How Microsoft names threat actors

Microsoft shifted to a new naming taxonomy for threat actors aligned with the theme of weather. We intend to bring better clarity to customers and other security researchers with the new taxonomy. We offer a more organized, articulate, and easy way to reference threat actors so that organizations can better prioritize and protect themselves and aid security researchers already confronted with an overwhelming amount of threat intelligence data.

Nation-state actors based on Microsoft naming

Microsoft categorizes threat actors into five key groups:

Nation-state actors: cyber operators acting on behalf of or directed by a nation/state-aligned program, irrespective of whether for espionage, financial gain, or retribution. Microsoft observed that most nation state actors continue to focus operations and attacks on government agencies, intergovernmental organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and think tanks for traditional espionage or surveillance objectives.

Financially motivated actors: cyber campaigns/groups directed by a criminal organization/person with motivations of financial gain and are not associated with high confidence to a known non-nation state or commercial entity. This category includes ransomware operators, business email compromise, phishing, and other groups with purely financial or extortion motivations.

Private sector offensive actors (PSOAs): cyber activity led by commercial actors that are known/legitimate legal entities, that create and sell cyberweapons to customers who then select targets and operate the cyberweapons. These tools were observed targeting and surveilling dissidents, human rights defenders, journalists, civil society advocates, and other private citizens, threatening many global human rights efforts.

Influence operations: information campaigns communicated online or offline in a manipulative fashion to shift perceptions, behaviors, or decisions by target audiences to further a group or a nation's interests and objectives.

Groups in development: a temporary designation given to an unknown, emerging, or developing threat activity. This designation allows Microsoft to track a group as a discrete set of information until we can reach high confidence about the origin or identity of the actor behind the operation. Once criteria are met, a group in development is converted to a named actor or merged into existing names.

In our new taxonomy, a weather event or family name represents one of the above categories. For nation-state actors, we have assigned a family name to a country/region of origin tied to attribution, like Typhoon indicates origin or attribution to China. For other actors, the family name represents a motivation. For example, Tempest indicates financially motivated actors.

Threat actors within the same weather family are given an adjective to distinguish actor groups with distinct tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), infrastructure, objectives, or other identified patterns. For groups in development, we use a temporary designation of Storm and a four-digit number where there is a newly discovered, unknown, emerging, or developing cluster of threat activity.

The table shows how the new family names map to the threat actors that we track.

Actor category Type Family name
Nation-state China
North Korea
South Korea
Financially motivated Financially motivated Tempest
Private sector offensive actors PSOAs Tsunami
Influence operations Influence operations Flood
Groups in development Groups in development Storm

Use the following reference table to understand how our previously publicly disclosed old threat actor names translate to our new taxonomy.

