/Users/"
  "cluster_spec": {
    "existing_cluster_id": "1201-my-cluster"
  "cluster_instance": {
    "cluster_id": "1201-my-cluster",
    "spark_context_id": "1102398-spark-context-id"
  "overriding_parameters": {
    "jar_params": ["param1", "param2"]
  "start_time": 1457570074236,
  "end_time": 1457570075149,
  "setup_duration": 259754,
  "execution_duration": 3589020,
  "cleanup_duration": 31038,
  "run_duration": 3879812,
  "trigger": "PERIODIC"

Request structure

Field Name Type Description
run_id INT64 The canonical identifier of the run for which to retrieve the metadata. This field is required.

Response structure

Field Name Type Description
job_id INT64 The canonical identifier of the job that contains this run.
run_id INT64 The canonical identifier of the run. This ID is unique across all runs of all jobs.
number_in_job INT64 The sequence number of this run among all runs of the job. This value starts at 1.
original_attempt_run_id INT64 If this run is a retry of a prior run attempt, this field contains the run_id of the original attempt; otherwise, it is the same as the run_id.
state RunState The result and lifecycle states of the run.
schedule CronSchedule The cron schedule that triggered this run if it was triggered by the periodic scheduler.
task JobTask The task performed by the run, if any.
cluster_spec ClusterSpec A snapshot of the job’s cluster specification when this run was created.
cluster_instance ClusterInstance The cluster used for this run. If the run is specified to use a new cluster, this field will be set once the Jobs service has requested a cluster for the run.
overriding_parameters RunParameters The parameters used for this run.
start_time INT64 The time at which this run was started in epoch milliseconds (milliseconds since 1/1/1970 UTC). This may not be the time when the job task starts executing, for example, if the job is scheduled to run on a new cluster, this is the time the cluster creation call is issued.
end_time INT64 The time at which this run ended in epoch milliseconds (milliseconds since 1/1/1970 UTC). This field will be set to 0 if the job is still running.
setup_duration INT64 The time in milliseconds it took to set up the cluster. For runs that run on new clusters this is the cluster creation time, for runs that run on existing clusters this time should be very short. The total duration of the run is the sum of the setup_duration,
execution_duration, and the cleanup_duration. The setup_duration field is set to 0 for multitask job runs. The total duration of a multitask job run is the value of the
run_duration field.
execution_duration INT64 The time in milliseconds it took to execute the commands in the JAR or notebook until they completed, failed, timed out, were cancelled, or encountered an unexpected error. The total duration of the run is the sum of the setup_duration, execution_duration, and the
cleanup_duration. The execution_duration field is set to 0 for multitask job runs. The total duration of a multitask job run is the value of the run_duration field.
cleanup_duration INT64 The time in milliseconds it took to terminate the cluster and clean up any associated artifacts. The total duration of the run is the sum of the setup_duration, execution_duration, and the cleanup_duration. The cleanup_duration field is set to 0 for multitask job runs. The total duration of a multitask job run is the value of the run_duration field.
run_duration INT64 The time in milliseconds it took the job run and all of its repairs to finish. This field is only set for multitask job runs and not task runs. The duration of a task run is the sum of the
setup_duration, execution_duration, and the cleanup_duration.
trigger TriggerType The type of trigger that fired this run.
creator_user_name STRING The creator user name. This field won’t be included in the response if the user has been deleted
run_page_url STRING The URL to the detail page of the run.

Runs export

Endpoint HTTP Method
2.0/jobs/runs/export GET

Export and retrieve the job run task.


Only notebook runs can be exported in HTML format. Exporting runs of other types will fail.



curl --netrc --request GET \
'https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/runs/export?run_id=<run-id>' \
| jq .


curl --netrc --get \
https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/runs/export \
--data run_id=<run-id> \
| jq .


  • <databricks-instance> with the Azure Databricks workspace instance name, for example
  • <run-id> with the ID of the run, for example 123.

This example uses a .netrc file and jq.


  "views": [ {
    "content": "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>Head</head><body>Body</body></html>",
    "name": "my-notebook",
    "type": "NOTEBOOK"
  } ]

To extract the HTML notebook from the JSON response, download and run this Python script.


The notebook body in the __DATABRICKS_NOTEBOOK_MODEL object is encoded.

Request structure

Field Name Type Description
run_id INT64 The canonical identifier for the run. This field is required.
views_to_export ViewsToExport Which views to export (CODE, DASHBOARDS, or ALL). Defaults to CODE.

Response structure

Field Name Type Description
views An array of ViewItem The exported content in HTML format (one for every view item).

Runs cancel

Endpoint HTTP Method
2.0/jobs/runs/cancel POST

Cancel a job run. Because the run is canceled asynchronously, the run may still be running when this request completes. The run will be terminated shortly. If the run is already in a terminal life_cycle_state, this method is a no-op.

This endpoint validates that the run_id parameter is valid and for invalid parameters returns HTTP status code 400.


curl --netrc --request POST \
https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/runs/cancel \
--data '{ "run_id": <run-id> }'


  • <databricks-instance> with the Azure Databricks workspace instance name, for example
  • <run-id> with the ID of the run, for example 123.

This example uses a .netrc file.

Request structure

Field Name Type Description
run_id INT64 The canonical identifier of the run to cancel. This field is required.

