Get invoice line items
Article 14/02/2025
8 contributors
In this article
Get line items in C#
Submit your REST request
Review the REST response
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Applies to : Partner Center | Partner Center operated by 21Vianet | Partner Center for Microsoft Cloud for US Government
You can use the following methods to get collection details for invoice line items (also known as closed billing line items) for a specified invoice.
Except for bug fixes, this API is no longer updated . We recommend updating your applications to call the onetime API instead of marketplace . The onetime API offers more functionality and is continuously updated.
For querying all commercial consumption line items, it's best to use the onetime API instead of marketplace.
This API also supports the provider types of Azure and Office for Microsoft Azure (MS-AZR-0145P) subscriptions and Office offers, ensuring backward compatibility.
Key migration dates and scenarios
The API version transition strategy helps ensure a smooth migration from API v1 to API v2, with a focus on maintaining functionality and data integrity. Here's a guide to help you select the appropriate API version for your needs:
Scenario A: Historical data (before February 2024 billing period) :
Use this API exclusively for all your needs.
Scenario B: Recent billing periods (February 2024 - March 2025) :
Continue using this API until April 21, 2025 , unless you already transitioned to API v2 GA.
Scenario C: Future billing periods after March 2025 (After April 21, 2025) :
Switch to API v2 GA for all future billing period data retrieval.
The transition from API v1 to API v2 involves detailed planning and precise implementation. To ensure a smooth transition to the new API, see: Billed invoice reconciliation API v2 (GA) .
Credentials as described in Partner Center authentication . This scenario supports authentication with both standalone App and App+User credentials.
The ID of the invoice for which to get the line items.
To get the line items for the specified invoice:
Call the ById method to get an interface to invoice operations for the specified invoice.
Call the Get or GetAsync method to retrieve the invoice object. The invoice object contains all of the information for the specified invoice.
Use the invoice object's InvoiceDetails property to get access to a collection of InvoiceDetail objects, each of which contains a BillingProvider and an InvoiceLineItemType . The BillingProvider identifies the source of the invoice detail information (such as Office , Azure , OneTime ), and the InvoiceLineItemType specifies the type (for example, BillingLineItem ).
The following example code uses a foreach loop to process the InvoiceDetails collection. A separate collection of line items is retrieved for each InvoiceDetail instance.
Here are the steps to get a collection of line items that correspond to an InvoiceDetail instance:
Pass the instance's BillingProvider and InvoiceLineItemType to the By method.
Call the Get or GetAsync method to retrieve the associated line items.
Create an enumerator to traverse the collection as shown in the following example.
var invoiceOperations = partnerOperations.Invoices.ById(invoiceId);
var invoice = invoiceOperations.Get();
foreach (var invoiceDetail in invoice.InvoiceDetails)
Console.WriteLine(string .Format("Getting invoice line item for product {0} and line item type {1}" ,
bool isUnPaged = (this .invoicePageSize <= 0 );
var invoiceLineItemsCollection =
? invoiceOperations.By(invoiceDetail.BillingProvider, invoiceDetail.InvoiceLineItemType).Get()
: invoiceOperations.By(invoiceDetail.BillingProvider, invoiceDetail.InvoiceLineItemType).Get(this .invoicePageSize, 0 );
var invoiceLineItemEnumerator =
while (invoiceLineItemEnumerator.HasValue)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("invoiceLineItemEnumerator.Current has {0} line items." ,
Console.Write("Press any key to retrieve the next invoice line items page" );
See another example:
Sample: Console test app
Project: Partner Center SDK Samples
Class: GetInvoiceLineItems.cs
Submit your GET request for invoice line items details.
Use request syntax for the billing provider
Make your request using the appropriate syntax for the billing provider in your scenario.
Use Office billing provider syntax
The following syntax applies when the billing provider is Office .
Expand table
Request URI
{baseURL} /v1/invoices/{invoice-id}/lineitems?provider=office&invoicelineitemtype=billinglineitems&size={size}&offset={offset} HTTP/1.1
Set the Microsoft Azure (MS-AZR-0145P) subscription syntax
The following syntaxes apply when the billing provider has a Microsoft Azure (MS-AZR-0145P) subscription.
