ContextMenu Overview
The ContextMenu class represents the element that exposes functionality by using a context-specific Menu. Typically, a user exposes the ContextMenu in the user interface (UI) by right-clicking the mouse button. This topic introduces the ContextMenu element and provides examples of how to use it in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and code.
ContextMenu Control
A ContextMenu is attached to a specific control. The ContextMenu element enables you to present users with a list of items that specify commands or options that are associated with a particular control, for example, a Button. Users right-click the control to make the menu appear. Typically, clicking a MenuItem opens a submenu or causes an application to carry out a command.
Creating ContextMenus
The following examples show how to create a ContextMenu with submenus. The ContextMenu controls are attached to button controls.
<Button Name="cmButton" Height="30">
Button with Context Menu
<ContextMenu Name="cm" Opened="OnOpened" Closed="OnClosed" StaysOpen="true">
<MenuItem Header="File"/>
<MenuItem Header="Save"/>
<MenuItem Header="SaveAs"/>
<MenuItem Header="Recent Files">
<MenuItem Header="ReadMe.txt"/>
<MenuItem Header="Schedule.xls"/>
btn = new Button();
btn.Content = "Created with C#";
contextmenu = new ContextMenu();
btn.ContextMenu = contextmenu;
mi = new MenuItem();
mi.Header = "File";
mia = new MenuItem();
mia.Header = "New";
mib = new MenuItem();
mib.Header = "Open";
mib1 = new MenuItem();
mib1.Header = "Recently Opened";
mib1a = new MenuItem();
mib1a.Header = "Text.xaml";
Dim btn As New Button()
Dim contextmenu As New ContextMenu()
Dim mi As New MenuItem()
Dim mia As New MenuItem()
btn.Background = Brushes.Red
btn.Height = 30
btn.Content = "Created with Visual Basic."
mi.Header = ("Item 1")
mia.Header = ("Item 2")
btn.ContextMenu = (contextmenu)
Applying Styles to a ContextMenu
By using a control Style, you can dramatically change the appearance and behavior of a ContextMenu without writing a custom control. In addition to setting visual properties, you can also apply styles to parts of a control. For example, you can change the behavior of parts of the control by using properties, or you can add parts to, or change the layout of, a ContextMenu. The following examples show several ways to add styles to ContextMenu controls.
The first example defines a style called SimpleSysResources
, which shows how to use the current system settings in your style. The example assigns MenuHighlightBrushKey as the Background color and MenuTextBrushKey as the Foreground color of the ContextMenu.
<Style x:Key="SimpleSysResources" TargetType="{x:Type MenuItem}">
<Setter Property = "Background" Value=
"{DynamicResource {x:Static SystemColors.MenuHighlightBrushKey}}"/>
<Setter Property = "Foreground" Value=
"{DynamicResource {x:Static SystemColors.MenuTextBrushKey}}"/>
The following example uses the Trigger element to change the appearance of a Menu in response to events that are raised on the ContextMenu. When a user moves the mouse over the menu, the appearance of the ContextMenu items changes.
<Style x:Key="Triggers" TargetType="{x:Type MenuItem}">
<Trigger Property="MenuItem.IsMouseOver" Value="true">
<Setter Property = "FontSize" Value="16"/>
<Setter Property = "FontStyle" Value="Italic"/>
<Setter Property = "Foreground" Value="Red"/>
See also
.NET Desktop feedback