Configuration Manager Cmdlet Library changes for version 2002

Applies to: Configuration Manager (current branch)


Configuration Manager current branch version 1910 is the baseline for these changes. For more information, see Configuration Manager Cmdlet Library changes for version 1910.

Important changes

New cmdlets


Use this cmdlet to create a deployment phase for software update.

New-CMSoftwareUpdatePhase `
 -CollectionName "MyCollection" `
 -PhaseName "MySUPhase"`
 -UserNotificationOption DisplaySoftwareCenterOnly


Use this cmdlet to create a deployment phase for a task sequence.

New-CMTaskSequencePhase -CollectionName "MyCollection" -PhaseName "MyTSPhase" -UserNotification DisplayAll -AllowRemoteDP $true


Use this cmdlet to get the deployment phase for a specific instance or a phased deployment.

Get-CMPhase -Id "66DEDF86-D0CB-457D-88BE-47E3FAC92A47"
$myPhasedDeployment | Get-CMPhase


Use this cmdlet to create a phased deployment for an application by generating two phases with same settings.

New-CMApplicationAutoPhasedDeployment -ApplicationName "myApp" -Name "myPDName" -FirstCollectionID "SMSDM001" -SecondCollectionID "SMSDM003" -CriteriaOption Compliance -CriteriaValue 1 -BeginCondition AfterPeriod -DaysAfterPreviousPhaseSuccess 2 -ThrottlingDays 3 -InstallationChoice AfterPeriod -DeadlineUnit Hours -DeadlineValue 4 -Description "MyDescription"
$myApp | New-CMApplicationAutoPhasedDeployment -Name "myPDName" -FirstCollectionID "SMSDM001" -SecondCollectionID "SMSDM003" -CriteriaOption Compliance -CriteriaValue 1 -BeginCondition AfterPeriod -DaysAfterPreviousPhaseSuccess 2 -ThrottlingDays 3 -InstallationChoice AfterPeriod -DeadlineUnit Hours -DeadlineValue 4 -Description "MyDescription"


Use this cmdlet to create a phased deployment for software updates by generating two phases with same settings.

New-CMSoftwareUpdateAutoPhasedDeployment -SoftwareUpdateName "myUpdateName" -Name "myPDName" -FirstCollectionID "SMSDM001" -SecondCollectionID "SMSDM003" -CriteriaOption Compliance -CriteriaValue 1 -BeginCondition AfterPeriod -DaysAfterPreviousPhaseSuccess 2 -ThrottlingDays 3 -InstallationChoice AfterPeriod -DeadlineUnit Hours -DeadlineValue 4 -Description "MyDescription"
$myUpdate | New-CMSoftwareUpdateAutoPhasedDeployment -Name "myPDName" -FirstCollectionID "SMSDM001" -SecondCollectionID "SMSDM003" -CriteriaOption Compliance -CriteriaValue 1 -BeginCondition AfterPeriod -DaysAfterPreviousPhaseSuccess 2 -ThrottlingDays 3 -InstallationChoice AfterPeriod -DeadlineUnit Hours -DeadlineValue 4 -Description "MyDescription"


Use this cmdlet to create a phased deployment for software updates. You'll need to add new customized deployment phases with the cmdlet New-CMSoftwareUpdatePhase first.

$phase1 = New-CMSoftwareUpdatePhase -CollectionId "SMSDM001" -PhaseName "test01" -UserNotificationOption DisplaySoftwareCenterOnly
$phase2 = New-CMSoftwareUpdatePhase -CollectionId "SMSDM003" -PhaseName "test02" -UserNotificationOption DisplaySoftwareCenterOnly
New-CMSoftwareUpdateManualPhasedDeployment -SoftwareUpdateNames ("myUpdateA", "myUpdateB") -Name "myPhaseDeployment" -AddPhases ($phase1, $phase2)
$phase3 = New-CMSoftwareUpdatePhase -CollectionId "SMSDM001" -PhaseName "test03" -UserNotificationOption DisplaySoftwareCenterOnly
$phase4 = New-CMSoftwareUpdatePhase -CollectionId "SMSDM003" -PhaseName "test04" -UserNotificationOption DisplaySoftwareCenterOnly
New-CMSoftwareUpdateManualPhasedDeployment -SoftwareUpdateGroupName "myGroup" -Name "myPhaseDeploymentForGroup" -AddPhases ($phase3, $phase4)


Use this cmdlet to create a phased deployment for a task sequence by generating two phases with same settings.