Runs cancel all

Endpoint HTTP Method
2.0/jobs/runs/cancel-all POST

Cancel all active runs of a job. Because the run is canceled asynchronously, it doesn’t prevent new runs from being started.

This endpoint validates that the job_id parameter is valid and for invalid parameters returns HTTP status code 400.


curl --netrc --request POST \
https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/runs/cancel-all \
--data '{ "job_id": <job-id> }'


  • <databricks-instance> with the Azure Databricks workspace instance name, for example
  • <job-id> with the ID of the job, for example 123.

This example uses a .netrc file.

Request structure

Field Name Type Description
job_id INT64 The canonical identifier of the job to cancel all runs of. This field is required.

Runs get output

Endpoint HTTP Method
2.0/jobs/runs/get-output GET

Retrieve the output and metadata of a single task run. When a notebook task returns a value through the dbutils.notebook.exit() call, you can use this endpoint to retrieve that value. Azure Databricks restricts this API to return the first 5 MB of the output. For returning a larger result, you can store job results in a cloud storage service.

This endpoint validates that the run_id parameter is valid and for invalid parameters returns HTTP status code 400.

Runs are automatically removed after 60 days. If you to want to reference them beyond 60 days, you should save old run results before they expire. To export using the UI, see Export job run results. To export using the Jobs API, see Runs export.



curl --netrc --request GET \
'https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/runs/get-output?run_id=<run-id>' \
| jq .


curl --netrc --get \
https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/runs/get-output \
--data run_id=<run-id> \
| jq .


  • <databricks-instance> with the Azure Databricks workspace instance name, for example
  • <run-id> with the ID of the run, for example 123.

This example uses a .netrc file and jq.


  "metadata": {
    "job_id": 1,
    "run_id": 452,
    "number_in_job": 5,
    "state": {
      "life_cycle_state": "TERMINATED",
      "result_state": "SUCCESS",
      "state_message": ""
    "task": {
      "notebook_task": {
        "notebook_path": "/Users/"
    "cluster_spec": {
      "existing_cluster_id": "1201-my-cluster"
    "cluster_instance": {
      "cluster_id": "1201-my-cluster",
      "spark_context_id": "1102398-spark-context-id"
    "overriding_parameters": {
      "jar_params": ["param1", "param2"]
    "start_time": 1457570074236,
    "setup_duration": 259754,
    "execution_duration": 3589020,
    "cleanup_duration": 31038,
    "run_duration": 3879812,
    "trigger": "PERIODIC"
  "notebook_output": {
    "result": "the maybe truncated string passed to dbutils.notebook.exit()"

Request structure

Field Name Type Description
run_id INT64 The canonical identifier for the run. For a job with mulitple tasks, this is the run_id of a task run. See Runs get output. This field is required.

Response structure

Field Name Type Description
notebook_output OR error NotebookOutput OR STRING If notebook_output, the output of a notebook task, if available. A notebook task that terminates (either successfully or with a failure) without calling
dbutils.notebook.exit() is considered to have an empty output. This field will be set but its result value will be empty.

If error, an error message indicating why output is not available. The message is unstructured, and its exact format is subject to change.
metadata Run All details of the run except for its output.

Runs delete

Endpoint HTTP Method
2.0/jobs/runs/delete POST

Delete a non-active run. Returns an error if the run is active.


curl --netrc --request POST \
https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/jobs/runs/delete \
--data '{ "run_id": <run-id> }'


  • <databricks-instance> with the Azure Databricks workspace instance name, for example
  • <run-id> with the ID of the run, for example 123.

This example uses a .netrc file.

Request structure

Field Name Type Description
run_id INT64 The canonical identifier of the run for which to retrieve the metadata.

Data structures

In this section:


Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) storage information.

Field Name Type Description
destination STRING File destination. Example: abfss://...


Range defining the min and max number of cluster workers.

Field Name Type Description
min_workers INT32 The minimum number of workers to which the cluster can scale down when underutilized. It is also the initial number of workers the cluster will have after creation.
max_workers INT32 The maximum number of workers to which the cluster can scale up when overloaded. max_workers must be strictly greater than min_workers.


Attributes set during cluster creation related to Azure.

Field Name Type Description
first_on_demand INT32 The first first_on_demand nodes of the cluster will be placed on on-demand instances. This value must be greater than 0, or else cluster creation validation fails. If this value is greater than or equal to the current cluster size, all nodes will be placed on on-demand instances. If this value is less than the current cluster size, first_on_demand nodes will be placed on on-demand instances and the remainder will be placed on availability instances. This value does not affect cluster size and cannot be mutated over the lifetime of a cluster.
availability AzureAvailability Availability type used for all subsequent nodes past the first_on_demand ones.
spot_bid_max_price DOUBLE The max bid price used for Azure spot instances. You can set this to greater than or equal to the current spot price. You can also set this to -1 (the default), which specifies that the instance cannot be evicted on the basis of price. The price for the instance will be the current price for spot instances or the price for a standard instance. You can view historical pricing and eviction rates in the Azure portal.


The Azure instance availability type behavior.

