Updating Microsoft Teams Chats and Managing Attachments via Microsoft Graph API in C# .NET6

Amit 711 Reputation points


I want to update Microsoft Teams Chats (one-on-one / Channel) programmatically via C# .NET6. Additionally, I want to download and delete attachments.

I see that the Microsoft Graph API has an "Update chatMessage" section, but it is not working for me.


Can someone please confirm if we can update/delete chat messages and delete and download attachments via the Graph API?

If yes, could you provide any sample code?

Thank you.

Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
11,192 questions
Microsoft Teams Development
Microsoft Teams Development
Microsoft Teams: A Microsoft customizable chat-based workspace.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
2,993 questions
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Accepted answer
  1. Prasad-MSFT 5,986 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Yes, you can update and delete chat messages as well as delete and download attachments via the Microsoft Graph API.

    Updating a Chat Message: To update a chat message, you can use the PATCH request to the /chats/{chat-id}/messages/{message-id} endpoint.


    Deleting a Chat Message: To delete a chat message, you can send a DELETE request to the /chats/{chat-id}/messages/{message-id} endpoint.


    Downloading an Attachment: To download an attachment, you first need to get the attachment ID using a GET request to the /chats/{chat-id}/messages/{message-id}/attachments endpoint. Then, you can download the attachment using the GET request to the /chats/{chat-id}/messages/{message-id}/attachments/{attachment-id}/$value endpoint.

    Deleting an Attachment: Currently, the Graph API does not support directly deleting an attachment from a chat message. You would need to update the message to remove the attachment reference.


    Prasad Das


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