Errors 1011 through 1020
Describes WMI SNMP provider errors 1011 through 1020.
Fatal Error 1011
<1011, Fatal>: "<fileName>:<line#> the SYNTAX of member <identifier> of SEQUENCE, <identifier>, differs from the SYNTAX clause of the OBJECT-TYPE"
OBJECT-TYPE macro invocation module semantic error. An element of a SEQUENCE must be same as the type in the SYNTAX clause of the OBJECT-TYPE definition. The <line#> parameter is the line of the SYNTAX clause of the OBJECT-TYPE definition.
This error can occur in either SNMPv1 or SNMPv2C.
Fatal Error 1012
<1012, Fatal>: "<fileName>:<line#> An INDEX or AUGMENTS clause is required only for SEQUENCE OBJECT-TYPES"
OBJECT-TYPE macro invocation module semantic error. An INDEX clause must only be present in an OBJECT-TYPE definition whose SYNTAX resolves to a SEQUENCE type.
This error can occur when compiling either an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2C MIB.
Fatal Error 1013
<1013, Fatal>: "<fileName><line#>: <identifier> should resolve to a SEQUENCE type"
OBJECT-TYPE macro invocation module semantic error. A type used in the "SEQUENCE OF" construct must resolve to a SEQUENCE type.
This error can occur in either SNMPv1 or SNMPv2C.
Warning 1014
<1014, Warning>: "<fileName>:<line#>: Sub-identifier of value 0 not recommended in OIDs"
OBJECT-TYPE macro invocation module semantic warning. It is recommended that no object in an Internet Standard MIB use a sub-identifier of zero in its OBJECT IDENTIFIER.
This warning can occur in either SNMPv1 or SNMPv2C.
Fatal Error 1015
<1015, Fatal>: "<fileName>:<line#>: OBJECT-TYPEs <identifier> from module <identifier> and <identifier> from module <identifier> are assigned the same OID values"
OBJECT-TYPE macro invocation module semantic error. Two OBJECT-TYPE invocations (in the same or different modules) must not be assigned the same Object Identifier value.
This error can occur in either SNMPv1 or SNMPv2C.
Fatal Error 1016
<1016, Fatal>: "<fileName>:<line#>: Value in the DEFVAL clause does not match the type in the SYNTAX clause"
OBJECT-TYPE macro invocation module semantic error. A value in a DEFVAL clause must be a value of the type mentioned in the SYNTAX clause.
This error can occur in either SNMPv1 or SNMPv2C.
Fatal Error 1018
<1018, Fatal>: "<fileName><line#>: <symbol> in ENTERPRISE clause of TRAP-TYPE does not resolve to an OID value"
TRAP-TYPE macro invocation, SNMPv1-specific module semantic error. The symbol used in the ENTERPRISE clause of a TRAP-TYPE macro invocation must resolve to an Object Identifier value.
Fatal Error 1020
<1020, Fatal>: "<fileName><line#>: Value assigned to TRAP-TYPE <identifier> does not resolve to a positive integer"
TRAP-TYPE macro invocation, SNMPv1-specific module semantic error. A symbol used in specifying the trap value does not resolve to a positive integer.