A programmable pixel shader is made up of a set of instructions that operate on pixel data. Registers transfer data in and out of the ALU. Additional control can be applied to modify the instruction, the results, or what data gets written out.
- ps_2_0 Instructions contains a list of the available instructions.
- ps_2_0 Registers lists the different types of registers used by the vertex shader ALU.
- Modifiers Are used to modify the way an instruction works.
- Destination Register Write Mask determines what components of the destination register get written.
- Pixel Shader Source Register Modifiers alter the source register data before the instruction runs.
- Source Register Swizzling gives additional control over which register components are read, copied, or written.
Instruction Count
Shaders have restrictions for maximum instruction counts. Total Instruction slots: 96 (64 arithmetic and 32 texture).
Sampler Count
The number of texture samplers available is 16.
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