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Quickstart: Create and deploy a web app to Azure Service Fabric Mesh


The preview of Azure Service Fabric Mesh has been retired. New deployments will no longer be permitted through the Service Fabric Mesh API. Support for existing deployments will continue through April 28, 2021.

For details, see Azure Service Fabric Mesh Preview Retirement.

Azure Service Fabric Mesh is a fully managed service that enables developers to deploy microservices applications without managing virtual machines, storage, or networking.

In this quickstart you'll create a new Service Fabric Mesh application consisting of an ASP.NET Core web app, run it on the local development cluster, and then publish it to run on Azure.

You'll need an Azure subscription. If you don't have one, you can easily create a free Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin. You will also need to setup your developer environment

Service Fabric Mesh is currently in preview. Previews are made available to you on the condition that you agree to the supplemental terms of use. Some aspects of this feature may change prior to general availability (GA).

Create a Service Fabric Mesh project

Open Visual Studio and select File > New > Project...

In the New Project dialog Search box at the top, type mesh. Select the Service Fabric Mesh Application template. (If you don't see the template, make sure that you installed the Mesh SDK and the VS tools preview as described in set up your development environment.

In the Name box, type ServiceFabricMesh1 and in the Location box, set the folder path of where the files for the project will be stored.

Make sure that Create directory for solution is checked, and click OK to create the Service Fabric Mesh project.

Screenshot that shows how to create a Service Fabric Mesh project.

Create a service

After you click OK, the New Service Fabric Service dialog appears. Select the ASP.NET Core project type, make sure Container OS is set to Windows and click OK to create the ASP.NET Core project.

Visual studio new Service Fabric Mesh project dialog

The New ASP.NET Core Web Application dialog appears. Select Web Application and then click OK.

Visual studio new ASP.NET core application

Visual Studio creates the Service Fabric Mesh application project and the ASP.NET Core project.

Build and publish to your local cluster

A Docker image is automatically built and published to your local cluster as soon as your project loads. This process may take some time. You can monitor the progress of the Service Fabric tools in the Output window if you want by selecting the Service Fabric Tools item in the Output window dropdown. You can continue to work while the docker image is being deployed.

After the project has been created, click F5 to debug your service locally. When the local deployment is finished, and Visual Studio is running your project, a browser window will open with a sample webpage.

When you're done browsing the deployed service, stop debugging your project by pressing Shift+F5 in Visual Studio.

Publish to Azure

To publish your Service Fabric Mesh project to Azure, right-click on the Service Fabric Mesh project in Visual studio and select Publish...

Visual studio right-click Service Fabric Mesh project

You will see a Publish Service Fabric Application dialog.

Visual studio Service Fabric Mesh publish dialog

Select your Azure account and subscription. Choose a Location. This article uses East US.

Under Resource group, select <Create New Resource Group...>. The Create Resource Group dialog appears. Set the Resource group name and Location. This quickstart uses the East US location and names the group sfmeshTutorial1RG (if your organization has multiple people using the same subscription, choose a unique resource group name). Click Create to create the resource group and return to the publish dialog.

Screenshot that shows how to create a new resource group.

Back in the Publish Service Fabric Application dialog, under Azure Container Registry, select <Create New Container Registry...>. In the Create Container Registry dialog, use a unique name for the Container registry name. Specify a Location (this quickstart uses East US). Select the Resource group that you created in the previous step in the drop-down, for example, sfmeshTutorial1RG. Set the SKU to Basic and then click Create to return to the publish dialog.

Visual studio Service Fabric Mesh new resource group dialog

In the publish dialog, click the Publish button to deploy your Service Fabric Mesh application to Azure.

When you publish to Azure for the first time, the docker image is pushed to the Azure Container Registry (ACR) which takes time depending on the size of the image. Subsequent publishes of the same project will be faster. You can monitor the progress of the deployment by selecting Service Fabric Tools in the Visual Studio Output window dropdown. Once the deployment has finished, the Service Fabric Tools output will display the IP address and port of your application in the form of a URL.

Packaging Application...
Building Images...
Web1 -> C:\Code\ServiceFabricMesh1\Web1\bin\Any CPU\Release\netcoreapp2.0\Web1.dll
Uploading the images to Azure Container Registry...
Deploying application to remote endpoint...
The application was deployed successfully and it can be accessed at http://...

Open a web browser and navigate to the URL to see the website running in Azure:

Running Service Fabric Mesh Web application

Clean up resources

When no longer needed, delete all of the resources you created for this quickstart. Since you created a new resource group to host both the ACR and Service Fabric Mesh service resources, you can safely delete this resource group, which is an easy way to delete all of the resources associated with it.

az group delete --resource-group sfmeshTutorial1RG
Remove-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name sfmeshTutorial1RG

Alternatively, you can delete the resource group from the Azure portal.

Next steps

To learn more about creating and deploying Service Fabric Mesh applications, continue to the tutorial.