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Commerce Foundation StoreProfile CommerceCreate

The StoreProfile Microsoft Multi-Channel Commerce Foundation commerce entity provides create operation capability for the Commerce Server StoreObject profile. The StoreProfile Microsoft Multi-Channel Commerce Foundation commerce entity supports the create operation via the CommerceCreateOperation_StoreProfile message handler definition.


        var createStoreProfile = new CommerceCreate<CommerceEntity>("StoreProfile");


Name, Address and Preferred Address are required to create a Store Profile.

Operation Sequence Components

Operation Sequence Component



Responsible for populating the operation cache with the Commerce Server profile objects


Responsible for performing operations on addresses for a store


Responsible for executing create and update operations


Responsible for creating the response for operations targeting a store profile


Responsible for populating an operation response based on related address profile

Related Operation


CommerceCreateRelatedItem<Address> (Address)

Creates and adds a new address to the system. At a minimum, you need to specify the following information when creating an address:

AddressNameA user friendly name for this address.
Line1The streets address, PO Box, and so on.
StateProvinceCodeThe code for the state or province. For example, ON for Ontario.
ZipPostalCodeThe zip code or postal code.
CountryRegionCodeThe code for the country. For example, CA for Canada.

CommerceCreateRelatedItem<Address> (PreferredAddress)

Creates and adds a new preferred address to the system. At a minimum, you need to specify the following information when creating an address:

AddressNameA user friendly name for this address.
Line1The streets address, PO Box, and so on.
StateProvinceCodeThe code for the state or province. For example, ON for Ontario.
ZipPostalCodeThe zip code or postal code.
CountryRegionCodeThe code for the country. For example, CA for Canada.


Microsoft Multi-Channel Commerce Foundation can throw the following exception during this operation:

  • FaultException<GeneralOperationFault>

  • FaultException<ItemAlreadyExistsFault>

See Also

Other Resources

Commerce Foundation StoreProfile
