Configure authentication settings

Omnichannel for Customer Service offers a suite of capabilities that extend the power of Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise to enable organizations to instantly connect and engage with their customers across digital messaging channels. An additional license is required to access Omnichannel for Customer Service. For more information, see the Dynamics 365 Customer Service pricing overview and Dynamics 365 Customer Service pricing plan pages.

Applies to: Dynamics 365 Contact Center—embedded, Dynamics 365 Contact Center—standalone, and Dynamics 365 Customer Service

You can create authentication settings to validate a signed-in customer from a domain and extract information based on the context variables that are defined. You can differentiate your anonymous customers from authenticated customers, and you can create rules based on the context variables.

For example, you can have separate queues for anonymous customers and authenticated customers. Because you have more information about your authenticated customers, you can also prioritize them based on specific variables, such as a shopping cart value or a privileged status.

After you create an authentication settings record, you must add it to a channel instance within a workstream's channel setup to make it work. Authentication is supported for these channels:

  • Chat
  • Apple Messages for Business

To indicate whether a customer is authenticated, the agent gets a notification in the Conversation summary section. The Authenticated field is set to Yes or No based on the customer's authentication status. Learn more at Conversation summary


Create an authentication setting record for chat

You can create a chat authentication setting record in the admin app.

  1. In the site map of Customer Service admin center, select Customer Settings in Customer support. The Customer settings page appears.

  2. In the Authentication settings section, select Manage. The Authentication settings page appears.

  3. Select New Authentication Settings, and then provide the following information on the Add authentication setting page:

    • Name: Enter a name for the authentication setting.

    • Owner: Accept the default value or change it to a required value.

    • Authentication type: By default, OAuth 2.0 implicit flow can't be edited.

    • Public key URL: Specify the public key URL of the domain. This URL is used to validate the information that comes in from the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Web Token (JWT) of the domain that a customer signed into.

    • JavaScript client function: Specify the JavaScript client function to use for authentication. This function extracts a token from the token endpoint.

      Configure chat authentication setting record.

    Learn more about how to find the public key URL and JavaScript client function in Setup for Power Apps portals or Setup for custom portals sections later in this article.

  4. Select Save.

Create an authentication setting record for chat using OAuth 2.0

  1. Perform steps 1 through 3 in Create an authentication setting record for chat, and enter the following details on the Add authentication setting page:

    • Name: A name for the authentication setting.
    • Channel Type: Live chat.
    • Authentication Type: OAuth 2.0 implicit flow
  2. Select Next and on the Details page, enter the following information:

    • Token Custom Action: The custom code reference to validate the tokens that are provided by your identity provider and return the user ID of the authenticated user.
    • Token URL: The URL used to exchange your authorization code for the token passed to your custom action to acquire the user ID.
    • Redirect URL: The URL passed to the original authorization code request, which is a required parameter in calls to the token exchange endpoint.
    • Client ID: The ID of the client passed to the token exchange endpoint.
    • Client secret: The secret that authenticates the client passed to the token exchange endpoint.
    • Scope: The scopes for which the user is authorized by the token acquired in the flow.
  3. Save the changes.

Add authentication to chat widget

  1. In Customer Service admin center, edit the chat widget in the workstream settings, and then go to the Behaviors tab.

  2. In the Authentication settings box, browse and select the chat authentication record.

When a signed-in customer on a portal opens the chat widget, the JavaScript client function passes the JWT from the client to the server. The JWT is decrypted and validated using the public key, and the information is then passed to the chat agent in Omnichannel for Customer Service. As an admin, you can also pass additional information about the signed-in customer in the JWT by defining custom context variables. The context variables must be defined exactly as they are in the workstream associated with the chat widget. Learn more at Manage context variables

Setup for Power Apps portals

If you add authentication for a chat widget on a website developed using Power Apps portals, then the public key URL and JavaScript client function are available out of the box. You need to upload a custom certificate to have a valid public key URL on Power Apps portals.

  • Public key URL: <portal_base_URL>/_services/auth/publickey
  • JavaScript client function: auth.getAuthenticationToken

The Power Apps portal tries to automatically link a contact record to the conversation through the context passed in its JavaScript client function.

Setup for custom portals

If you add an authenticated chat experience to a custom website that isn't developed using Power Apps portals, your web development team must perform the following steps before your administrator can configure authenticated chat:

  1. Generate a public/private key pair in their authentication servers. The keys must be generated using the RSA256 algorithm.

    The following sample code is to generate private or public key pairs.

    openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private_key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
    openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem
  2. Create an endpoint that returns your public keys. The Omnichannel servers use the public keys to validate the JWT token passed as a part of authorizing the chat request. You enter the URL of this endpoint into the admin app when creating an authentication setting record.

    Your public key endpoint looks similar to this example:

      -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- 
      -----END PUBLIC KEY-----   

If you need to use multiple public keys, your public key endpoint can return a set of <kid, publickey> pairs, where kid refers to the key ID. Key ID pairs must be unique. The kid needs to be passed in the JWT token in step 4. If you use multiple keys, your public key endpoint should return something that looks like the following example. The public key is base64 encoded.

          "kid": "qWO4EaKT1xRO7JC/oqALz6DCVr41B/qL0Hqp4in7hu4=",
          "expiry": 1608495423
          "kid": "qWO4EaKT1xRO7JC/oqALz6DCVr41B/qL0Hqp__valid=",
          "expiry": 1608495423
  1. You need a service that generates the JWT to send to Omnichannel’s servers as a part of starting a chat for an authenticated user.

    a. The JWT header looks similar to the following example.