New-CMTaskSequenceAutoPhasedDeployment -TaskSequenceName "myTaskSequenceName" -Name "myPDName" -FirstCollectionID "SMSDM001" -SecondCollectionID "SMSDM003" -CriteriaOption Compliance -CriteriaValue 1 -BeginCondition AfterPeriod -DaysAfterPreviousPhaseSuccess 2 -ThrottlingDays 3 -InstallationChoice AfterPeriod -DeadlineUnit Hours -DeadlineValue 4 -Description "MyDescription"
$myTS | New-CMTaskSequenceAutoPhasedDeployment -Name "myPDName" -FirstCollectionID "SMSDM001" -SecondCollectionID "SMSDM003" -CriteriaOption Compliance -CriteriaValue 1 -BeginCondition AfterPeriod -DaysAfterPreviousPhaseSuccess 2 -ThrottlingDays 3 -InstallationChoice AfterPeriod -DeadlineUnit Hours -DeadlineValue 4 -Description "MyDescription"


Use this cmdlet to create a phased deployment for a task sequence. You'll need to add new customized deployment phases with the cmdlet New-CMTaskSequencePhase first.

$phase1 = New-CMTaskSequencePhase -CollectionId "SMSDM001" -PhaseName "test01" -UserNotification DisplayAll
$phase2 = New-CMTaskSequencePhase -CollectionId "SMSDM003" -PhaseName "test02" -UserNotification HideAll
New-CMTaskSequenceManualPhasedDeployment -TaskSequenceName "myTaskSequence" -Name "phasedDeployment" -AddPhases ($phase1, $phase2)
$phase3 = New-CMTaskSequencePhase -CollectionId "SMSDM001" -PhaseName "test03" -UserNotification DisplayAll
$phase4 = New-CMTaskSequencePhase -CollectionId "SMSDM003" -PhaseName "test04" -UserNotification HideAll
$myTaskSequence | New-CMTaskSequenceManualPhasedDeployment -Name "phasedDeployment" -AddPhases ($phase3, $phase4)


Use this cmdlet to get the phased deployment for an application.

Get-CMApplicationPhasedDeployment -Name "myPhasedDeploymentName"
Get-CMApplicationPhasedDeployment -ApplicationName "myApplicationName"


Use this cmdlet to get the phased deployment for software updates.

Get-CMSoftwareUpdatePhasedDeployment -Name "myPhasedDeploymentName"
Get-CMSoftwareUpdatePhasedDeployment -SoftwareUpdateName "myUpdateName"


Use this cmdlet to get the phased deployment for a task sequence.

Get-CMTaskSequencePhasedDeployment -Name "myPhasedDeploymentName"
Get-CMTaskSequencePhasedDeployment -TaskSequenceName "myTaskSequenceName"


Use this cmdlet to get the status of a specific phased deployment.

Get-CMPhasedDeploymentStatus -Name "myPhasedDeploymentName"
$myPhasedDeployment | Get-CMPhasedDeploymentStatus -Catalog $catalog


Use this cmdlet to move the specified phased deployment to the next phase.

Move-CMPhasedDeploymentToNext -Name "myPhasedDeploymentName"  
$myPhasedDeployment | Move-CMPhasedDeploymentToNext -Force


Use this cmdlet to resume the phased deployment from the suspend status.

Resume-CMPhasedDeployment -Name "myPhasedDeploymentName"  
$myPhasedDeployment | Resume-CMPhasedDeployment -Force


Use this cmdlet to suspend the specified phased deployment.

Suspend-CMPhasedDeployment -Name "myPhasedDeploymentName"
$myPhasedDeployment | Suspend-CMPhasedDeployment -Force


Use this cmdlet to remove a phased deployment for an application.

Remove-CMApplicationPhasedDeployment -ApplicationName "myApplicationName"
Remove-CMApplicationPhasedDeployment -Name "myPhasedDeploymentName"
$myPhasedDeployment | Remove-CMApplicationPhasedDeployment -Force


Use this cmdlet to remove a phased deployment for software updates.

Remove-CMSoftwareUpdatePhasedDeployment -SoftwareUpdateName "mySoftwareUpdateName"
Remove-CMSoftwareUpdatePhasedDeployment -SoftwareUpdateGroupName "mySoftwareUpdateGroupName"
Remove-CMSoftwareUpdatePhasedDeployment -Name "myPhasedDeploymentName"
$myPhasedDeployment | Remove-CMSoftwareUpdatePhasedDeployment -Force


Use this cmdlet to remove a phased deployment for a task sequence.

