Exercise - Connect to Power BI from Synapse


Task 1: Create a Power BI workspace

  1. In a new browser tab, navigate to https://powerbi.microsoft.com/.

  2. Sign in with the same account used to sign in to Azure by selecting the Sign in link on the upper-right corner.

  3. If this is your first time signing into this account, complete the setup wizard with the default options.

  4. Select Workspaces, then select Create a workspace.

    The create a workspace button is highlighted.

  5. If you are prompted to upgrade to Power BI Pro, select Try free.

    The Try free button is highlighted.

    Select Got it to confirm the pro subscription.

    The Got it button is highlighted.

  6. Set the name to synapse-training, then select Save.

    The form is displayed.

Task 2: Connect to Power BI from Synapse

  1. Open Synapse Studio (https://web.azuresynapse.net/), and then navigate to the Manage hub.

    Manage hub.

  2. Select Linked services on the left-hand menu, then select + New.

    The new button is highlighted.

  3. Select Power BI, then select Continue.

    The Power BI service type is selected.

  4. In the dataset properties form, complete the following:

    Field Value
    Name (1) enter handson_powerbi
    Workspace name (2) select synapse-training

    A form is displayed.

  5. Select Create (3).

Task 3: Explore the Power BI linked service in Synapse Studio

  1. In Azure Synapse Studio and navigate to the Develop hub using the left menu option.

    Develop option in Azure Synapse Workspace.

  2. Expand Power BI, expand SynapseDemos (or synapse-training, named after your resource group) and observe that you have access to your Power BI datasets and reports, directly from Synapse Studio.

    Explore the linked Power BI workspace in Azure Synapse Studio

    New reports can be created by selecting + at the top of the Develop tab. Existing reports can be edited by selecting the report name. Any saved changes will be written back to the Power BI workspace.