      "alg": "RS256", 
      "typ": "JWT", 

    If you use multiple public keys, you need to pass in the key ID (kid). Your header looks similar to the following example:

      "alg": "RS256", 
      "typ": "JWT",
      "kid": "qWO4EaKT1xRO7JC/oqALz6DCVr41B/qL0Hqp4in7hu4="

    b. The JWT payload should include:

    • At a minimum, the following claims:

      Claim Definition
      iss The issuer of the token.
      iat The date the token was issued, in numeric date format.
      exp The expiration date of this token, in numeric date format.
      sub The subject of the claim.
      NOTE: We recommend that you pass the GUID of the contact or account record in Customer Service for the signed-in user. This GUID is used to identify and link the contact record to the conversation. The record search identifies records that have the active status code for contacts or accounts. Record identification doesn't work if you use custom status codes.
    • lwicontexts The context variables to pass in as part of the conversation, either for routing purposes or to display to the agent.
      Learn more at
      Manage custom context
      setAuthTokenProvider method
      Identify records automatically using context variables

    • Any other data that you want to pass.

    Your payload should look similar to the following example:

          "sub" : "87b4d06c-abc2-e811-a9b0-000d3a10e09e",  
          "lwicontexts" :"{\"msdyn_cartvalue\":\"10000\", \"msdyn_isvip\":\"false\", \"portalcontactid\":\"87b4d06c-abc2-e811-a9b0-000d3a10e09e\"}", 
          "iat" : 1542622071, 
          "iss" : "", 
          "exp" : 1542625672, 
          "nbf" : 1542622072 

    c. The JWT signature should be signed by your private key.


    • If the token has expired or is invalid, the chat widget throws an error event.
    • The setContextProvider method isn't supported for authenticated chat. You should pass in your lwicontexts as a part of the JWT payload.
  2. Create a JavaScript function on your website that accepts a callback function and returns a JWT to the callback function. To avoid timeout, this JavaScript function should return a JWT within 10 seconds. This JWT must meet the following criteria:

    • It must contain the header, payload, and signature from step 3.

    • It must be signed by the private key from the key pair in step 1.

      We recommend generating your JWT on your web server.

      The name of this JavaScript method is used to create the authentication settings record in the Customer Service admin app.

      // This is a sample JavaScript client function  
      auth.getAuthenticationToken = function(callback){ 
        var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); 
        xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { 
            if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { 
        xhttp.onerror = function(error) { 
      //Replace this with a call to your token generating service"GET", "", true); 
  3. Your developer needs to share the following information with your omnichannel administrator:

    a. The URL of the public key service from step 2.


    b. The name of the JavaScript client function from step 4. The live chat widget calls this name internally during the start of a chat.

    Example: auth.getAuthenticationToken


    If your user experience exposes the chat button before users are authenticated, make sure to redirect them to your authentication page as needed. You can set up the redirection in the method in step 4, or as an earlier step in your user flow.

    The following illustration demonstrates the setup.

    Authenticated chat setup.

    Then, you can set up authenticated chat by following these steps:

Set up authenticated chat

  1. Go to the admin app and create an authentication settings record with the information from step 5 of the previous section. Learn more at Create an authentication setting record for chat

  2. Associate the authentication settings to the chat widget that has an authenticated experience. Learn more at Add authentication to chat widget

    The following illustration demonstrates the call sequence when a user accesses your chat in an authenticated setup.

    Authenticated chat runtime.

Create authentication settings for Apple Messages for Business


  • Administrators who configure the authentication settings need more security permissions. Learn more at Set up security permissions for a field

  • Make sure your organization has a working knowledge of the OAuth 2.0 OpenID connect flow. Steps are outlined in the next section.

  • Confirm that your organization has at least one Apple Messages for Business Authentication type rich message. This rich message configuration is required for setup.

Create an authentication setting record for Apple Messages for Business using OAuth 2.0 OpenID connect flow

  1. In the Customer Service admin center site map, select Customer settings, and then select Manage for Authentication settings. A list of existing authentication settings appear.

  2. Select New authentication setting, and on the Add authentication setting page, provide the following details:

    1. On the Channel type page, enter a name, and then select Apple Messages for Business as the channel type.

    2. Change the authentication type OAuth 2.0 OpenID connect flow.

    3. On the Add authentication setting page, provide the following information:

      • Client ID: OAuth 2.0 Client Identifier issued by an authorization server.
      • Client secret: Client secret used to authenticate requests sent to an authorization server.
      • Scope: Each scope added specifies which pieces of user data you requested from the customer. The scope content must exactly match the ones available through your service provider.
      • Access Token URL: The service provider's endpoint where an access token can be requested.
      • Decrypted token URL: The endpoint where the OAuth 2.0 API can retrieve the customer info requested in the scope.
      • Additional parameters: Allows authentication services to take extra parameters from the request.
    4. On the Additional details page, you can optionally define an access token expiry time, in seconds. The default expiry time is one hour.
      After the specified time, the Authenticated field in the Customer summary section of a previously authenticated conversation changes to No.

    5. On the Rich messages page, select Add, and then select one or more rich messages to associate with this authentication setting.

    6. Review the Summary page, and then select Next. The authentication setting is configured.

    7. On the Redirect information page, copy the URL. You add this URL to the authentication service provider's website under allowed callback URLs.

    8. Select Finish.

Add authentication to an Apple Messages for Business channel

  1. Open the workstream that contains the channel instance for which you want to add authentication.

  2. On the Behaviors page of the channel settings, navigate to Authentication settings, enable the capability, and then select the correct setting from the dropdown menu. Learn more at Configure an Apple Messages for Business channel

  3. To review or update the authentication settings for each channel instance, select Edit.

Add a chat widget
Configure a pre-conversation survey
Create quick replies
Create and manage operating hours
Embed chat widget in Power Apps portals
Automatically identify customers