Build a RAG-based copilot solution with your own data using Azure AI Studio

Data Scientist
AI Engineer
Azure AI services

Copilots can work alongside you to provide suggestions, generate content, or help you make decisions. Copilots use language models as a form of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and will answer your questions using the data they were trained on. To ensure a copilot retrieves information from a specific source, you can add your own data when building a copilot with the Azure AI Studio.

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you'll be able to:

  • Identify the need to ground your language model with Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
  • Index your data with Azure AI Search to make it searchable for language models
  • Build a copilot using RAG on your own data in the Azure AI Studio


Before starting this module, you should be familiar with fundamental AI concepts and services in Azure. Consider completing the Get started with artificial intelligence learning path first.