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HTML Device Information Settings

The following table lists the device information settings for rendering in HTML format.


The device information settings listed in the table below with a (*) have been deprecated and they should not be used in new applications. For more information, see Deprecated Features in SQL Server Reporting Services in SQL Server 2014.

Setting Value
AccessibleTablix Indicates whether to render with additional accessibility metadata for use with screen readers. This parameter is only applicable to reports that contain simple table or matrix structures with simple grouping. The default value is false. The additional accessibility metadata causes the rendered report to be compliant with the following technical standards in the "Web-based Intranet and Internet Information and Applications" section (1194.22) of the Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards (Section 508) document:

(g) Row and column headers shall be identified for data tables.

(h) Markup shall be used to associate data cells and header cells for data tables that have two or more logical levels of row or column headers.

(i) Frames shall be titled with text that facilitates frame identification and navigation.

This parameter is supported in MicrosoftSharePoint Server 2010, but not in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007.
ActionScript(*) Specifies the name of the JavaScript function to use when an action event occurs, such as a drillthrough or bookmark click. If this parameter is specified, an action event will trigger the named JavaScript function instead of a postback to the server.
BookmarkID The bookmark ID to jump to in the report.
DocMap Indicates whether to show or hide the report document map. The default value of this parameter is true.
ExpandContent Indicates whether the report should be enclosed in a table structure which constricts horizontal size.
FindString The text to search for in the report. The default value of this parameter is an empty string.
GetImage (*) Gets a particular icon for the HTML Viewer user interface.
HTMLFragment Indicates whether an HTML fragment is created in place of a full HTML document. An HTML fragment includes the report content in a TABLE element and omits the HTML and BODY elements. The default value is false. Rendering using SOAP with the HTMLFragment property set to true creates URLs containing session information that can be used to properly request images. The images must be uploaded resources in the report server database.
ImageConsolidation Indicates whether to consolidate the rendered chart, map, gauge, and indicator images into one large image. The consolidation of images helps improve the performance of the report in the client browser when the report contains many data visualization items. The default value is true for most modern browsers.
JavaScript Indicates whether JavaScript is supported in the rendered report. The default value is true.
LinkTarget The target for hyperlinks in the report. You can target a window or frame by providing the name of the window, like LinkTarget=window_name, or you can target a new window using LinkTarget=_blank. Other valid target names include _self, _parent, and _top.
OnlyVisibleStyles(*) Indicates that only shared styles for currently rendered page are generated.
OutlookCompat Indicates whether to render with extra metadata that makes the report look better in Outlook. For others, the default value is false.
Parameters Indicates whether to show or hide the parameters area of the toolbar. If you set this parameter to a value of true, the parameters area of the toolbar is displayed. The default value of this parameter is true.
PrefixId When used with HTMLFragment, adds the specified prefix to all ID attributes in the HTML fragment that is created.
ReplacementRoot(*) The string to prepend to all drillthrough, toggle, and bookmark links in the report when rendered outside of the ReportViewer control. For example, this is used for redirecting a user's click to a custom page.
ResourceStreamRoot(*) The string to prepend to the URL for all image resources, such as images for toggle or sort.
Section The page number of the report to render. A value of 0 indicates that all sections of the report are rendered. The default value is 1.
StreamRoot (*) The path used for prefixing the value of the src attribute of the IMG element in the HTML report returned by the report server. By default, the report server provides the path. You can use this setting to specify a root path for the images in a report (for example, http://<servername>/resources/companyimages).
StyleStream Indicates whether styles and scripts are created as a separate stream instead of in the document. The default value is false.
Toolbar Indicates whether to show or hide the toolbar. The default of this parameter is true. If the value of this parameter is false, all remaining options (except the document map) are ignored. If you omit this parameter, the toolbar is automatically displayed for rendering formats that support it.

The Report Viewer toolbar is rendered when you use URL access to render a report. The toolbar is not rendered through the SOAP API. However, the Toolbar device information setting affects the way that the report is displayed when using the SOAP Render method. If the value of this parameter is true when using SOAP to render to HTML, only the first section of the report is rendered. If the value is false, the entire HTML report is rendered as a single HTML page.
UserAgent The user-agent string of the browser that is making the request, which is found in the HTTP request.
Zoom (*) The report zoom value as an integer percentage or a string constant. Standard string values include Page Width and Whole Page. This parameter is ignored by versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer earlier than Internet Explorer 5.0 and all non-Microsoft browsers. The default value of this parameter is 100.
DataVisualizationFitSizing Indicates data visualization fit behavior when inside a tablix. This includes chart, gauge, and map.

The possible values are Approximate and Exact.

The default value is Approximate. If the setting is removed from the rsreportserver.config file then the default behavior is Exact.

Enabling Exact may have performance impact because the processing to determine the exact size may take longer.

See Also

Passing Device Information Settings to Rendering Extensions
Customize Rendering Extension Parameters in RSReportServer.Config
Technical Reference (SSRS)