SharePoint REST API 401 Unauthorized

Michel AL HAYEK 187 Reputation points

Hello everyone, I am trying to access SharePoint 2016 site from an external application (on a completely different domain) using an ajax REST API call, but I am still getting error 401 unauthorized. Is it feasible to access SharePoint from any application using client-side code? I checked some articles saying that SharePoint 2016 does not support JSONP/CORS and doing an ajax call to the SharePoint server would be enabling XSS attack.

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SharePoint Development
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SharePoint: A group of Microsoft Products and technologies used for sharing and managing content, knowledge, and applications.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
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SharePoint Server Development
SharePoint Server Development
SharePoint Server: A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
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Accepted answer
  1. Amos Wu-MSFT 4,051 Reputation points

    Try to use the IIS rewrite module.
    Similar issues for your references:
    How to allow authenticated cross-domain calls in an SP 2016 on-prem scenario?
    CORS Change in SharePoint Server 2016

    Other reference:
    Fixing issue in making cross domain Ajax call to SharePoint REST service in Chrome

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