is there a way to get the sku for a list of web apps using az cli ?

Mario Alessio Caruso 21 Reputation points

I have a list of web apps, resourcegroup I would liketo be able to query each webapp for the sku used (F1,B1 etc) is there a way to do this ? tnx M.

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
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  1. Ryan Hill 26,866 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hi @Mario Alessio Caruso ,

    Unfortunately, no there isn't a direct way. The SKU is tied to the app service plan and since it returns Microsoft.Web/serverfarms, there isn't any relevant data about what apps are associated to that plan.

    If you want to go to the CLI route, you'll have to create a script that returns what you need into a variable e.g. $plans = az appservice plan list --resource-group myresourcegroup --query "[].{Id:id, Name:name,}" --output table To get your list of app service plans. Next you'll need iterate of over $plans passing id as parameter for query e.g. az webapp list --resource-group myresourcegroup --query "[?appServicePlanId=='<<$>>']


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