Expand table
Request URI
{baseURL} /v1/invoices/{invoice-id}/lineitems?provider=azure&invoicelineitemtype=billinglineitems&size={size}&offset={offset} HTTP/1.1
{baseURL} /v1/invoices/{invoice-id}/lineitems?provider=azure&invoicelineitemtype=usagelineitems&size={size}&offset={offset} HTTP/1.1
Use OneTime billing syntax
Use these syntaxes for OneTime billing providers. They cover charges like Azure reservations, Azure savings plans, software, Azure plans, commercial marketplace, and Microsoft/Dynamics 365 products.
Expand table
Request URI
{baseURL} /v1/invoices/{invoice-id}/lineitems?provider=onetime&invoicelineitemtype=billinglineitems&size={size} HTTP/1.1
{baseURL} /v1/invoices/{invoice-id}/lineitems/onetime/billinglineitems&size={size}?seekOperation=Next
Use current versus previous syntaxes
We highly recommend updating your applications to use the onetime API instead of the marketplace API. The onetime API offers enhanced functionality and receives ongoing updates, ensuring your applications remain current.
For all commercial consumption line items, use the onetime API for your queries. This transition not only simplifies your processes but also provides you with more robust capabilities.
Remember, except for essential bug fixes , the marketplace API no longer receives updates. Making this change now can help you stay ahead and benefit from the latest features and improvements.
Expand table
Request URI
Description of syntax use case
{baseURL} /v1/invoices/{invoice-id}/lineitems/{billing-provider}/{invoice-line-item-type} HTTP/1.1
You can use this syntax to return a full list of every line item for the given invoice.
{baseURL} /v1/invoices/{invoice-id}/lineitems/{billing-provider}/{invoice-line-item-type}?size={size}&offset={offset} HTTP/1.1
To handle large invoices efficiently, specify the size and zero-based offset to return a paged list of line items.
{baseURL} /v1/invoices/{invoice-id}/lineitems/OneTime/{invoice-line-item-type}?seekOperation=Next
You can use this syntax for an invoice with a billing-provider value of OneTime and set seekOperation to Next to get the next page of invoice line items.
Use the following URI and query parameters when creating the request.
Expand table
A string that identifies the invoice.
The billing provider: "Office," "Azure," "OneTime" In the legacy, we have separate data models for Office & Azure transactions. However, in the modern, we have one single data model across all products filtered through the "OneTime" value.
The type of invoice detail: "BillingLineItems", "UsageLineItems"
The maximum number of items to return. Default max size = 2000
The zero-based index of the initial line item to return.
If billing-provider equals OneTime , set seekOperation equal to Next to get the next page of invoice line items.
This parameter returns the line items with partner earned credit applied. It only works for OneTime billing provider type and InvoiceLineItemType = UsageLineItems .
Understand the request headers
For more information, see Partner Center REST headers .
Understand the request body
If successful, the response contains the collection of line item details.
For the line item ChargeType , the value Purchase is mapped to New . The value Refund is mapped to Cancel .
Understand the response success and error codes
Each response comes with an HTTP status code that indicates success or failure and other debugging information. Use a network trace tool to read this code, error type, and extra parameters. For the full list, see Partner Center REST error codes .
Use the REST request-response examples
Here are some REST request-response examples that show the API syntax and usage.