Type Description
SPOT_AZURE Use spot instances.
ON_DEMAND_AZURE Use on-demand instances.
SPOT_WITH_FALLBACK_AZURE Preferably use spot instances, but fall back to on-demand instances if spot instances cannot be acquired (for example, if Azure spot prices are too high or out of quota). Does not apply to pool availability.


Identifiers for the cluster and Spark context used by a run. These two values together identify an execution context across all time.

Field Name Type Description
cluster_id STRING The canonical identifier for the cluster used by a run. This field is always available for runs on existing clusters. For runs on new clusters, it becomes available once the cluster is created. This value can be used to view logs by browsing to /#setting/sparkui/$cluster_id/driver-logs. The logs will continue to be available after the run completes.

The response won’t include this field if the identifier is not available yet.
spark_context_id STRING The canonical identifier for the Spark context used by a run. This field will be filled in once the run begins execution. This value can be used to view the Spark UI by browsing to /#setting/sparkui/$cluster_id/$spark_context_id. The Spark UI will continue to be available after the run has completed.

The response won’t include this field if the identifier is not available yet.


Path to cluster log.

Field Name Type Description
dbfs DBFS location of cluster log. Destination must be provided. For example,
{ "dbfs" : { "destination" : "dbfs:/home/cluster_log" } }



  • When you run a job on a new jobs cluster, the job is treated as a Jobs Compute (automated) workload subject to Jobs Compute pricing.
  • When you run a job on an existing all-purpose cluster, it is treated as an All-Purpose Compute (interactive) workload subject to All-Purpose Compute pricing.
Field Name Type Description
existing_cluster_id OR new_cluster STRING OR NewCluster If existing_cluster_id, the ID of an existing cluster that will be used for all runs of this job. When running jobs on an existing cluster, you may need to manually restart the cluster if it stops responding. We suggest running jobs on new clusters for greater reliability.

If new_cluster, a description of a cluster that will be created for each run.

If specifying a PipelineTask, then this field can be empty.
libraries An array of Library An optional list of libraries to be installed on the cluster that will execute the job. The default value is an empty list.


Cluster tag definition.

Type Description
STRING The key of the tag. The key must:

- Be between 1 and 512 characters long
- Not contain any of the characters <>%*&+?\\/
- Not begin with azure, microsoft, or windows
STRING The value of the tag. The value length must be less than or equal to 256 UTF-8 characters.


Field Name Type Description
quartz_cron_expression STRING A Cron expression using Quartz syntax that describes the schedule for a job. See Cron Trigger for details. This field is required.
timezone_id STRING A Java timezone ID. The schedule for a job will be resolved with respect to this timezone. See Java TimeZone for details. This field is required.
pause_status STRING Indicate whether this schedule is paused or not. Either “PAUSED” or “UNPAUSED”.


DBFS storage information.

Field Name Type Description
destination STRING DBFS destination. Example: dbfs:/my/path


File storage information.


This location type is only available for clusters set up using Databricks Container Services.

Field Name Type Description
destination STRING File destination. Example: file:/my/


Path to an init script.

For instructions on using init scripts with Databricks Container Services, see Use an init script.


The file storage type (field name: file) is only available for clusters set up using Databricks Container Services. See FileStorageInfo.

Field Name Type Description
workspace OR
dbfs (deprecated)


DbfsStorageInfo (deprecated)

Workspace location of init script. Destination must be provided. For example,
{ "workspace" : { "destination" : "/Users/" } }

(Deprecated) DBFS location of init script. Destination must be provided. For example,
{ "dbfs" : { "destination" : "dbfs:/home/init_script" } }

Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) location of init script. Destination must be provided. For example, { "abfss": { "destination" : "abfss://..." } }


Field Name Type Description
job_id INT64 The canonical identifier for this job.
creator_user_name STRING The creator user name. This field won’t be included in the response if the user has already been deleted.
run_as STRING The user name that the job will run as. run_as is based on the current job settings, and is set to the creator of the job if job access control is disabled, or the is_owner permission if job access control is enabled.
settings JobSettings Settings for this job and all of its runs. These settings can be updated using the resetJob method.
created_time INT64 The time at which this job was created in epoch milliseconds (milliseconds since 1/1/1970 UTC).



The on_start, on_success, and on_failure fields accept only Latin characters (ASCII character set). Using non-ASCII characters will return an error. Examples of invalid, non-ASCII characters are Chinese, Japanese kanjis, and emojis.

Field Name Type Description
on_start An array of STRING A list of email addresses to be notified when a run begins. If not specified on job creation, reset, or update, the list is empty, and notifications are not sent.
on_success An array of STRING A list of email addresses to be notified when a run successfully completes. A run is considered to have completed successfully if it ends with a TERMINATED life_cycle_state and a SUCCESSFUL result_state. If not specified on job creation, reset, or update, the list is empty, and notifications are not sent.
on_failure An array of STRING A list of email addresses to be notified when a run unsuccessfully completes. A run is considered to have completed unsuccessfully if it ends with an INTERNAL_ERROR
life_cycle_state or a SKIPPED, FAILED, or TIMED_OUT result_state. If this is not specified on job creation, reset, or update the list is empty, and notifications are not sent.
on_duration_warning_threshold_exceeded An array of STRING An list of email addresses to be notified when the duration of a run exceeds the threshold specified for the RUN_DURATION_SECONDS metric in the health field. If no rule for the RUN_DURATION_SECONDS metric is specified in the health field for the job, notifications are not sent.
no_alert_for_skipped_runs BOOL If true, do not send email to recipients specified in on_failure if the run is skipped.
Field Name Type Description
on_start An array of Webhook An optional list of system destinations to be notified when a run begins. If not specified on job creation, reset, or update, the list is empty, and notifications are not sent. A maximum of 3 destinations can be specified for the on_start property.
on_success An array of Webhook An optional list of system destinations to be notified when a run completes successfully. A run is considered to have completed successfully if it ends with a TERMINATED life_cycle_state and a SUCCESSFUL result_state. If not specified on job creation, reset, or update, the list is empty, and notifications are not sent. A maximum of 3 destinations can be specified for the on_success property.
on_failure An array of Webhook An optional list of system destinations to be notified when a run completes unsuccessfully. A run is considered to have completed unsuccessfully if it ends with an INTERNAL_ERROR
life_cycle_state or a SKIPPED, FAILED, or TIMED_OUT result_state. If this is not specified on job creation, reset, or update the list is empty, and notifications are not sent. A maximum of 3 destinations can be specified for the on_failure property.
on_duration_warning_threshold_exceeded An array of Webhook An optional list of system destinations to be notified when the duration of a run exceeds the threshold specified for the RUN_DURATION_SECONDS metric in the health field. A maximum of 3 destinations can be specified for the on_duration_warning_threshold_exceeded property.


Field Name Type Description
no_alert_for_skipped_runs BOOL If true, do not send notifications to recipients specified in on_failure if the run is skipped.
no_alert_for_canceled_runs BOOL If true, do not send notifications to recipients specified in on_failure if the run is canceled.
alert_on_last_attempt BOOL If true, do not send notifications to recipients specified in on_start for the retried runs and do not send notifications to recipients specified in on_failure until the last retry of the run.



  • When you run a job on a new jobs cluster, the job is treated as a Jobs Compute (automated) workload subject to Jobs Compute pricing.
  • When you run a job on an existing all-purpose cluster, it is treated as an All-Purpose Compute (interactive) workload subject to All-Purpose Compute pricing.

Settings for a job. These settings can be updated using the resetJob method.

Field Name Type Description
existing_cluster_id OR new_cluster STRING OR NewCluster If existing_cluster_id, the ID of an existing cluster that will be used for all runs of this job. When running jobs on an existing cluster, you may need to manually restart the cluster if it stops responding. We suggest running jobs on new clusters for greater reliability.

If new_cluster, a description of a cluster that will be created for each run.

If specifying a PipelineTask, then this field can be empty.
notebook_task OR spark_jar_task OR
spark_python_task OR spark_submit_task OR
pipeline_task OR run_job_task
NotebookTask OR SparkJarTask OR SparkPythonTask OR SparkSubmitTask OR PipelineTask OR RunJobTask If notebook_task, indicates that this job should run a notebook. This field may not be specified in conjunction with spark_jar_task.

If spark_jar_task, indicates that this job should run a JAR.

If spark_python_task, indicates that this job should run a Python file.

If spark_submit_task, indicates that this job should be launched by the spark submit script.

If pipeline_task, indicates that this job should run a Delta Live Tables pipeline.

If run_job_task, indicates that this job should run another job.
name STRING An optional name for the job. The default value is Untitled.
libraries An array of Library An optional list of libraries to be installed on the cluster that will execute the job. The default value is an empty list.
email_notifications JobEmailNotifications An optional set of email addresses that will be notified when runs of this job begin or complete as well as when this job is deleted. The default behavior is to not send any emails.
webhook_notifications WebhookNotifications An optional set of system destinations to notify when runs of this job begin, complete, or fail.
notification_settings JobNotificationSettings Optional notification settings that are used when sending notifications to each of the email_notifications and webhook_notifications for this job.
timeout_seconds INT32 An optional timeout applied to each run of this job. The default behavior is to have no timeout.
max_retries INT32 An optional maximum number of times to retry an unsuccessful run. A run is considered to be unsuccessful if it completes with the FAILED result_state or
life_cycle_state. The value -1 means to retry indefinitely and the value 0 means to never retry. The default behavior is to never retry.
min_retry_interval_millis INT32 An optional minimal interval in milliseconds between attempts. The default behavior is that unsuccessful runs are immediately retried.
retry_on_timeout BOOL An optional policy to specify whether to retry a job when it times out. The default behavior is to not retry on timeout.
schedule CronSchedule An optional periodic schedule for this job. The default behavior is that the job will only run when triggered by clicking “Run Now” in the Jobs UI or sending an API request to
max_concurrent_runs INT32 An optional maximum allowed number of concurrent runs of the job.

Set this value if you want to be able to execute multiple runs of the same job concurrently. This is useful for example if you trigger your job on a frequent schedule and want to allow consecutive runs to overlap with each other, or if you want to trigger multiple runs which differ by their input parameters.

This setting affects only new runs. For example, suppose the job’s concurrency is 4 and there are 4 concurrent active runs. Then setting the concurrency to 3 won’t kill any of the active runs. However, from then on, new runs will be skipped unless there are fewer than 3 active runs.

This value cannot exceed 1000. Setting this value to 0 causes all new runs to be skipped. The default behavior is to allow only 1 concurrent run.
health JobsHealthRules An optional set of health rules defined for the job.


Field Name Type Description
notebook_task OR spark_jar_task OR
spark_python_task OR spark_submit_task OR
pipeline_task OR run_job_task
NotebookTask OR SparkJarTask OR SparkPythonTask OR SparkSubmitTask OR PipelineTask OR RunJobTask If notebook_task, indicates that this job should run a notebook. This field may not be specified in conjunction with spark_jar_task.

If spark_jar_task, indicates that this job should run a JAR.

If spark_python_task, indicates that this job should run a Python file.

If spark_submit_task, indicates that this job should be launched by the spark submit script.

If pipeline_task, indicates that this job should run a Delta Live Tables pipeline.

If run_job_task, indicates that this job should run another job.


Field Name Type Description
metric STRING Specifies the health metric that is being evaluated for a particular health rule. Valid values are RUN_DURATION_SECONDS.
operator STRING Specifies the operator used to compare the health metric value with the specified threshold. Valid values are GREATER_THAN.
value INT32 Specifies the threshold value that the health metric should meet to comply with the health rule.


Field Name Type Description
rules An array of JobsHealthRule An optional set of health rules that can be defined for a job.


Field Name Type Description
jar OR egg OR whl OR
pypi OR maven OR cran
STRING OR STRING OR STRING OR PythonPyPiLibrary OR MavenLibrary OR RCranLibrary If jar, URI of the JAR to be installed. DBFS and ADLS (abfss) URIs are supported. For example: { "jar": "dbfs:/mnt/databricks/library.jar" } or
{ "jar": "abfss://<container-path>/library.jar" }. If ADLS is used, make sure the cluster has read access on the library.

If egg, URI of the egg to be installed. DBFS and ADLS URIs are supported. For example: { "egg": "dbfs:/my/egg" } or
{ "egg": "abfss://<container-path>/egg" }.

If whl, URI of the wheel or zipped wheels to be installed. DBFS and ADLS URIs are supported. For example: { "whl": "dbfs:/my/whl" } or
{ "whl": "abfss://<container-path>/whl" }. If ADLS is used, make sure the cluster has read access on the library. Also the wheel file name needs to use the correct convention. If zipped wheels are to be installed, the file name suffix should be

If pypi, specification of a PyPI library to be installed. Specifying the repo field is optional and if not specified, the default pip index is used. For example:
{ "package": "simplejson", "repo": "" }

If maven, specification of a Maven library to be installed. For example:
{ "coordinates": "org.jsoup:jsoup:1.7.2" }

If cran, specification of a CRAN library to be installed.


Field Name Type Description
coordinates STRING Gradle-style Maven coordinates. For example: org.jsoup:jsoup:1.7.2. This field is required.
repo STRING Maven repo to install the Maven package from. If omitted, both Maven Central Repository and Spark Packages are searched.
exclusions An array of STRING List of dependences to exclude. For example: ["slf4j:slf4j", "*:hadoop-client"].

Maven dependency exclusions:


Field Name Type Description
num_workers OR autoscale INT32 OR AutoScale If num_workers, number of worker nodes that this cluster should have. A cluster has one Spark driver and num_workers executors for a total of num_workers + 1 Spark nodes.

Note: When reading the properties of a cluster, this field reflects the desired number of workers rather than the actual current number of workers. For instance, if a cluster is resized from 5 to 10 workers, this field will immediately be updated to reflect the target size of 10 workers, whereas the workers listed in spark_info gradually increase from 5 to 10 as the new nodes are provisioned.

If autoscale, parameters needed in order to automatically scale clusters up and down based on load.
spark_version STRING The Spark version of the cluster. A list of available Spark versions can be retrieved by using the GET 2.0/clusters/spark-versions call. This field is required.
spark_conf SparkConfPair An object containing a set of optional, user-specified Spark configuration key-value pairs. You can also pass in a string of extra JVM options to the driver and the executors via
spark.driver.extraJavaOptions and spark.executor.extraJavaOptions respectively.

Example Spark confs:
{"spark.speculation": true, "spark.streaming.ui.retainedBatches": 5} or
{"spark.driver.extraJavaOptions": "-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails"}
node_type_id STRING This field encodes, through a single value, the resources available to each of the Spark nodes in this cluster. For example, the Spark nodes can be provisioned and optimized for memory or compute intensive workloads A list of available node types can be retrieved by using the GET 2.0/clusters/list-node-types call. This field, the instance_pool_id field, or a cluster policy that specifies a node type ID or instance pool ID, is required.
driver_node_type_id STRING The node type of the Spark driver. This field is optional; if unset, the driver node type is set as the same value as node_type_id defined above.
custom_tags ClusterTag An object containing a set of tags for cluster resources. Databricks tags all cluster resources (such as VMs) with these tags in addition to default_tags.


- Tags are not supported on legacy node types such as compute-optimized and memory-optimized
- Databricks allows at most 45 custom tags
cluster_log_conf ClusterLogConf The configuration for delivering Spark logs to a long-term storage destination. Only one destination can be specified for one cluster. If the conf is given, the logs will be delivered to the destination every 5 mins. The destination of driver logs is <destination>/<cluster-id>/driver, while the destination of executor logs is <destination>/<cluster-id>/executor.
init_scripts An array of InitScriptInfo The configuration for storing init scripts. Any number of scripts can be specified. The scripts are executed sequentially in the order provided. If cluster_log_conf is specified, init script logs are sent to
spark_env_vars SparkEnvPair An object containing a set of optional, user-specified environment variable key-value pairs. Key-value pair of the form (X,Y) are exported as is (i.e.,
export X='Y') while launching the driver and workers.

In order to specify an additional set of SPARK_DAEMON_JAVA_OPTS, we recommend appending them to $SPARK_DAEMON_JAVA_OPTS as shown in the following example. This ensures that all default databricks managed environmental variables are included as well.

Example Spark environment variables:
{"SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY": "28000m", "SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS": "/local_disk0"} or
{"SPARK_DAEMON_JAVA_OPTS": "$SPARK_DAEMON_JAVA_OPTS -Dspark.shuffle.service.enabled=true"}
enable_elastic_disk BOOL Autoscaling Local Storage: when enabled, this cluster dynamically acquires additional disk space when its Spark workers are running low on disk space. Refer to Enable autoscaling local storage for details.
driver_instance_pool_id STRING The optional ID of the instance pool to use for the driver node. You must also specify instance_pool_id. Refer to the Instance Pools API for details.
instance_pool_id STRING The optional ID of the instance pool to use for cluster nodes. If driver_instance_pool_id is present,
instance_pool_id is used for worker nodes only. Otherwise, it is used for both the driver node and worker nodes. Refer to the Instance Pools API for details.


Field Name Type Description
result STRING The value passed to dbutils.notebook.exit(). Azure Databricks restricts this API to return the first 1 MB of the value. For a larger result, your job can store the results in a cloud storage service. This field will be absent if dbutils.notebook.exit() was never called.
truncated BOOLEAN Whether or not the result was truncated.


All the output cells are subject to the size of 8MB. If the output of a cell has a larger size, the rest of the run will be cancelled and the run will be marked as failed. In that case, some of the content output from other cells may also be missing.

If you need help finding the cell that is beyond the limit, run the notebook against an all-purpose cluster and use this notebook autosave technique.

Field Name Type Description
notebook_path STRING The absolute path of the notebook to be run in the Azure Databricks workspace. This path must begin with a slash. This field is required.
revision_timestamp LONG The timestamp of the revision of the notebook.
base_parameters A map of ParamPair Base parameters to be used for each run of this job. If the run is initiated by a call to run-now with parameters specified, the two parameters maps will be merged. If the same key is specified in base_parameters and in run-now, the value from run-now will be used.

Use What is a dynamic value reference? to set parameters containing information about job runs.

If the notebook takes a parameter that is not specified in the job’s base_parameters or the run-now override parameters, the default value from the notebook will be used.

Retrieve these parameters in a notebook using dbutils.widgets.get.


Name-based parameters for jobs running notebook tasks.


The fields in this data structure accept only Latin characters (ASCII character set). Using non-ASCII characters will return an error. Examples of invalid, non-ASCII characters are Chinese, Japanese kanjis, and emojis.

Type Description
STRING Parameter name. Pass to dbutils.widgets.get to retrieve the value.
STRING Parameter value.


Field Name Type Description
pipeline_id STRING The full name of the Delta Live Tables pipeline task to execute.


Field Name Type Description
package STRING The name of the PyPI package to install. An optional exact version specification is also supported. Examples: simplejson and simplejson==3.8.0. This field is required.
repo STRING The repository where the package can be found. If not specified, the default pip index is used.


Field Name Type Description
package STRING The name of the CRAN package to install. This field is required.
repo STRING The repository where the package can be found. If not specified, the default CRAN repo is used.


All the information about a run except for its output. The output can be retrieved separately with the getRunOutput method.

Field Name Type Description
job_id INT64 The canonical identifier of the job that contains this run.
run_id INT64 The canonical identifier of the run. This ID is unique across all runs of all jobs.
creator_user_name STRING The creator user name. This field won’t be included in the response if the user has already been deleted.
number_in_job INT64 The sequence number of this run among all runs of the job. This value starts at 1.
original_attempt_run_id INT64 If this run is a retry of a prior run attempt, this field contains the run_id of the original attempt; otherwise, it is the same as the run_id.
state RunState The result and lifecycle states of the run.
schedule CronSchedule The cron schedule that triggered this run if it was triggered by the periodic scheduler.
task JobTask The task performed by the run, if any.
cluster_spec ClusterSpec A snapshot of the job’s cluster specification when this run was created.
cluster_instance ClusterInstance The cluster used for this run. If the run is specified to use a new cluster, this field will be set once the Jobs service has requested a cluster for the run.
overriding_parameters RunParameters The parameters used for this run.
start_time INT64 The time at which this run was started in epoch milliseconds (milliseconds since 1/1/1970 UTC). This may not be the time when the job task starts executing, for example, if the job is scheduled to run on a new cluster, this is the time the cluster creation call is issued.
setup_duration INT64 The time it took to set up the cluster in milliseconds. For runs that run on new clusters this is the cluster creation time, for runs that run on existing clusters this time should be very short.
execution_duration INT64 The time in milliseconds it took to execute the commands in the JAR or notebook until they completed, failed, timed out, were cancelled, or encountered an unexpected error.
cleanup_duration INT64 The time in milliseconds it took to terminate the cluster and clean up any associated artifacts. The total duration of the run is the sum of the setup_duration, the execution_duration, and the cleanup_duration.
end_time INT64 The time at which this run ended in epoch milliseconds (milliseconds since 1/1/1970 UTC). This field will be set to 0 if the job is still running.
trigger TriggerType The type of trigger that fired this run.
run_name STRING An optional name for the run. The default value is Untitled. The maximum allowed length is 4096 bytes in UTF-8 encoding.
run_page_url STRING The URL to the detail page of the run.
run_type STRING The type of the run.

