
The identity of the resourceName is messages. This captures all inbound and outbound messages from the Sales Navigator of the regulated members. The method available is CREATE.

You can determine whether a Messages event is an inbound or outbound message based on the actor field of each event. If the event is an outbound one (e.g. regulated member sends a message), the actor field will correspond to the regulated member's personUrn and equal to the value of the owner field. If the event is inbound, then the field will be of another member's personUrn.

All message events' activity and processedActivity fields will contain owner, author, and thread fields. These fields will help you figure out the identities of the mailbox and more. The owner and author field will correspond to the sender's mailbox, which can be personal, Recruiter, or Sales Navigator. The thread field contains the membership array field that have the identity of all the participants in the message thread. For more information on the schema, please refer here.

Below are response examples of inbound and outbound Message events:

Sample response of outbound message activity from Sales Navigator mailbox

  "owner": "urn:li:person:2qXA98-mVk",
  "resourceId": "0-UzY2MDM0NDI5OTQyNjU4MTI5OTJfMTAwMA==",
  "configVersion": 1,
  "method": "CREATE",
  "activity": {
    "owner": "urn:li:person:2qXA98-mVk",
    "createdAt": 1574383495992,
    "attachments": [],
    "author": "urn:li:salesIdentity:334326",
    "id": "0-UzY2MDM0NDI5OTQyNjU4MTI5OTJfMTAwMA==",
    "thread": "urn:li:messagingThread:0-NjU5OTczMDkxNTAzODAyNzc3Ng==",
    "readAt": 1574383496000,
    "content": {
      "format": "TEXT",
      "fallback": "Hello from Sales Navigator",
      "formatVersion": 1,
      "content": {
        "string": "Hello from Sales Navigator"
    "deliveredAt": 1574383495992
  "resourceName": "messages",
  "resourceUri": "/messages/0-UzY2MDM0NDI5OTQyNjU4MTI5OTJfMTAwMA==",
  "actor": "urn:li:person:2qXA98-mVk",
  "activityId": "6d43fcff-b56e-4e0f-993b-5a398c89fb5d",
  "processedAt": 1574383527451,
  "capturedAt": 1574383496347,
  "processedActivity": {
    "owner": "urn:li:person:2qXA98-mVk",
    "owner~": {...},
    "createdAt": 1574383495992,
    "deliveredAt": 1574383495992,
    "attachments": [],
    "thread~": {
      "owner": "urn:li:salesIdentity:334326",
      "membership": [
          "createdAt": 1573498467712,
          "identity~": {
            "member": "urn:li:person:2qXA98-mVk",
            "member~": {...},
            "id": 334326
          "identity": "urn:li:salesIdentity:334326"
          "createdAt": 1573498467712,
          "identity~": {...},
          "identity": "urn:li:person:kAq_1ptj-v"
    "author": "urn:li:salesIdentity:334326",
    "thread": "urn:li:messagingThread:0-NjU5OTczMDkxNTAzODAyNzc3Ng==",
    "id": "0-UzY2MDM0NDI5OTQyNjU4MTI5OTJfMTAwMA==",
    "readAt": 1574383496000,
    "content": {
      "format": "TEXT",
      "fallback": "Hello from Sales Navigator",
      "formatVersion": 1,
      "content": {
        "string": "Hello from Sales Navigator"
  "id": 977493324

Sample response of inbound message activity to Sales Navigator mailbox

  "owner": "urn:li:person:2qXA98-mVk",
  "resourceId": "0-UzY2MDM3MjAzODc4OTk1OTI3MDRfNTAw",
  "configVersion": 1,
  "method": "CREATE",
  "activity": {
    "owner": "urn:li:person:kAq_1ptj-v",
    "createdAt": 1574449632116,
    "clientExperience": {
      "clientGeneratedToken": "11daeca1-34af-47c2-b22e-d02a947c33a2"
    "author": "urn:li:person:kAq_1ptj-v",
    "id": "0-UzY2MDM3MjAzODc4OTk1OTI3MDRfNTAw",
    "thread": "urn:li:messagingThread:0-NjU5OTczMDkxNTAzODAyNzc3Ng==",
    "readAt": 1574449632000,
    "content": {
      "format": "TEXT",
      "fallback": "Hello back to Sales Navigator inbox",
      "formatVersion": 1,
      "content": {
        "string": "Hello back to Sales Navigator inbox"
    "deliveredAt": 1574449632116
  "resourceName": "messages",
  "resourceUri": "/messages/0-UzY2MDM3MjAzODc4OTk1OTI3MDRfNTAw",
  "actor": "urn:li:person:kAq_1ptj-v",
  "activityId": "c86c3c71-7844-4ed1-b1fc-66deeac14192",
  "processedAt": 1574449662997,
  "capturedAt": 1574449632331,
  "processedActivity": {
    "owner": "urn:li:person:kAq_1ptj-v",
    "owner~": {...},
    "createdAt": 1574449632116,
    "deliveredAt": 1574449632116,
    "author~": {...},
    "thread~": {
      "owner": "urn:li:salesIdentity:334326",
      "membership": [
          "createdAt": 1573498467712,
          "identity~": {
            "member": "urn:li:person:2qXA98-mVk",
            "member~": {...},
            "id": 334326
          "identity": "urn:li:salesIdentity:334326"
          "createdAt": 1573498467712,
          "identity~": {...},
          "identity": "urn:li:person:kAq_1ptj-v"
    "author": "urn:li:person:kAq_1ptj-v",
    "thread": "urn:li:messagingThread:0-NjU5OTczMDkxNTAzODAyNzc3Ng==",
    "id": "0-UzY2MDM3MjAzODc4OTk1OTI3MDRfNTAw",
    "readAt": 1574449632000,
    "content": {
      "format": "TEXT",
      "fallback": "Hello back to Sales Navigator inbox",
      "formatVersion": 1,
      "content": {
        "string": "Hello back to Sales Navigator inbox"
  "id": 978988628