Pipeline Component Reference
This section contains reference material for the following pipeline components that are supplied with Commerce Server.
Pipeline Component Name |
Description |
Adds attachments to a direct mail message. |
Checks the inventory status for items in the customer's basket. |
Creates the body of a direct mail message. |
Collects cookie data to pass to an Active Server Pages (ASP) page creating a personalized direct mail message. |
Makes sure that advertisements are selected often enough to meet business commitments. |
Used to target particular groups for advertising, content selection, and discounts. This component evaluates a list of expressions for each item in a list and adjusts item selection scores. |
Applies provided filters to a content list in a Content Selection pipeline (CSP). |
Merges data from selected items and their associated templates to form formatted strings. These are usually HTML strings ready for display on the page. |
Applies penalties to content items based on how recently they have been selected. |
Records information about content selection results in the QueryString field of the Internet Information Services (IIS) log file. |
Used at the beginning of a Content Selection pipeline (CSP) to initialize the values needed in the rest of the pipeline. |
Loads advertising data for the Content Selection Framework through the CacheManager object. |
Loads discount data for the Content Selection Framework through the CacheManager object. |
Retrieves a history string from a user profile, an item in the ASP session collection, or a cookie. |
Records event delta counts for the selected content items (the winners) in the Performance dictionary. |
Records the identifiers of the winning content items in the history list string. |
Records the history string in one of three locations: the User Profile object, the Active Server Pages (ASP) session collection, or the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) cookie. |
Adjusts scores of discount items to promote discounts most relevant to the current user. |
Selects items based on their final scores in the Content Selection pipeline. |
Used with the CacheManager object to log Content Selection Framework events. |
Used as placeholder handling components. They initialize the total handling for the order to zero (0). |
Sets the regular price of an item to the list price returned by pipeline components such as QueryCatalogInfo or QueryProdInfoADO. |
Calculates the subtotal for the order. |
Assigns a default value to the payment authorization code. This component is usually replaced by a third-party payment component. |
Placeholder shipping components. They set the shipping cost to zero (0). |
Moves information from the Shopper dictionary in the Context dictionary of the pipeline to the OrderForm. |
Set the tax fields of the order to zero (0). These components are usually replaced by third-party tax components. |
Calculates the order total from the subtotals. |
Applies discounts to the shopping basket. |
Applies order-level subtotal discounts. |
Processes payments on an order. |
Sends a purchase order or other textual data to a file. |
Retrieves catalog information for every item in the order form. |
Records the promotion codes that have been applied to the order and adds promotional discounts to the list of discounts for the order form. |
Validates promotion codes and marks them as redeemed. |
Verifies that the handling total is present in the order. |
Ensures that the current price for each item in the order is set and that it has not been changed since the last time the basket was viewed. |
Verifies that each item in the order form has a regular price assigned to it. |
Adjusts the total cost of each item in the order after applying any discounts. |
Verifies that the order form contains at least one item. |
Initializes the payment authorization code, order ID, totals, and subtotals in the order form. |
Ensures that a subtotal exists on the order form. |
Verifies that the payment authorization code exists in the order form (is not NULL). |
Deletes items flagged for deletion by a previous Product Info stage component. |
Verifies that the shipping total has been set. |
Verifies that the total tax and tax included appear in the order form. |
Verifies that values on a page have not been tampered with or reset. The components compare values in the order against values in the _Verify_With dictionary. |
Validates and reserves promotion codes. |
Executes a script in a Microsoft ActiveX scripting language. |
Sends a direct mail message composed in earlier stages in the pipeline. |
Sends an e-mail message to a specified recipient. |
Applies shipping discounts to the order. |
Used with the CacheManager object to load shipping data for the multiple shipments shipping architecture. |
The ShippingMethodRouter pipeline component looks up and runs the pipeline components that calculate shipping costs for individual shipments, and then calculates the shipping total for the entire order. |
Divides the order into groups based on a list of item keys. Frequently used to divide the order into multiple shipments. |
Calculates shipping costs for shipments in the multiple-shipment shipping architecture. This component is never directly used in a pipeline; it is run by the ShippingMethodRouter pipeline component. |
Controls the speed with which direct mail messages are processed by the pipeline. |
Checks the inventory status for an array of stock-keeping units (SKUs) and updates the SKU quantities in the Inventory System. |
Checks the expiration date of a credit card and performs a checksum test on the number. |
Checks the body of a direct mail message according to the user flags. |
Checks the data about the recipient of a direct mail message. |
A troubleshooting and debugging tool that outputs the contents of the OrderForm object to a log file during any stage of pipeline execution. |