Threat actor name Previous name Origin/Threat Other names
Antique Typhoon Storm-0558 China
Aqua Blizzard ACTINIUM Russia UNC530, Primitive Bear, Gamaredon
Blue Tsunami Private sector offensive actor Black Cube
Brass Typhoon BARIUM China APT41
Cadet Blizzard DEV-0586 Russia
Camouflage Tempest TAAL Financially motivated FIN6, Skeleton Spider
Canvas Cyclone BISMUTH Vietnam APT32, OceanLotus
Caramel Tsunami SOURGUM Private sector offensive actor Candiru
Carmine Tsunami DEV-0196 Private sector offensive actor QuaDream
Charcoal Typhoon CHROMIUM China ControlX
Cinnamon Tempest DEV-0401 Financially motivated Emperor Dragonfly, Bronze Starlight
Circle Typhoon DEV-0322 China
Citrine Sleet DEV-0139, DEV-1222 North Korea AppleJeus, Labyrinth Chollima, UNC4736
Cotton Sandstorm DEV-0198 (NEPTUNIUM) Iran Vice Leaker
Crimson Sandstorm CURIUM Iran TA456, Tortoise Shell
Cuboid Sandstorm DEV-0228 Iran
Denim Tsunami KNOTWEED Private sector offensive actor DSIRF
Diamond Sleet ZINC North Korea Labyrinth Chollima, Lazarus
Emerald Sleet THALLIUM North Korea Kimsuky, Velvet Chollima
Flax Typhoon Storm-0919 China Ethereal Panda
Forest Blizzard STRONTIUM Russia APT28, Fancy Bear
Ghost Blizzard BROMINE Russia Energetic Bear, Crouching Yeti
Gingham Typhoon GADOLINIUM China APT40, Leviathan, TEMP.Periscope, Kryptonite Panda
Granite Typhoon GALLIUM China
Gray Sandstorm DEV-0343 Iran
Hazel Sandstorm EUROPIUM Iran Cobalt Gypsy, APT34, OilRig
Jade Sleet Storm-0954 North Korea TraderTraitor, UNC4899
Lace Tempest DEV-0950 Financially motivated FIN11, TA505
Lemon Sandstorm RUBIDIUM Iran Fox Kitten, UNC757, PioneerKitten
Leopard Typhoon LEAD China KAOS, Mana, Winnti, Red Diablo
Lilac Typhoon DEV-0234 China
Luna Tempest Storm-0744 Financially motivated
Manatee Tempest DEV-0243 Financially motivated EvilCorp, UNC2165, Indrik Spider
Mango Sandstorm MERCURY Iran MuddyWater, SeedWorm, Static Kitten, TEMP.Zagros
Marbled Dust SILICON Türkiye Sea Turtle
Marigold Sandstorm DEV-0500 Iran Moses Staff
Midnight Blizzard NOBELIUM Russia APT29, Cozy Bear
Mint Sandstorm PHOSPHORUS Iran APT35, Charming Kitten
Moonstone Sleet Storm-1789 North Korea
Mulberry Typhoon MANGANESE China APT5, Keyhole Panda, TABCTENG
Mustard Tempest DEV-0206 Financially motivated Purple Vallhund
Night Tsunami DEV-0336 Private sector offensive actor NSO Group
Nylon Typhoon NICKEL China ke3chang, APT15, Vixen Panda
Octo Tempest Storm-0875 Financially motivated 0ktapus, Scattered Spider, UNC3944
Onyx Sleet PLUTONIUM North Korea APT45, Silent Chollima, Andariel, DarkSeoul
Opal Sleet OSMIUM North Korea Konni
Peach Sandstorm HOLMIUM Iran APT33, Refined Kitten
Pearl Sleet DEV-0215 (LAWRENCIUM) North Korea
Periwinkle Tempest DEV-0193 Financially motivated Wizard Spider, UNC2053
Phlox Tempest DEV-0796 Financially motivated ClickPirate, Chrome Loader, Choziosi loader
Pink Sandstorm AMERICIUM Iran Agrius, Deadwood, BlackShadow, SharpBoys
Pistachio Tempest DEV-0237 Financially motivated FIN12
Plaid Rain POLONIUM Lebanon
Pumpkin Sandstorm DEV-0146 Iran ZeroCleare
Purple Typhoon POTASSIUM China APT10, Cloudhopper, MenuPass
Raspberry Typhoon RADIUM China APT30, LotusBlossom
Ruby Sleet CERIUM North Korea
Ruza Flood Storm-1099 Russia, Influence operations
Salmon Typhoon SODIUM China APT4, Maverick Panda
Salt Typhoon China GhostEmperor, FamousSparrow
Sangria Tempest ELBRUS Financially motivated Carbon Spider, FIN7
Sapphire Sleet COPERNICIUM North Korea Genie Spider, BlueNoroff
Seashell Blizzard IRIDIUM Russia APT44, Sandworm
Secret Blizzard KRYPTON Russia Venomous Bear, Turla, Snake
Sefid Flood Storm-1364 Iran, Influence operations
Silk Typhoon HAFNIUM China
Smoke Sandstorm BOHRIUM Iran UNC1549
Spandex Tempest CHIMBORAZO Financially motivated TA505
Star Blizzard SEABORGIUM Russia Callisto, Reuse Team
Storm-0062 China DarkShadow, Oro0lxy
Storm-0133 Iran LYCEUM, HEXANE
Storm-0216 Financially motivated Twisted Spider, UNC2198
Storm-0257 Group in development UNC1151
Storm-0324 Financially motivated TA543, Sagrid
Storm-0381 Financially motivated
Storm-0501 Group in development
Storm-0506 Group in development
Storm-0530 North Korea H0lyGh0st
Storm-0539 Financially motivated Atlas Lion
Storm-0569 Financially motivated
Storm-0587 Russia SaintBot, Saint Bear, TA471
Storm-0744 Financially motivated
Storm-0784 Iran
Storm-0829 Group in development Nwgen Team
Storm-0835 Group in development EvilProxy
Storm-0842 Iran
Storm-0844 Group in development
Storm-0861 Iran
Storm-0867 Egypt Caffeine
Storm-0971 Financially motivated (Merged into Octo Tempest)
Storm-0978 Group in development RomCom, Underground Team
Storm-1044 Financially motivated Danabot
Storm-1084 Iran DarkBit
Storm-1101 Group in development NakedPages
Storm-1113 Financially motivated
Storm-1133 Palestinian Authority
Storm-1152 Financially motivated
Storm-1167 Indonesia
Storm-1175 Financially motivated
Storm-1283 Group in development
Storm-1286 Group in development
Storm-1295 Group in development Greatness
Storm-1516 Russia, Influence operations
Storm-1567 Financially motivated Akira
Storm-1575 Group in development Dadsec
Storm-1660 Iran, Influence operations
Storm-1674 Financially motivated
Storm-1679 Russia, Influence operations
Storm-1804 Iran, Influence operations
Storm-1805 Iran, Influence operations
Storm-1811 Financially motivated
Storm-1841 Russia, Influence operations
Storm-1849 China UAT4356
Storm-1852 Group in development
Storm-2035 Iran, Influence operations
Strawberry Tempest Financially motivated LAPSUS$
Sunglow Blizzard Russia
Taizi Flood Storm-1376 China, Influence operations Spamouflage, Dragonbridge
Tomato Tempest SPURR Financially motivated Vatet
Vanilla Tempest DEV-0832 Financially motivated
Velvet Tempest DEV-0504 Financially motivated
Violet Typhoon ZIRCONIUM China APT31
Wine Tempest PARINACOTA Financially motivated Wadhrama
Wisteria Tsunami DEV-0605 Private sector offensive actor CyberRoot
Zigzag Hail DUBNIUM South Korea Dark Hotel, Tapaoux

