MarkPowerDown rule (wdm)
The MarkPowerDown rule specifies that an IRP_MJ_POWER with IRP_MN_SET_POWER for SystemPowerState IRP going from s0 to [S1...S5] is pended.
This rule only applies to FDO and FIDO drivers.
Driver model: WDM
How to test
At compile time |
Run Static Driver Verifier and specify the MarkPowerDown rule. Use the following steps to run an analysis of your code:
For more information, see Using Static Driver Verifier to Find Defects in Drivers. |
Applies to
IoAcquireRemoveLock IoAllocateIrp IoCallDriver IoGetDeviceInterfaces IoMarkIrpPending IoRegisterPlugPlayNotification IoSetCompletionRoutine IoSetCompletionRoutineEx PoCallDriver