View conversation and session forms


The feature availability information is as follows.

Dynamics 365 Contact Center—embedded Dynamics 365 Contact Center—standalone Dynamics 365 Customer Service
No Yes Yes

Your organization might have a classification where certain agents work in the contact center, which uses Omnichannel for Customer Service on the web and certain agents work in another contact center, which uses model-driven app such as Customer Service Hub. In this case, if you are an agent who works on the model-driven app, and you need to analyze the conversation request from Omnichannel for Customer Service, you can find the information through Activities in the model-driven app.

Select the plus icon in the application tab to view the site map and select Activities.

Select activities in the site map to view the list of activity types.

There'll be many activity types, and you need to look for Conversation and Session types.

List of all activity types.

Conversation activity type

The Conversation activity type displays information about a conversation request.

Omnichannel conversation form.


The fields listed in the following table only are supported for the Conversation activity type.

Tab Section Fields
Details Details
  • Title
  • Customer
  • Work stream
  • Active agent
  • Activity status
  • Status reason
  • Status updated on
  • Regarding
  • Queue
Details History
  • Created on
  • Closed on
  • Modified on
  • Transfer count
  • Escalation count
    Details Session Details
    • Channel
    • Date created
    • Subject
    • Date created
      Details Chat Transcript
      • Download

        Session activity type

        The session activity type displays information about a individual session in a conversation request.

        Omnichannel session form.


        The fields listed in the following table only are supported for the Session activity type.

        Tab Section Field
        General Header
        • Activity Status
        General General
        • Subject
        • Owner
        • Conversation
        • Channel
        • Session Created On
        • Session Closed On
        • Agent Assigned On
        • Agent Accepted On
        • Regarding
        • Name
        • Created on
        General Session Participants
        • Agents
        • Joined On
        • Left On
        • Mode

        The Session Participants section lets you add a participant related to the session or add a session participant that already exists for the record you are working with.

        See also

        View active conversations for an incoming conversation request
        View customer information on Active Conversation form
        Create a record
        Search, link, and unlink a record