Compiler Warning (level 1, Error) C4399
'symbol' : per-process symbol should not be marked with __declspec(dllimport) when compiled with /clr:pure
The /clr:pure compiler option is deprecated in Visual Studio 2015 and unsupported in Visual Studio 2017.
Data from a native image or an image with native and common language runtime (CLR) constructs can't be imported into a pure image. To resolve this warning, compile with /clr (not /clr:pure) or delete __declspec(dllimport)
This warning can be issued as an error. Use the warning pragma to disable or change the warning level.
The following sample generates C4399.
// C4399.cpp
// compile with: /clr:pure /doc /W1 /c
__declspec(dllimport) __declspec(process) extern const int i; // C4399