Remove-CMTaskSequencePhasedDeployment -TaskSequenceName "myTaskSequenceName"
Remove-CMTaskSequencePhasedDeployment -Name "myPhasedDeploymentName"
$myPhasedDeployment | Remove-CMTaskSequencePhasedDeployment -Force


Use this cmdlet to add a passive site.

Add-CMPassiveSite -InputObject $SiteSystem -InstallDirectory $InstallPath -SourceFilePathOption CopySourceFileFromActiveSite
Add-CMPassiveSite -SiteCode $SiteCode -SiteSystemServerName $SiteSystemServerName -InstallDirectory $InstallPath -SourceFilePathOption UseLocalSourceDirectory -LocalSourceDirectory $LocalSourcePath


Use this cmdlet to get third-party update categories.

Get-CMThirdPartyUpdateCategory -Catalog $catalog
Get-CMThirdPartyUpdateCategory -CatalogId $catalogId -Id $categoryId
Get-CMThirdPartyUpdateCategory -CatalogName $catalogName -Name $categoryName
$catalog | Get-CMThirdPartyUpdateCategory -ParentId $parentId -PublishOption $publishOption


Use this cmdlet to move the content library before adding a passive site.

Move-CMContentLibrary -InputObject $Site -NewLocation $NewLocationPath
Move-CMContentLibrary -SiteCode $SiteCode -NewLocation $NewLocationPath


Use this cmdlet to modify third-party update categories.

Set-CMThirdPartyUpdateCategory -Catalog $catalog -Id $categoryId -PublishOption $publishOption -EnableCategories $true
$catalog | Set-CMThirdPartyUpdateCategory -Name $categoryName -PublishOption $publishOption -EnableCategories $true
Set-CMThirdPartyUpdateCategory -CatalogId $catalogId -ParentId $parentId -PublishOption $publishOption -EnableCategories $true
Set-CMThirdPartyUpdateCategory -CatalogName $catalogName -Name $categoryName -ParentId $parentId -PublishOption $publishOption -EnableCategories $true
Set-CMThirdPartyUpdateCategory -Categories $categories -PublishOption $publishOption -EnableCategories $true

Deprecated cmdlets


Known issues


Cmdlet changes

The following changes have been made to existing cmdlets in this version. Changes may be new functionality, bug fixes, or deprecation. Some changes may be breaking. If you use one of the cmdlets or feature areas listed in this section, carefully review the changes to understand how they may affect your use.


Non-breaking changes

Added more error handling for the query rule.


Non-breaking changes

Added the following new parameters to allow you to configure the repair command and directory options when creating deployment type:

  • RepairCommand
  • RepairWorkingDirectory

Bugs that were fixed

Missing parameters to configure repair command and directory option when creating deployment type.


Breaking changes

The -ContentLocation will no longer accept an empty folder.

Bugs that were fixed

The -ContentLocation shouldn't allow an empty folder.


Non-breaking changes

Added more error handling for the query rule.


Non-breaking changes

Fixed a parameter bounding issue for -Timeout.


Non-breaking changes

Added the following new parameter to allow you to configure the repair application option when creating a deployment for an application:

  • AllowRepairApp

Bugs that were fixed

Missing parameter to configure repair application option when creating deployment for application.


Non-breaking changes

Corrected the validation for the -SiteSystemServerName and -PublicFqdn.

Bugs that were fixed

Wrong limitation for the specified -SiteSystemServerName and -PublicFqdn.


Non-breaking changes

The -ReferencedVariableName now accept variable name that begins with underscore.

Bugs that were fixed

The -ReferencedVariableName doesn't allow user to specify variable name that begins with underscore.


Non-breaking changes

Added the following new parameter to allow you to configure the repair application option when you set the deployment for an application:

  • AllowRepairApp

Bugs that were fixed

Missing parameter to configure repair application option when set deployment for application.


Non-breaking changes

Added the following new parameters to allow you to configure repair command and directory options when you set the deployment type:

  • RepairCommand
  • RepairWorkingDirectory

Bugs that were fixed

Missing parameters to configure repair command and directory option when set deployment type.


Non-breaking changes

Added the following new parameter to allow you to retry the installation for a failed passive site:

  • RetryInstallPassiveSite

Added the following new parameter to allow you to promote a passive site to active:

  • PromotePassiveSiteToActive


Breaking changes

The -ContentLocation will no longer accept an empty folder.

Bugs that were fixed

The -ContentLocation shouldn't allow an empty folder.


Non-breaking changes

  • The cmdlet now supports setting 'Sync Schedule' for a catalog.
  • Modified an internal function call due to a native method change.
Set-CMThirdPartyUpdateCatalog -Name $name –Schedule $schedule