Compiler Error CS0507
'function1' : cannot change access modifiers when overriding 'access' inherited member 'function2'
An attempt was made to change the access specification in a method override.
The following sample generates CS0507.
// CS0507.cs
abstract public class clx
virtual protected void f() {}
public class cly : clx
public override void f() {} // CS0507
public static void Main() {}
CS0507 can also occur if a class attempts to override a method marked as protected internal defined in referenced metadata. In this situation, the overriding method should be marked as protected.
// CS0507_b.cs
// compile with: /target:library
abstract public class clx
virtual protected internal void f() {}
The following sample generates CS0507.
// CS0507_c.cs
// compile with: /reference:cs0507_b.dll
public class cly : clx
protected internal override void f() {} // CS0507
// try the following line instead
// protected override void f() {} // OK
public static void Main() {}