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The StopProfile function sets the counter to 0 (off) for the specified profiling level.


                       PROFILE_CONTROL_LEVEL Level,
                       unsigned int dwId);



Indicates the profile level to which performance data collection can be applied. The following PROFILE_CONTROL_LEVEL enumerators can be used to indicate one of the three levels to which performance data collection can be applied:

Enumerator Description
PROFILE_GLOBALLEVEL Global level setting affects all processes and threads in the profiling run.
PROFILE_PROCESSLEVEL Process level setting affect all threads that are part of specified process.
PROFILE_THREADLEVEL Thread profiling Level setting affects the specified thread.


The process or thread identifier generated by the system.

Property value/return value

The function indicates success or failure by using PROFILE_COMMAND_STATUS enumeration. The return value can be one of the following:

Enumerator Description
PROFILE_ERROR_ID_NOEXIST The profiling element ID does not exist.
PROFILE_ERROR_LEVEL_NOEXIST The profiling level specified does not exist.
PROFILE_ERROR_MODE_NEVER The profiling mode was set to NEVER when the function was called.
PROFILE_ERROR_NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED The profiling function call, profiling level, or combination of call and level is not yet implemented.
PROFILE_OK The call was successful.


StartProfile and StopProfile control the Start/Stop state for the profiling level. The default value of Start/Stop is 1. The initial value can be changed in the registry. Each call to StartProfile sets Start/Stop to 1; each call to StopProfile sets it to 0.

When the Start/Stop is greater than 0, the Start/Stop state for the level is ON. When it is less than or equal to 0, the Start/Stop state is OFF.

When the Start/Stop state and the Suspend/Resume state are both ON, the profiling state for the level is ON. For a thread to be profiled, the global, process, and thread level states for the thread must be ON.

.NET Framework equivalent


Function information

Header: Declared in VSPerf.h

Import library: VSPerf.lib


The following example illustrates the StopProfile method. The example assumes that a call to the StartProfile method has been made for the same thread or process identified by PROFILE_CURRENTID.

void ExerciseStopProfile()
    // StartProfile and StopProfile control the
    // Start/Stop state for the profiling level.
    // The default initial value of Start/Stop is 1.
    // The initial value can be changed in the registry.
    // Each call to StartProfile sets Start/Stop to 1;
    // each call to StopProfile sets it to 0.

    // Variables used to print output.
    HRESULT hResult;
    TCHAR tchBuffer[256];

    // Declare enumeration to hold result of call
    // to StopProfile.

    profileResult = StopProfile(

    // Format and print result.
    LPCTSTR pszFormat = TEXT("%s %d.\0");
    TCHAR* pszTxt = TEXT("StopProfile returned");
    hResult = StringCchPrintf(tchBuffer, 256, pszFormat,
        pszTxt, profileResult);

#ifdef DEBUG

See also