Request-response example 1
In this example, the details are as follows:
BillingProvider : Office
InvoiceLineItemType : BillingLineItems
Authorization : Bearer <token>
Accept : application/json
MS-RequestId : 1eb2ecb8-37af-45f4-a1a1-358de3ca2b9e
MS-CorrelationId : aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd
X-Locale : en-US
MS-PartnerCenter-Application : Partner Center .NET SDK Samples
Host :
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length : 2484
Content-Type : application/json; charset=utf-8
MS-CorrelationId : aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd
MS-RequestId : 1eb2ecb8-37af-45f4-a1a1-358de3ca2b9e
MS-CV : bpqyomePDUqrSSYC.0
MS-ServerId : 202010406
Date : Thu, 07 Sep 2017 23:31:09 GMT
"totalCount ": 2 ,
"items ": [{
"partnerId ": "aaaabbbb -0000 -cccc -1111 -dddd2222eeee ",
"customerId ": "74221236 -D09C -4870 -AC1D -33 E155 E9 AEBE",
"customerName ": "TSTAGIN1CUST190 ",
"mpnId ": 4391507 ,
"tier2MpnId ": -1 ,
"orderId ": "567735045559164136 ",
"subscriptionId ": "4 KIKawEAAAAAAAEA",
"syndicationPartnerSubscriptionNumber ": "1 F58 ACD7 -FE51 -4705 -9567 -D009C9ADA150 ",
"offerId ": "AAA5B3F0 -0 EE2 -431 B-A42F -3 F18 F3 C6 D540 ",
"durableOfferId ": "2 F707 C7 C-2433 -49 A5 -A437 -9 CA7 CF40 D3 EB",
"offerName ": "EXCHANGE ONLINE (PLAN 2 ) ",
"domainName ": "TStagin1Cust190 .onmicrosoft .com ",
"billingCycleType ": "MONTHLY ",
"subscriptionName ": "EXCHANGE ONLINE (PLAN 2 ) ",
"subscriptionDescription ": "EXCHANGE ONLINE (PLAN 2 ) ",
"subscriptionStartDate ": "2017 -05 -12 T00 :00 :00 ",
"subscriptionEndDate ": "2018 -06 -10 T00 :00 :00 ",
"chargeStartDate ": "2017 -05 -12 T00 :00 :00 ",
"chargeEndDate ": "2017 -06 -09 T00 :00 :00 ",
"chargeType ": "New ",
"unitPrice ": 0 .0 ,
"quantity ": 3 ,
"amount ": 0 .0 ,
"totalOtherDiscount ": 0 .0 ,
"subtotal ": 0 .0 ,
"tax ": 0 .0 ,
"totalForCustomer ": 0 .0 ,
"currency ": "USD ",
"invoiceLineItemType ": "billing_line_items ",
"billingProvider ": "office ",
"attributes ": {
"objectType ": "LicenseBasedLineItem "
}, {
"partnerId ": "aaaabbbb -0000 -cccc -1111 -dddd2222eeee ",
"customerId ": "74221236 -D09C -4870 -AC1D -33 E155 E9 AEBE",
"customerName ": "TSTAGIN1CUST190 ",
"mpnId ": 4391507 ,
"tier2MpnId ": -1 ,
"orderId ": "567735045564795186 ",
"subscriptionId ": "Ik4YawEAAAAAAAEA ",
"syndicationPartnerSubscriptionNumber ": "D8A8F773 -9 D3 E-4244 -8797 -3182075 F09 FA",
"offerId ": "618 B53 FE-9 B99 -428 B-9745 -F706AEAF3979 ",
"durableOfferId ": "69 C67983 -CF78 -4102 -83 F6 -3 E5 FD246864 F",
"offerName ": "SHAREPOINT ONLINE (PLAN 2 ) ",
"domainName ": "TStagin1Cust190 .onmicrosoft .com ",
"billingCycleType ": "MONTHLY ",
"subscriptionName ": "SHAREPOINT ONLINE (PLAN 2 ) ",
"subscriptionDescription ": "SHAREPOINT ONLINE (PLAN 2 ) ",
"subscriptionStartDate ": "2017 -05 -13 T00 :00 :00 ",
"subscriptionEndDate ": "2018 -06 -10 T00 :00 :00 ",
"chargeStartDate ": "2017 -05 -13 T00 :00 :00 ",
"chargeEndDate ": "2017 -06 -09 T00 :00 :00 ",
"chargeType ": "New ",
"unitPrice ": 0 .0 ,
"quantity ": 1 ,
"amount ": 0 .0 ,
"totalOtherDiscount ": 0 .0 ,
"subtotal ": 0 .0 ,
"tax ": 0 .0 ,
"totalForCustomer ": 0 .0 ,
"currency ": "USD ",
"invoiceLineItemType ": "billing_line_items ",
"billingProvider ": "office ",
"attributes ": {
"objectType ": "LicenseBasedLineItem "
