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PlanAssignment class

inherits members from ClientObject

Provides information about an assignment in a project plan.



class PlanAssignment 



REST Interface




✓ - Read Support       ✓ʷ - Write Support


Name .NET JSOM REST Type Description
[] ✓ʷ Dictionary<string, Object> Gets or sets an item in the plan assignment.
BookingType ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ BookingType Gets or sets the booking type for a plan assignment.
CanLevel Boolean Gets a value that indicates whether resource leveling can be performed on a plan assignment resource.
Code String Gets any code, abbreviation, or number that is entered as custom information for a plan assignment.
CostCenter String Gets any code, abbreviation, or number that is entered as custom cost center information for a plan assignment.
CustomFields CustomFieldCollection Gets the collection of custom fields that have values set for a plan assignment.
Email String Gets the email address of the resource for a plan assignment.
FieldValues Dictionary<string, Object> Gets the collection of custom fields that have values set for the plan assignment.
Group String Gets the name of a group to which a plan assignment resource belongs.
HireDate DateTime Gets the date and time that a plan assignment resource was hired.
Id Guid Gets the GUID of a plan assignment.
Intervals PlanAssignmentIntervalCollection Gets the collection of plan assignment time intervals.
IsTeam Boolean Gets a value that indicates whether a plan assignment resource is in a team assignment pool.
Item ✓ʷ Dictionary<string, Object> Gets or sets an item in the plan assignment.
Name String Gets the full name of a plan assignment resource.
Phonetics String Gets phonetic information for resource names, in either the Japanese Hiragana writing system or the Katakana writing system.
Resource EnterpriseResource Gets a resource that is part of an organization's entire list of resources and that can be shared across projects.
ResourceType EnterpriseResourceType Gets the type of a plan assignment resource.
TerminationDate DateTime Gets the date and time after which a plan assignment resource can no longer be used.


Name .NET JSOM REST Return Type Description
DeleteObject() void Deletes the plan assignment object.
SetCustomFieldValue(String fieldName, Object value) void Sets a custom field on the plan assignment.

#### Method Details


Deletes the plan assignment object.

void DeleteObject()


Return Value


SetCustomFieldValue(String fieldName, Object value)

Sets a custom field on the plan assignment.

void SetCustomFieldValue(String fieldName, Object value)
Name Type Description
fieldName String The InternalName of the custom field to update.
value Object New value of the custom field.
Return Value


See Also
