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Referral insights download – Data definitions

Appropriate roles: Referrals admin


By using the Download button on the Lead and Co-sell analytics page, you can download the raw datasets.

The various reports, which you can download along with their data definitions, are listed in the following tables:

Leads download

Column Name Data description
Referral ID Unique ID for referral
Creation Date Creation date of referral
Updated Date Last updated date of referral
PartnerID Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program ID of the partner
Customer Country Country/region of the customer
Customer City City of the customer
Customer Name Name of the customer
Lead Type Type of the lead (Qualified lead, offer lead, profile lead)
Lead Source Source of the referral: Appsource, Azure Marketplace, Azure portal
Call to action Call to action (CTA) against which the lead is generated: Contact me or Get it now
Referral program Referral program from which qualified lead is generated
Business profile ID Business profile ID
Offer ID List of the offer ID
Offer name List of offer name
Lead currency Currency of the lead
Lead value Estimated lead value provided by partner
Lead value (USD) Estimated lead value provided by partner in USD
Status Latest status of referral
Status Reason Remarks or reason for the status

Co-sell download

Column Name Data description
Referral ID Unique ID for referral
Customer Country Country/region of the customer
Customer City City of the customer
Customer Name Name of the customer
Referral Creation Date Creation date of referral
Deal Type Type of the deal: co-sell, partner-led, private
Deal Direction Direction of the deal: Incoming and Outgoing
Deal currency Currency of the deal
Estimated Deal value Estimated deal value provided by partner
Estimated Deal value (USD) Estimated deal value provided by partner in USD
Solution ID List of the solution ID
Solution Name List of the solution names
PartnerID Microsoft partner network ID of the partner
Partner Name Name of the partner
Deal ID ID of the deal
Engagement ID Unique engagement ID
Microsoft MSX ID MSX ID of deal
Microsoft Referral Creation Date Referral creation date by Microsoft
Contract Currency Currency of the contract provided during deal registration
Contract Value Total contract value provided during deal registration. This value includes software and service fees but not hardware costs
Contract Value (USD) Total contract value in USD provided during deal registration
Contract Start Date Start date of the contract provided during deal registration
Contract End Date End date of the contract provided during deal registration
Contract Sign Date Sign date of the contract provided during deal registration
Contract Term Term of the contract - Finite and Perpetual
Registered deal solution ID ID of solution for deal registration
Registered deal solution name Name of solution for deal registration
Registered deal solution currency Currency for solution provided during deal registration
Registered deal solution value Solution value provided during deal registration. Generally, this is total contract value less any non-recurring implementation fees.
Registered deal solution value (USD) Solution value in USD provided during deal registration
Deployed On Indicates if the solution is deployed on Azure or Others
Primary Deployment On Indicates if the solution is deployed on Customer Tenant or Partner Tenant
Deal Creation Date Creation date of deal registration
Deal Review Pending Date Date when deal registration is picked for Review
Deal Approved Date Date when deal registration is approved
Deal Review Passed Date Date when deal registration review is passed
Deal Review Failed Date Date when deal registration review is failed
Annual Contract Value Annualized contract value for approved and review passed deals
Pricing Model Pricing model for registered deals - Pay as you go and others
US Federal Deal Indicates if it's a US federal deal
Is Marketplace Transacted Deal Indicates if it's a Marketplace transacted deal
Marketplace transaction date Marketplace transaction date if the deal is transacted on marketplace
Status Latest status of referral
Status Reason Remarks or reason for the status
Partner Program Indicates if this referral was shared because of your enrollment or participation in a specific go-to-market (GTM) program (for services co-sell deals).
Partner Role Role that a services partner can play in the opportunity based on their endorsements (for services co-sell deals).
Solution Area Solution Areas categorize offerings across Microsoft product portfolio.
Solution Play Solution Plays are how Microsoft executes business objectives to achieve customer outcomes and enable success.