Describe standard workflow syntax elements


Workflows include several standard syntax elements.

  • Name: is the name of the workflow. It's optional but is highly recommended. It appears in several places within the GitHub UI.
  • On: is the event or list of events that will trigger the workflow.
  • Jobs: is the list of jobs to be executed. Workflows can contain one or more jobs.
  • Runs-on: tells Actions which runner to use.
  • Steps: It's the list of steps for the job. Steps within a job execute on the same runner.
  • Uses: tells Actions, which predefined action needs to be retrieved. For example, you might have an action that installs node.js.
  • Run: tells the job to execute a command on the runner. For example, you might execute an NPM command.

You can see the allowable syntax for workflows here: Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions.