Add an attribute to a project item
The methods GetItemAttribute and SetItemAttribute get and set the value of the attributes of a project item. SetItemAttribute creates the attribute if it does not already exist, adding it to the project item metadata.
Add an attribute to a project item
The following code uses the DTE automation object and the SetItemAttribute method to add an attribute to a project item. The project item ID is obtained from the project item name "program.cs". The attribute "MyAttribute" is added to this project item and given the value "MyValue".
EnvDTE.DTE dte = (EnvDTE.DTE)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(EnvDTE.DTE)); EnvDTE.Project project = dte.Solution.Projects.Item(1); string uniqueName = project.UniqueName; IVsSolution solution = (IVsSolution)Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SVsSolution)); IVsHierarchy hierarchy; solution.GetProjectOfUniqueName(uniqueName, out hierarchy); IVsBuildPropertyStorage buildPropertyStorage = hierarchy as IVsBuildPropertyStorage; if (buildPropertyStorage != null) { uint itemId; string fullPath = (string)project.ProjectItems.Item("Program.cs").Properties.Item("FullPath").Value; hierarchy.ParseCanonicalName(fullPath, out itemId); buildPropertyStorage.SetItemAttribute(itemId, "MyAttribute", "MyValue"); }