Visualize data with serverless SQL pools

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to your Synapse Workspace. In the Overview (1) tab, copy the Serverless SQL endpoint (2):

    Identify endpoint for Serverless SQL endpoint.

  2. Switch back to Power BI Desktop. Create a new report, then click Get data.

    The Get data button is highlighted.

  3. Select Azure (1) on the left-hand menu, then select Azure Synapse Analytics (SQL DW) (2). Finally, click Connect (3):

    Identify endpoint for SQL on-demand.

  4. Paste the endpoint to the Serverless SQL endpoint identified on the first step into the Server field (1), enter demo for the Database (2), select DirectQuery (3), then paste the query below (4) into the expanded Advanced options section of the SQL Server database dialog. Finally, click OK (5).

    SELECT TOP (100) [Year]
    FROM [dbo].[2019Q1Sales]

    The SQL connection dialog is displayed and configured as described.

  5. (If prompted) Select the Microsoft account (1) option on the left, Sign in (2) (with the same credentials you use for connecting to the Synapse workspace) and click Connect (3).

    Sign in with the Microsoft account and connect.

  6. Select Load in the preview data window and wait for the connection to be configured.

    Preview data.

  7. After the data loads, select Line chart from the Visualizations menu.

    A new line chart is added to the report canvas.

  8. Select the line chart visualization and configure it as follows to show Profit, Amount, and Transactions count by day:

    • Axis: Day
    • Values: ProfitAmount, TotalAmount
    • Secondary values: TransactionsCount

    The line chart is configured as described.

  9. Select the line chart visualization and configure it to sort in ascending order by the day of transaction. To do this, select More options next to the chart visualization.

    The more options button is highlighted.

    Select Sort ascending.

    The context menu is displayed.

    Select More options next to the chart visualization again.

    The more options button is highlighted.

    Select Sort by, then Day.

    The chart is sorted by day.

  10. Click Save in the top-left corner.

    The save button is highlighted.

  11. Specify a file name (1), such as synapse-sql-serverless, then click Save (2).

    The save dialog is displayed.

  12. Click Publish above the saved report. Make sure that, in Power BI Desktop, you are signed in with the same account you use in the Power BI portal and in Synapse Studio. You can switch to the proper account from the right topmost corner of the window. In the Publish to Power BI dialog, select the workspace you linked to Synapse (for example, synapse-training), then click Select.

    Publish report to the linked workspace.

  13. Wait until the publish operation successfully completes.

    The publish dialog is displayed.

  14. In Azure Synapse Studio, navigate to the Develop hub.

    Develop hub.

  15. Expand the Power BI group, expand your Power BI linked service (for example, synapse-training), right-click on Power BI reports and select Refresh (1) to update the list of reports. You should see the two Power BI reports you created in this lab (synapse-lab and synapse-sql-serverless (2)).

    The new reports are displayed.

  16. Select the synapse-lab report. You can view and edit the report directly within Synapse Studio!

    The report is embedded in Synapse Studio.

  17. Select the synapse-sql-serverless report. You should be able to view and edit this report as well.

    Another example of a report embedded in Synapse Studio.