Errors 1041 through 1050
Describes WMI SNMP provider errors 1041 through 1050.
Fatal Error 1041
<1041, Fatal>: "<fileName><line#>: Identifier <identifier> in range specification does not resolve to an integral value"
Module semantic error in range or size specification, specific to neither SNMPv1 nor SNMPv2C. The symbol used in a SIZE specification must resolve to OCTET STRING or Opaque. Any value used in specifying a range must be an integer.
Fatal Error 1042
<1042, Fatal>: "<fileName><line#>: Upper bound of range specification is less than the lower bound"
Module semantic error in range or size specification, specific to neither SNMPv1 nor SNMPv2C. The symbol used in a SIZE specification must resolve to OCTET STRING or Opaque. The lower bound of a range or SIZE specification must be no greater than the upper bound.
Warning 1043
<1043, Warning>: "<fileName>:<line#>: OBJECT-TYPE with SYNTAX "SEQUENCE", should have an ACCESS clause "not-accessible"
OBJECT-TYPE macro invocation module semantic warning. A table or conceptual row (SEQUENCE OF or SEQUENCE object types, respectively) must be "not-accessible."
This warning can occur in either SNMPv1 or SNMPv2C.
Fatal Error 1044
<1044, Fatal>: "<fileName><line#>: Redefinition of symbol <identifier>"
Module semantic error, specific to neither SNMPv1 nor SNMPv2C. Redefinition of object descriptors, macro invocations, and ASN.1 types cause an error.
Warning 1045
<1045, Warning>: "<fileName><lineReference to standard symbol <symbolName> assumed to be for the definition as in <moduleName>. Use the "module.symbol" notations, if you want to refer to the definition in the current module"
Module semantic warning, specific to neither SNMPv1 nor SNMPv2C. A symbol known to the compiler has been redefined, and is being referenced. The compiler assumes the standard definition of the symbol. Therefore, to use a redefinition of the standard symbol, you must use the "Module.Symbol" notation.
Warning 1046
<1046, Warning>: "<fileName><line#>: <symbol> undefined. Assuming standard definition"
Module semantic warning, specific to neither SNMPv1 nor SNMPv2C. A symbol known to the compiler must not be redefined or used without being imported.
Warning 1047
<1047, Warning>: "<fileName><line#>: Type definition <symbol> defined but not referenced"
Module semantic warning, specific to neither SNMPv1 nor SNMPv2C. All value assignments and type definitions must be referenced somewhere.
Warning 1048
<1048, Warning>: "<fileName><line#>: Value definition <symbol> defined but not referenced"
Module semantic warning, specific to neither SNMPv1 nor SNMPv2C. All value assignments and type definitions must be referenced somewhere.
Fatal Error 1049
<1049, Fatal>: "<fileName>:<line#>: DEFVAL clause not allowed for OBJECT-TYPE with SYNTAX NetworkAddress"
OBJECT-TYPE macro invocation SNMPv1-specific module semantic error. The DEFVAL clause is not allowed for an OBJECT-TYPE whose SYNTAX clause resolves to NetworkAddress.