"links ": {
"self ": {
"uri ": "/invoices /1234000000 /lineitems ?provider =Office &nvoicelineitemtype =BillingLineItems &size =2 &offset =0 ",
"method ": "GET ",
"headers ": []
"next ": {
"uri ": "/invoices /1234000000 /lineitems ?provider =Office &nvoicelineitemtype =BillingLineItems &size =2 &offset =",
"method ": "GET ",
"headers ": []
"attributes ": {
"objectType ": "Collection "
Request-response example 2
In the following example, the details are as follows:
BillingProvider : Azure
InvoiceLineItemType : BillingLineItems
Authorization : Bearer <token>
Accept : application/json
MS-RequestId : 1eb2ecb8-37af-45f4-a1a1-358de3ca2b9e
MS-CorrelationId : aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd
X-Locale : en-US
MS-PartnerCenter-Application : Partner Center .NET SDK Samples
Host :
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length : 2484
Content-Type : application/json; charset=utf-8
MS-CorrelationId : aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd
MS-RequestId : 1eb2ecb8-37af-45f4-a1a1-358de3ca2b9e
MS-CV : bpqyomePDUqrSSYC.0
MS-ServerId : 202010406
Date : Thu, 07 Sep 2017 23:31:09 GMT
"totalCount ": 2 ,
"items ": [
"detailLineItemId ": 1 ,
"sku ": "7 UD-00001 ",
"includedQuantity ": 0 ,
"overageQuantity ": 745 ,
"listPrice ": 0 .085 ,
"currency ": "USD ",
"pretaxCharges ": 63 .33 ,
"taxAmount ": 6 .34 ,
"postTaxTotal ": 69 .67 ,
"pretaxEffectiveRate ": 0 .08500671 ,
"postTaxEffectiveRate ": 0 .09351677 ,
"chargeType ": "Assess usage fee for current cycle ",
"invoiceLineItemType ": "billing_line_items ",
"partnerId ": "1 F5 CCB06 -8 E36 -4 A74 -A74C -FCAA9E000000 ",
"partnerName ": "TEST_TEST_Big foot consulting ",
"partnerBillableAccountId ": "1010578050 ",
"customerId ": "65726577 -c208 -40 fd-9735 -8 c85 ac000000 ",
"domainName ": "600 test.onmicrosoft .com ",
"customerCompanyName ": "601 tests ",
"mpnId ": 4390934 ,
"tier2MpnId ": -1 ,
"invoiceNumber ": "1234000000 ",
"subscriptionId ": "aaaa0a0a -bb1b -cc2c -dd3d -eeeeee4e4e4e ",
"subscriptionName ": "Microsoft Azure ",
"subscriptionDescription ": "Microsoft Azure ",
"billingCycleType ": "Monthly ",
"orderId ": "568297985427000000 ",
"serviceName ": "Azure App Service ",
"serviceType ": "Standard Plan ",
"resourceGuid ": "505 db374 -df8a -44 df-9 d8 c-13 c14 b61 dee1 ",
"resourceName ": "S1 ",
"region ": "",
"consumedQuantity ": 745 ,
"chargeStartDate ": "2019 -08 -02 T00 :00 :00 ",
"chargeEndDate ": "2019 -09 -01 T00 :00 :00 ",
"unit ": "1 Hour ",
"billingProvider ": "azure ",
"attributes ": {
"objectType ": "UsageBasedLineItem "
"detailLineItemId ": 1 ,
"sku ": "7 UD-00001 ",
"includedQuantity ": 0 ,
"overageQuantity ": 0 .000882 ,
"listPrice ": 0 .0383 ,
"currency ": "USD ",
"pretaxCharges ": 0 ,
"taxAmount ": 0 ,
"postTaxTotal ": 0 ,
"pretaxEffectiveRate ": 0 ,
"postTaxEffectiveRate ": 0 ,
"chargeType ": "Assess usage fee for current cycle ",
"invoiceLineItemType ": "billing_line_items ",
"partnerId ": "1 F5 CCB06 -8 E36 -4 A74 -A74C -FCAA9E87E26A ",
"partnerName ": "TEST_TEST_Big foot consulting ",
"partnerBillableAccountId ": "1010578050 ",
"customerId ": "65726577 -c208 -40 fd-9735 -8 c85 ac9 cac68 ",
"domainName ": "600 test.onmicrosoft .com ",
"customerCompanyName ": "601 tests ",
"mpnId ": 4390934 ,
"tier2MpnId ": -1 ,
