If you've configured your profiles as Normal / Direct Access (which is the default) then only one session host can access it at the same time. You could configure it as read/write and use difference disk, although I would not recommend this. I would just use a different profile share, and different profiles for your second workspace. I would just split everything, use different OUs, Machines etc for the apps & desktops.
Can I use multiple workspaces with Azure Virtual Desktops and point them all to one profile folder?
I have a workspace that is working well with a desktop and a few apps. I wanted to organize them on the user side so the desktop shows in one workspace and the apps display in another. I created a new workspace and a session host using the same image as the first workspace/host pool. Everything displays the way I want it to on the Remote Desktop App but when I launch apps from the newly created workspace/host pool, it freezes up. If I rdp to the new session host, I can operate within that with no issues. If I launch an app from the Remote Desktop App, even my rdp session freezes up. I have all session hosts in the same OU so the profiles are pointing to the same place. I'm wondering if I should have setup a different profile share for the second workspace? Are they stepping on each other the way I have it and that's why it's doing this?