Could you try creating the cluster from azure portal. If it still fails, change the command line that you shared using something like below
set -x
Get Account Infomration and Alias:
EngAlias=az account show --query -otsv | cut -d"@" -f1
ARODATE=date -u +"%F"
AROTIME=date -u +"%T" | sed 's/:/-/g'
AROQueryTime=date -u +"%FT%TZ"
Define Envrinoment Variables :
LOCATION=westeurope # Location of your ARO cluster
AROCluster="aro-$EngAlias-$ARODATE-pub" # Name of the ARO Cluster
ARORG="$AROCluster-rg" # Name of Resource Group where you want to create your ARO Cluster
VNETName="$AROCluster-vnet" # Name of ARO VNET
VNETAddr="" # VNET Address Prefixes
MasterSubNet="$AROCluster-master-subnet" # Name of ARO Master Subnet
MasterAddr="" # Master Subnet Address Prefixes
WorkerSubNet="$AROCluster-worker-subnet" # Name of ARO Worker Subnet
WorkerAddr="" # Worker Subnet Address Prefixes
Create ARO Cluster Prerequisites :
az group create --name $ARORG --location $LOCATION
az network vnet create --resource-group $ARORG --name $VNETName --address-prefixes $VNETAddr
az network vnet subnet create --resource-group $ARORG --vnet-name $VNETName --name $MasterSubNet --address-prefixes $MasterAddr --service-endpoints Microsoft.ContainerRegistry
az network vnet subnet create --resource-group $ARORG --vnet-name $VNETName --name $WorkerSubNet --address-prefixes $WorkerAddr --service-endpoints Microsoft.ContainerRegistry
az network vnet subnet update --name $MasterSubNet --resource-group $ARORG --vnet-name $VNETName --disable-private-link-service-network-policies true
Create ARO Cluster without Predefined SP :
az aro create --resource-group $ARORG --name $AROCluster --vnet $VNETName --master-subnet $MasterSubNet --worker-subnet $WorkerSubNet --pull-secret @pull-secret.txt --cluster-resource-group $ARONodeRG --debug
If you still face any issue, let me know in the comments by tagging me.