Azure AI Document Intelligence : Find Custom Models

Sidharth Chauhan 25 Reputation points

How to get the list of custom models using the sdk From Microsoft Azure Document Intelligence? I'm using Node sdk but didn't found any way to get custom models.

Azure AI Document Intelligence
Azure AI Document Intelligence
An Azure service that turns documents into usable data. Previously known as Azure Form Recognizer.
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  1. VasaviLankipalle-MSFT 15,246 Reputation points

    Hello @Sidharth Chauhan, Thanks for using Microsoft Q&A Platform.

    Is this something you are looking for?

     from `getDocumentModel` as part of the full model information. const models = client.listDocumentModels();
     let i = 1; 
    for await (const summary of models) { console.log(`Model ${i++}:`, summary); }

    I hope this helps.



    -Please kindly accept the answer and vote 'yes' if you feel helpful to support the community, thanks.

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