
Represents information specific to the game_chat_state_change_type::transcribed_chat_received state change.


typedef struct game_chat_transcribed_chat_received_state_change {  
    chat_user* speaker;  
    uint32_t receiver_count;  
    chat_user_array receivers;  
    PCWSTR message;  
} game_chat_transcribed_chat_received_state_change  


Type: chat_user*

A pointer to the chat_user object that originated the text message.

Pointers for chat_user objects remain valid until the user has been removed from the local chat_manager instance via the chat_manager::remove_user method.

Type: uint32_t

The number of array elements in receivers.

receivers  _Field_size_(receiver_count)
Type: chat_user_array

An array of chat_user pointers to one or more local destination players to whom the text message is addressed.

The memory for the chat_user_array object remains valid until this object has been returned by calling chat_manager::finish_processing_state_changes. Individual chat_user object pointers remain valid until the user has been removed from the local chat_manager instance via the chat_manager::remove_user method.


A pointer to the text string that was generated by transcribing the audio of the user associated with the speaker object. The string may be up to c_maxChatTextMessageLength characters long, not including the null terminator.


c_maxChatTextMessageLength is a constexpr uint16_t with a value of 1023.

The string remains valid until this object has been returned by calling chat_manager::finish_processing_state_changes. The app should make a copy of the text to display in a manner and duration described in the Game Chat communication policy guide document.


This structure provides additional information for a game_chat_state_change_type::transcribed_chat_received state change in Game Chat 2. This state change occurs when a remote player's voice communication has been transcribed and should be displayed to one or more local users.

If this state change occurs, this structure is returned as a game_chat_state_change element in the game_chat_state_change_array array retrieved when chat_manager::start_processing_state_changes is called by your app. After confirming the state change type by checking the value of the state_change_type member for that game_chat_state_change element, you can then cast that element to this structure. You can then use this structure to obtain more information about and process the state change before the array is passed back to Game Chat 2 from your app, by calling chat_manager::finish_processing_state_changes.

For more information about processing state changes, see Using the Game Chat 2 C++ API.


Header: GameChat2.h

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

Intro to Game Chat 2
GameChat2 members