Read our announcement about the new taxonomy for more information:

Putting intelligence into the hands of security professionals

Intel profiles in Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence bring crucial insights about threat actors. These insights enable security teams to get the context they need as they prepare for and respond to threats.

Additionally, the Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence Intel Profiles API provides the most up-to-date threat actor infrastructure visibility in the industry today. Updated information is crucial in enabling threat intelligence and security operations (SecOps) teams to streamline their advanced threat hunting and analysis workflows. Learn more about this API in the documentation: Use the threat intelligence APIs in Microsoft Graph (preview).


Use the following query on Microsoft Defender XDR and other Microsoft security products supporting the Kusto query language (KQL) to get information about a threat actor using the old name, new name, or industry name:

let TANames = externaldata(PreviousName: string, NewName: string, Origin: string, OtherNames: dynamic)[@""] with(format="multijson", ingestionMapping='[{"Column":"PreviousName","Properties":{"Path":"$.Previous name"}},{"Column":"NewName","Properties":{"Path":"$.New name"}},{"Column":"Origin","Properties":{"Path":"$.Origin/Threat"}},{"Column":"OtherNames","Properties":{"Path":"$.Other names"}}]'); 
let GetThreatActorAlias = (Name: string) { 
| where Name =~ NewName or Name =~ PreviousName or OtherNames has Name 

The following files containing the comprehensive mapping of old threat actor names with their new names are also available: