
This will open up the Microsoft Store app and show the set of available add-ons associated with the game. This can be further filtered by product type. This is an alternative to enumerating and presenting the available products within the game.


Note, this API opens the store in a web browser and it is suggested to use XStoreShowProductPageUI or XStoreSHowPurchaseUI if your games is appearing in the console, Xbox App on PC, or game streaming storefronts.

Add-ons for this game


HRESULT XStoreShowAssociatedProductsUIAsync(  
         const XStoreContextHandle storeContextHandle,  
         const char* storeId,  
         XStoreProductKind productKinds,  
         XAsyncBlock* async  


storeContextHandle   _In_
Type: XStoreContextHandle

The store context handle for the user returned by XStoreCreateContext.

storeId   _In_z_
Type: char*

The ID of the product.

productKinds   _In_
Type: XStoreProductKind

An enumeration indicating the kind of products to show.

async   _Inout_
Type: XAsyncBlock*

An XAsyncBlock defining the asynchronous work being done. The XAsyncBlock can be used to poll for the call's status and retrieve call results. See XAsyncBlock for more information.

Return value


HRESULT success or error code.


Header: XStore.h

Library: ****.lib Supported Platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also
