Exercise - Connect to Power BI from Synapse
Task 1: Create a Power BI workspace
In a new browser tab, navigate to https://powerbi.microsoft.com/.
Sign in with the same account used to sign in to Azure by selecting the Sign in link on the upper-right corner.
If this is your first time signing into this account, complete the setup wizard with the default options.
Select Workspaces, then select Create a workspace.
If you are prompted to upgrade to Power BI Pro, select Try free.
Select Got it to confirm the pro subscription.
Set the name to synapse-training, then select Save.
Task 2: Connect to Power BI from Synapse
Open Synapse Studio (https://web.azuresynapse.net/), and then navigate to the Manage hub.
Select Linked services on the left-hand menu, then select + New.
Select Power BI, then select Continue.
In the dataset properties form, complete the following:
Field Value Name (1) enter handson_powerbi
Workspace name (2) select synapse-training
Select Create (3).
Task 3: Explore the Power BI linked service in Synapse Studio
In Azure Synapse Studio and navigate to the Develop hub using the left menu option.
Power BI
, expandSynapseDemos
, named after your resource group) and observe that you have access to your Power BI datasets and reports, directly from Synapse Studio.New reports can be created by selecting + at the top of the Develop tab. Existing reports can be edited by selecting the report name. Any saved changes will be written back to the Power BI workspace.