Allow-Access-Control-Origin Error on Web App
Hey everyone. I may be missing something simple, but here's one for you guys!
Turning on App Gateway WAF Policy with a custom rule for geo location match. Essentially just to deny any traffic outside of select countries.
Without this WAF Policy turned on, everything works as expected. As soon as we turn this on, our web application gets a slew of errors that pop up in the developer console.
We've been trying to track down the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" error first, as we're hoping that will at least alleviate the major error.(it gives us the most detail)
I will also mention, that this application is running .Net 3.1/C#/Angular. We understand that this is a way outdated version of .Net, but we're not sure if that could be the issue or what.
Just unsure of why simply turning on this WAF policy for geolocation match would ding all of these errors, and an explanation on this would be SUPER helpful.
I will mention there is one rewrite rule set configured that looks like so:
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. We've been working on this for a number of weeks, and with Microsoft's new support request degradation, we've been unable to receive any support on this product there.