

In this module, you learned how to:

  • Create a notebook in Azure Notebooks
  • Import data into a notebook using curl
  • Use Pandas to clean and prepare data
  • Use scikit-learn to build a machine-learning model
  • Use Matplotlib to visualize the results

Pandas, scikit-learn, and Matplotlib are among the most popular Python libraries on the planet. With them, you can prepare data for use in machine learning, build sophisticated machine-learning models from the data, and chart the output. Jupyter notebooks provide a ready-made environment for using these libraries, and Azure Notebooks give you easy access to Jupyter notebooks without requiring you to install any software or set up a Jupyter environment on a server.

Check your knowledge


What method is used in Pandas to import a CSV file? Assume pandas was loaded as import pandas as pd.


What is the purpose of splitting data before training a machine learning model?


Assuming you've imported Matplotlib as 'plt', what is the method on Matplotlib that you would use to plot a bar chart?