ADF Lookup activity not returning correct datetime value

Hari 26 Reputation points

A pipeline uses a lookup activity and runs a script against Snowflake, returns first row of data and we are using it in a update statement.

Running the lookup to get MAX(load_date) from a snowflake table. In Snowflake it is "2024-04-25 17:26:01.548 -0700" but we are getting "2024-04-26 00:26:01.548" with lookup.

This started happening after we switched to new Snowflake linked service, with Snowflake legacy it was working fine.

Any idea why it is happening and how to resolve this.

Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory
An Azure service for ingesting, preparing, and transforming data at scale.
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  1. Q&A Assist
    AI generated content. This question contains an answer created with AI from Q&A Assist. Learn more

    The issue you are experiencing with the Lookup activity in Azure Data Factory may be related to the differences between the new Snowflake connector and the Snowflake (legacy) connector. According to the documentation, the Snowflake connector supports BigDecimal in the Lookup activity, while the Snowflake (legacy) connector does not. It's possible that the new connector is returning the value as a BigDecimal, while the legacy connector returned it as a string. You can try converting the returned value to the desired format using a dynamic expression in the pipeline.


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