OlkDateControl.MouseUp event (Outlook)

Occurs after the user releases a mouse button that has been pressed on the control.


expression.MouseUp (Button, Shift, x, y)

expression A variable that represents an OlkDateControl object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
Button Required Integer An OlMouseButton constant that specifies which button on the mouse has been pressed.
Shift Required Integer A bitwise-OR mask of constants in the OlShiftState enumeration that specifies whether the SHIFT, CTRL, or ALT keys have been pressed.
X Required [OLE_XPOS_CONTAINER] Identifies the location of the mouse cursor on the X-axis relative to the form.
Y Required [OLE_YPOS_CONTAINER] Identifies the location of the mouse cursor on the Y-axis relative to the form.

See also

OlkDateControl Object

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