- JOB_RUN - Normal job run. A run created with Run now.
- WORKFLOW_RUN - Workflow run. A run created with
- SUBMIT_RUN - Submit run. A run created with Run now.
attempt_number INT32 The sequence number of this run attempt for a triggered job run. The initial attempt of a run has an attempt_number of 0. If the initial run attempt fails, and the job has a retry policy (max_retries > 0), subsequent runs are created with an original_attempt_run_id of the original attempt’s ID and an incrementing attempt_number. Runs are retried only until they succeed, and the maximum attempt_number is the same as the max_retries value for the job.


Field Name Type Description
job_id INT32 Unique identifier of the job to run. This field is required.


The life cycle state of a run. Allowed state transitions are:

State Description
QUEUED The run has been triggered but is queued because it reached one of the following limits:

- The maximum concurrent active runs in the workspace.
- The maximum concurrent Run Job task runs in the workspace.
- The maximum concurrent runs of the job.

The job or the run must have queuing enabled before it can reach this state.
PENDING The run has been triggered. If the configured maximum concurrent runs of the job is already reached, the run will immediately transition into the SKIPPED state without preparing any resources. Otherwise, the preparation of the cluster and the execution is in process.
RUNNING The task of this run is being executed.
TERMINATING The task of this run has completed, and the cluster and execution context are being cleaned up.
TERMINATED The task of this run has completed, and the cluster and execution context have been cleaned up. This state is terminal.
SKIPPED This run was aborted because a previous run of the same job was already active. This state is terminal.
INTERNAL_ERROR An exceptional state that indicates a failure in the Jobs service, such as network failure over a long period. If a run on a new cluster ends in the INTERNAL_ERROR state, the Jobs service terminates the cluster as soon as possible. This state is terminal.


Parameters for this run. Only one of jar_params, python_params, or notebook_params should be specified in the run-now request, depending on the type of job task. Jobs with Spark JAR task or Python task take a list of position-based parameters, and jobs with notebook tasks take a key value map.

Field Name Type Description
jar_params An array of STRING A list of parameters for jobs with Spark JAR tasks, e.g. "jar_params": ["john doe", "35"]. The parameters will be used to invoke the main function of the main class specified in the Spark JAR task. If not specified upon run-now, it will default to an empty list. jar_params cannot be specified in conjunction with notebook_params. The JSON representation of this field (i.e. {"jar_params":["john doe","35"]}) cannot exceed 10,000 bytes.

Use What is a dynamic value reference? to set parameters containing information about job runs.
notebook_params A map of ParamPair A map from keys to values for jobs with notebook task, e.g.
"notebook_params": {"name": "john doe", "age": "35"}. The map is passed to the notebook and is accessible through the dbutils.widgets.get function.

If not specified upon run-now, the triggered run uses the job’s base parameters.

notebook_params cannot be specified in conjunction with jar_params.

Use What is a dynamic value reference? to set parameters containing information about job runs.

The JSON representation of this field (i.e.
{"notebook_params":{"name":"john doe","age":"35"}}) cannot exceed 10,000 bytes.
python_params An array of STRING A list of parameters for jobs with Python tasks, e.g. "python_params": ["john doe", "35"]. The parameters are passed to Python file as command-line parameters. If specified upon run-now, it would overwrite the parameters specified in job setting. The JSON representation of this field (i.e. {"python_params":["john doe","35"]}) cannot exceed 10,000 bytes.

Use What is a dynamic value reference? to set parameters containing information about job runs.

> [!IMPORTANT] > > These parameters accept only Latin characters (ASCII character set). > Using non-ASCII characters will return an error. Examples of invalid, non-ASCII characters > are Chinese, Japanese kanjis, and emojis.
spark_submit_params An array of STRING A list of parameters for jobs with spark submit task, e.g.
"spark_submit_params": ["--class", "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi"]. The parameters are passed to spark-submit script as command-line parameters. If specified upon run-now, it would overwrite the parameters specified in job setting. The JSON representation of this field (i.e. {"python_params":["john doe","35"]}) cannot exceed 10,000 bytes.

Use What is a dynamic value reference? to set parameters containing information about job runs.

> [!IMPORTANT] > > These parameters accept only Latin characters (ASCII character set). > Using non-ASCII characters will return an error. Examples of invalid, non-ASCII characters > are Chinese, Japanese kanjis, and emojis.


The result state of the run.

