Content Marketplace

Community Training (CT) allows users to import courses to their training portal via the Content Marketplace. Content Marketplace is a catalogue of top-notch training material from Microsoft available at your fingertips from the admin view. It includes material on digital literacy, soft skills, Office 365, Azure cloud to the latest in-demand technological tools.

Content Providers in CT Content Marketplace

CT currently includes content from Microsoft Learn and Skills for Job.

Microsoft Learn

Microsoft Learn training is a free, online training platform that provides interactive learning for Microsoft products to help you become proficient on Microsoft technologies and learn more skills with interactive content that's specific to your role and goals.

Skills for Job

Content from Microsoft to enable the skills required for a job: Skills for Job is the ability to navigate our digital world using reading, writing, technical skills, and critical thinking. It’s using technology—like a smartphone, PC, e-reader, and more—to find, evaluate, and communicate information. With Microsoft Digital Literacy classes, you can gain skills needed to effectively explore the Internet.

Training on Office 365 tools: Collection of training material on Office tools like Excel, Word, Outlook, OneDrive etc.

A list of courses currently available in Microsoft Digital Content section can be found here.

Next Steps:

Create a new category to import courses from Content Marketplace.

Import a course from content marketplace to an existing category.

Please reach out to us via HelpDesk if you have any further queries.