SharePoint can't create Excel report in IE

Sevil Red 101 Reputation points

Good day,

I have the script to create Excel report. It works fine for me in IE. But another users can't unload Excel report in IE. If I click F12, I see this error "it is impossible to create an object by the object programming server" after string

   var oExcel = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");  

This information didn't help

How can I create Excel report without ActiveXObject?
I use SharePoint 2016. My script

And I tried to use

My exportToExcel function became

function exportToExcel() {  
 var workbook = XLSX.utils.book_new();  
 var ws1 = XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet(document.getElementById('popular'));  
 XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(workbook, ws1, "Sheet1");  
   /* bookType can be any supported output type */  
 var wopts = { bookType:'xlsx', bookSST:false, type:'array' };  
 var wbout = XLSX.write(workbook,wopts);  
 var fileName ="test.xlsx";  
 try {  
 var file = new File([wbout], fileName, { type: "application/octet-stream" });  
 } catch (err) {  
 var blob = new Blob([wbout], { type: "application/" });  
 saveAs(blob, fileName);  

It works in FireFox and Google Chrome. But if I run it in IE, I see the word"downloading" only. How can I save excel file in IE 11?

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JavaScript API
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