  • If life_cycle_state = TERMINATED: if the run had a task, the result is guaranteed to be available, and it indicates the result of the task.
  • If life_cycle_state = PENDING, RUNNING, or SKIPPED, the result state is not available.
  • If life_cycle_state = TERMINATING or lifecyclestate = INTERNAL_ERROR: the result state is available if the run had a task and managed to start it.

Once available, the result state never changes.

State Description
SUCCESS The task completed successfully.
FAILED The task completed with an error.
TIMEDOUT The run was stopped after reaching the timeout.
CANCELED The run was canceled at user request.


Field Name Type Description
life_cycle_state RunLifeCycleState A description of a run’s current location in the run lifecycle. This field is always available in the response.
result_state RunResultState The result state of a run. If it is not available, the response won’t include this field. See RunResultState for details about the availability of result_state.
user_cancelled_or_timedout BOOLEAN Whether a run was canceled manually by a user or by the scheduler because the run timed out.
state_message STRING A descriptive message for the current state. This field is unstructured, and its exact format is subject to change.


Spark configuration key-value pairs.

Type Description
STRING A configuration property name.
STRING The configuration property value.


Spark environment variable key-value pairs.


When specifying environment variables in a job cluster, the fields in this data structure accept only Latin characters (ASCII character set). Using non-ASCII characters will return an error. Examples of invalid, non-ASCII characters are Chinese, Japanese kanjis, and emojis.

Type Description
STRING An environment variable name.
STRING The environment variable value.


Field Name Type Description
jar_uri STRING Deprecated since 04/2016. Provide a jar through the libraries field instead. For an example, see Create.
main_class_name STRING The full name of the class containing the main method to be executed. This class must be contained in a JAR provided as a library.

The code should use SparkContext.getOrCreate to obtain a Spark context; otherwise, runs of the job will fail.
parameters An array of STRING Parameters passed to the main method.

Use What is a dynamic value reference? to set parameters containing information about job runs.


Field Name Type Description
python_file STRING The URI of the Python file to be executed. DBFS paths are supported. This field is required.
parameters An array of STRING Command line parameters passed to the Python file.

Use What is a dynamic value reference? to set parameters containing information about job runs.



  • You can invoke Spark submit tasks only on new clusters.
  • In the new_cluster specification, libraries and spark_conf are not supported. Instead, use --jars and --py-files to add Java and Python libraries and --conf to set the Spark configuration.
  • master, deploy-mode, and executor-cores are automatically configured by Azure Databricks; you cannot specify them in parameters.
  • By default, the Spark submit job uses all available memory (excluding reserved memory for Azure Databricks services). You can set --driver-memory, and --executor-memory to a smaller value to leave some room for off-heap usage.
  • The --jars, --py-files, --files arguments support DBFS paths.

For example, assuming the JAR is uploaded to DBFS, you can run SparkPi by setting the following parameters.

  "parameters": [
Field Name Type Description
parameters An array of STRING Command-line parameters passed to spark submit.

Use What is a dynamic value reference? to set parameters containing information about job runs.


These are the type of triggers that can fire a run.

Type Description
PERIODIC Schedules that periodically trigger runs, such as a cron scheduler.
ONE_TIME One time triggers that fire a single run. This occurs you triggered a single run on demand through the UI or the API.
RETRY Indicates a run that is triggered as a retry of a previously failed run. This occurs when you request to re-run the job in case of failures.


The exported content is in HTML format. For example, if the view to export is dashboards, one HTML string is returned for every dashboard.

Field Name Type Description
content STRING Content of the view.
name STRING Name of the view item. In the case of code view, the notebook’s name. In the case of dashboard view, the dashboard’s name.
type ViewType Type of the view item.


Type Description
NOTEBOOK Notebook view item.
DASHBOARD Dashboard view item.


View to export: either code, all dashboards, or all.

Type Description
CODE Code view of the notebook.
DASHBOARDS All dashboard views of the notebook.
ALL All views of the notebook.


Field Name Type Description
id STRING Identifier referencing a system notification destination. This field is required.


Field Name Type Description
on_start An array of Webhook An optional list of system destinations to be notified when a run begins. If not specified on job creation, reset, or update, the list is empty, and notifications are not sent. A maximum of 3 destinations can be specified for the on_start property.
on_success An array of Webhook An optional list of system destinations to be notified when a run completes successfully. A run is considered to have completed successfully if it ends with a TERMINATED life_cycle_state and a SUCCESSFUL result_state. If not specified on job creation, reset, or update, the list is empty, and notifications are not sent. A maximum of 3 destinations can be specified for the on_success property.
on_failure An array of Webhook An optional list of system destinations to be notified when a run completes unsuccessfully. A run is considered to have completed unsuccessfully if it ends with an INTERNAL_ERROR
life_cycle_state or a SKIPPED, FAILED, or TIMED_OUT result_state. If this is not specified on job creation, reset, or update the list is empty, and notifications are not sent. A maximum of 3 destinations can be specified for the on_failure property.
on_duration_warning_threshold_exceeded An array of Webhook An optional list of system destinations to be notified when the duration of a run exceeds the threshold specified for the RUN_DURATION_SECONDS metric in the health field. A maximum of 3 destinations can be specified for the on_duration_warning_threshold_exceeded property.


Workspace storage information.

Field Name Type Description
destination STRING File destination. Example: /Users/