I couldn't be more confused on how to add a JWT token to test if my stream works, I have literally tried everything and it still wouldn't accept my data.
So I tried to create a test JWT from an online token generator ( this one : https://irrte.ch/jwt-js-decode/ )
here is the JWT decoded 🥇
"alg": "HS256",
"typ": "JWT"
"iss": "https://sts.windows.net/********-***-****-****-******d/",
"aud": "*******-*****-****-****-********",
"iat": 1600954213,
"exp": 1632490213,
"nbf": 1632490213
"iss" is my .net/tenantID
"aud" is my ad app id
i generate this with my verification key and gives me A VERIFIED token
I then add the same exact data in my content key policy in azure portal token configuration with the same verification key
i generate a new streaming policy with the created token , i take it to the Azure Media Player online , i set in the AES textfield "bearer=myverifiedtoken"
i paste my generated widevine DRM URL over dash with the player open on Chrome i press play and i get an error