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ProjectResource class

inherits members from ClientObject

Provides information about a project resource.



class ProjectResource 



REST Interface




✓ - Read Support       ✓ʷ - Write Support


Name .NET JSOM REST Type Description
ActualCost Double Gets the costs incurred for work that has been performed by the project resource, along with any other recorded costs.
ActualCostWorkPerformed String Gets the actual cost for work that has been performed by the project resource to date.
ActualCostWorkPerformedMilliseconds Integer Gets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the actual cost for work that has been performed by the project resource to date.
ActualCostWorkPerformedTimeSpan TimeSpan Gets the time interval for the actual cost for work that has been performed by the project resource to date.
ActualOvertimeCost Double Gets the actual cost incurred for overtime work that has been performed by the project resource.
ActualOvertimeWork String Gets the actual amount of overtime work that has been performed by the project resource.
ActualOvertimeWorkMilliseconds Integer Gets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the actual amount of overtime work that has been performed by the project resource.
ActualOvertimeWorkTimeSpan TimeSpan Gets the time interval for the actual amount of overtime work that has been performed by the project resource.
ActualWork String Gets the actual amount of work that has already been performed by the project resource.
ActualWorkMilliseconds Integer Gets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the actual amount of work that has already been performed by the project resource.
ActualWorkTimeSpan TimeSpan Gets the time interval for the actual amount of work that has already been performed by the project resource.
AvailableFrom DateTime Gets the starting date that the project resource is available for work, at the units specified for the current time period.
AvailableTo DateTime Gets the end date that the project resource is available for work, at the units specified for the current time period.
BaselineCost Double Gets the planned total cost for work to be performed by the project resource.
BaselineWork String Gets the planned amount of work to be performed by the project resource.
BaselineWorkMilliseconds Integer Gets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the planned amount of work to be performed by the project resource.
BaselineWorkTimeSpan TimeSpan Gets the time interval for the planned amount of work to be performed by the project resource.
BudetCostWorkPerformed Double Gets the budgeted cost for work performed by the project resource to date.
BudgetedCost Double Gets the total budgeted cost for work performed by the project resource.
BudgetedCostWorkScheduled Double Gets the budgeted cost of scheduled work for the project resource.
BudgetedWork String Gets the total budgeted amount of work to be performed by the project resource.
BudgetedWorkMilliseconds Integer Gets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the total budgeted amount of work to be performed by the project resource.
BudgetedWorkTimeSpan TimeSpan Gets the time interval for the total budgeted amount of work to be performed by the project resource.
Cost Double Gets the total scheduled or estimated cost for work that has been performed, and work that remains to be performed, by the project resource.
CostVariance Double Gets the difference between the baseline cost and actual cost for the project resource.
CostVarianceAtCompletion Double Gets the difference between the baseline cost and actual cost of the project resource at the completion of a project.
Created DateTime Gets the date and time when the task was added to the project.
CurrentCostVariance Double Gets the difference between the baseline cost and the actual cost of the project resource to date.
CustomFields CustomFieldCollection Gets a collection of custom fields that have values set for this project resource.
EnterpriseResource EnterpriseResource Gets identification information for the project resource.
Finish DateTime Gets the date when the project resource is scheduled to complete work on all assigned tasks.
Id Guid Gets the GUID of the project resource.
IsBudgeted Boolean Gets a value that indicates whether the project resource is used for budgeting purposes or is a regular resource.
IsGenericResource Boolean Gets a value that indicates whether the project resource is a generic placeholder.
IsOverAllocated Boolean Gets a value that indicates whether the project resource is assigned to do more work on all assigned tasks than can be done within the normal working capacity.
Modified DateTime Gets the date of modification.
Notes String Gets comments entered about the project resource.
OvertimeCost Double Gets the total overtime cost for a project resource on all assigned tasks.
OvertimeWork String Gets the amount of overtime work that is scheduled to be performed on all tasks assigned to the project resource and that is charged at the overtime rates of the project resource involved.
OvertimeWorkMilliseconds Integer Gets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the amount of overtime work that is scheduled to be performed on all tasks assigned to the project resource and that is charged at the overtime rates of the project resource involved.
OvertimeWorkTimeSpan TimeSpan Gets the time interval for the amount of overtime work that is scheduled to be performed on all tasks assigned to the project resource and that is charged at the overtime rates of the project resource involved.
PeakWork String Gets the maximum effort that the project resource is scheduled to work on all assigned tasks.
PeakWorkMilliseconds Integer Gets the duration of the maximum effort, expressed in milliseconds, that the project resource is scheduled to work on all assigned tasks.
PeakWorkTimeSpan TimeSpan Gets the duration of the maximum effort that the project resource is scheduled to work on all assigned tasks.
PercentWorkComplete Integer Gets the current status of the project resource, expressed as the percentage of work that has been completed by the project resouce.
RegularWork String Gets the total amount of non-overtime work that is scheduled to be performed by the project resource.
RegularWorkMilliseconds Integer Gets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the total amount of non-overtime work that is scheduled to be performed by the project resource.
RegularWorkTimeSpan TimeSpan Gets the time interval for the total amount of non-overtime work that is scheduled to be performed by the project resource.
RemainingCost Double Gets the remaining scheduled expense that will be incurred by the project resource in completing the remaining scheduled work.
RemainingOvertimeCost Double Gets the remaining scheduled overtime expense for the project resource.
RemainingOvertimeWork String Gets the amount of remaining scheduled overtime work for the project resource.
RemainingOvertimeWorkMilliseconds Integer Gets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the amount of remaining scheduled overtime work for the project resource.
RemainingOvertimeWorkTimeSpan TimeSpan Gets the time interval for the amount of remaining scheduled overtime work for the project resource.
RemainingWork String Gets the amount of time, such as person-hours or days, that is still required for the project resource to complete a task or set of tasks.
RemainingWorkMilliseconds Integer Gets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the amount of time that is still required for the project resource to complete a task or set of tasks.
RemainingWorkTimeSpan TimeSpan Gets the time interval for the amount of time, such as person-hours or days, that is still required for the project resource to complete a task or set of tasks.
ScheduleCostVariance Double Gets the scheduled cost variance for the project resource.
Start DateTime Gets the date when an assigned resource is scheduled to begin working on a task.
Work String Gets the total amount of time to which the project resource is scheduled for a task.
WorkMilliseconds Integer Gets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the total amount of time to which the project resource is scheduled for a task.
WorkTimeSpan TimeSpan Gets the time interval for the total amount of time to which the project resource is scheduled for a task.
WorkVariance String Gets the difference between baseline work of a project resource and the currently scheduled work.
WorkVarianceMilliseconds Integer Gets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the difference between baseline work of a project resource and the currently scheduled work.
WorkVarianceTimeSpan TimeSpan Gets the time interval for the difference between baseline work of a project resource and the currently scheduled work.

See Also
