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StatusAssignment class

inherits members from ClientObject

Provides an object that is an assignment in a status update.



class StatusAssignment 



REST Interface




✓ - Read Support       ✓ʷ - Write Support


Name .NET JSOM REST Type Description
[] ✓ʷ Dictionary<string, Object> Gets or sets an item in the status assignment.
ActualFinish ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ DateTime Gets or sets the date and time when an assignment was completed.
ActualOvertime ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ String Gets or sets the actual amount of overtime work already performed by resources that are assigned to tasks.
ActualOvertimeMilliseconds ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the actual amount of overtime work already performed by resources that are assigned to tasks.
ActualOvertimeTimeSpan ✓ʷ ✓ʷ TimeSpan Gets or sets the time interval for the actual amount of overtime work already performed by resources that are assigned to tasks.
ActualStart ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ DateTime Gets or sets the date and time that an assignment actually began, based on progress information that was entered.
ActualWork ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ String Gets or sets the amount of work that has already been performed by resources that are assigned to tasks.
ActualWorkMilliseconds ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the amount of work that has already been performed by resources that are assigned to tasks.
ActualWorkTimeSpan ✓ʷ ✓ʷ TimeSpan Gets or sets the time interval for the amount of work that has already been performed by resources that are assigned to tasks.
ApprovalStatus StatusApprovalType Gets resource manager approval state of the assignments for which the project manager should be notified of edits.
Comments ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ String Gets or sets the comments for the status assignment.
CustomFields CustomFieldCollection Gets the collection of custom fields that have values set for the status assignment.
FieldValues Dictionary<string, Object> Gets the collection of custom fields that have values set for the status assignment.
Finish ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ DateTime Gets or sets the date when an assignment is scheduled to be completed.
History StatusAssignmentHistoryLineCollection Gets historical comments about the assignment.
Id Guid Gets the GUID for the status assignment.
IsConfirmed ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Boolean Gets or sets whether the status assignment has been confirmed.
Item ✓ʷ Dictionary<string, Object> Gets or sets an item in the status assignment.
Modified DateTime Gets or sets the date and time that the status assignment was last updated.
Name ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ String Gets or sets the name of the status assignment.
Overtime ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ String Gets or sets the amount of overtime work.
OvertimeMilliseconds ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the amount of overtime work.
OvertimeTimeSpan ✓ʷ ✓ʷ TimeSpan Gets or sets the time interval for the amount of overtime work.
PercentComplete ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the current status of a task, resource, or assignment, expressed as the percentage of work that has been completed.
Project PublishedProject Gets the project that contains the status assignment.
RegularWork ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ String Gets or sets the total amount of nonovertime work that is scheduled to be performed by resources.
RegularWorkMilliseconds ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the total amount of nonovertime work that is scheduled to be performed by resources.
RegularWorkTimeSpan ✓ʷ ✓ʷ TimeSpan Gets or sets the time interval for the total amount of nonovertime work that is scheduled to be performed by resources.
RemainingOvertime ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ String Gets or sets the amount of remaining scheduled overtime work.
RemainingOvertimeMilliseconds ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the amount of remaining scheduled overtime work.
RemainingOvertimeTimeSpan ✓ʷ ✓ʷ TimeSpan Gets or sets the time interval for the amount of remaining scheduled overtime work.
RemainingWork ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ String Gets or sets the time, such as person-hours or days, that are still required to complete a task or set of tasks.
RemainingWorkMilliseconds ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the time, such as person-hours or days, that are still required to complete a task or set of tasks.
RemainingWorkTimeSpan ✓ʷ ✓ʷ TimeSpan Gets or sets the time interval for the time, such as person-hours or days, that are still required to complete a task or set of tasks.
Resource EnterpriseResource Gets the resource that is associated with the status assignment.
Start ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ DateTime Gets or sets the date when an assigned resource is scheduled to begin working on an assignment.
Task StatusTask Gets the task that is associated with the status assignment.
Work ✓ʷ ✓ʷ ✓ʷ String Gets or sets the total time scheduled on a task for all assigned resources.
WorkMilliseconds ✓ʷ ✓ʷ Integer Gets or sets the time interval, expressed in milliseconds, for the total time scheduled on a task for all assigned resources.
WorkTimeSpan ✓ʷ ✓ʷ TimeSpan Gets or sets the time interval for the total time scheduled on a task for all assigned resources.


Name .NET JSOM REST Return Type Description
DeleteObject() void Deletes the status assignment object.
SetCustomFieldValue(String fieldName, Object value) void Sets a custom field on the status assignment.
SubmitStatusUpdates(String comment) void Submits all updates to this assignment for approval.

#### Method Details


Deletes the status assignment object.

void DeleteObject()


Return Value


SetCustomFieldValue(String fieldName, Object value)

Sets a custom field on the status assignment.

void SetCustomFieldValue(String fieldName, Object value)
Name Type Description
fieldName String The InternalName of the custom field to update.
value Object New value of the custom field.
Return Value


SubmitStatusUpdates(String comment)

Submits all updates to this assignment for approval.

void SubmitStatusUpdates(String comment)
Name Type Description
comment String A comment about the submission.
Return Value


See Also