"invoiceNumber ": "1234000000 ",
"subscriptionId ": "aaaa0a0a -bb1b -cc2c -dd3d -eeeeee4e4e4e ",
"subscriptionName ": "Microsoft Azure ",
"subscriptionDescription ": "Microsoft Azure ",
"billingCycleType ": "Monthly ",
"orderId ": "568297985427000000 ",
"serviceName ": "Storage ",
"serviceType ": "Standard Page Blob ",
"resourceGuid ": "d23a5753 -ff85 -4 ddf-af28 -8 cc5 cf2 d3882 ",
"resourceName ": "LRS Data Stored ",
"region ": "",
"consumedQuantity ": 0 .000882 ,
"chargeStartDate ": "2019 -08 -02 T00 :00 :00 ",
"chargeEndDate ": "2019 -09 -01 T00 :00 :00 ",
"unit ": "1 GB /Month ",
"billingProvider ": "azure ",
"attributes ": {
"objectType ": "UsageBasedLineItem "
"links ": {
"self ": {
"uri ": "/invoices /1234000000 /lineitems ?provider =Azure &invoicelineitemtype =BillingLineItems &size =2 &offset =0 ",
"method ": "GET ",
"headers ": []
"next ": {
"uri ": "/invoices /1234000000 /lineitems ?provider =Azure &invoicelineitemtype =BillingLineItems &size =2 &offset =2 ",
"method ": "GET ",
"headers ": []
"attributes ": {
"objectType ": "Collection "
Request-response example 3
In the following example, the details are as follows:
BillingProvider : Azure
InvoiceLineItemType : UsageLineItems
Authorization : Bearer <token>
Accept : application/json
MS-RequestId : 1eb2ecb8-37af-45f4-a1a1-358de3ca2b9e
MS-CorrelationId : aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd
X-Locale : en-US
MS-PartnerCenter-Application : Partner Center .NET SDK Samples
Host :
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length : 2484
Content-Type : application/json; charset=utf-8
MS-CorrelationId : aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd
MS-RequestId : 1eb2ecb8-37af-45f4-a1a1-358de3ca2b9e
MS-CV : bpqyomePDUqrSSYC.0
MS-ServerId : 202010406
Date : Thu, 07 Sep 2017 23:31:09 GMT
"totalCount" : 2 ,
"items" : [
"customerBillableAccount" : "1439508127" ,
"usageDate" : "2019-08-05T00:00:00" ,
"invoiceLineItemType" : "usage_line_items" ,
"partnerId" : "1F5CCB06-8E36-4A74-A74C-FCAA9E000000" ,
"partnerBillableAccountId" : "1010578050" ,
"customerId" : "9E9B71BA-3442-458B-B519-E1CCF72FBB54" ,
"domainName" : "" ,
"customerCompanyName" : "600 TEST" ,
"mpnId" : 4390934 ,
"tier2MpnId" : -1 ,
"invoiceNumber" : "1234000000" ,
"subscriptionId" : "bbbb1b1b-cc2c-dd3d-ee4e-ffffff5f5f5f" ,
"subscriptionName" : "MICROSOFT AZURE" ,
"subscriptionDescription" : "MICROSOFT AZURE" ,
"billingCycleType" : "MONTHLY" ,
"orderId" : "568297985577171353" ,
"serviceName" : "STORAGE" ,
"serviceType" : "STANDARD PAGE BLOB" ,
"resourceGuid" : "9CC63CF8-6593-410A-B0E7-26A4EF71E8B3" ,
"resourceName" : "DISK DELETE OPERATIONS" ,
"region" : "" ,
"consumedQuantity" : 2.9616 ,
"chargeStartDate" : "2019-08-05T00:00:00" ,
"chargeEndDate" : "2019-09-04T00:00:00" ,
"unit" : "10K" ,
"billingProvider" : "azure" ,
"attributes" : {
"objectType" : "DailyUsageLineItem"
"customerBillableAccount" : "1307536861" ,
"usageDate" : "2019-08-10T00:00:00" ,
"invoiceLineItemType" : "usage_line_items" ,
"partnerId" : "1F5CCB06-8E36-4A74-A74C-FCAA9E000000" ,
"partnerBillableAccountId" : "1010578050" ,
"customerId" : "EB53B7BD-267E-440E-B3C0-8F0B40000000" ,
"domainName" : "" ,
"customerCompanyName" : "BRANDON'S TEST" ,
"mpnId" : 4390934 ,
"tier2MpnId" : -1 ,
"invoiceNumber" : "1234000000" ,
"subscriptionId" : "cccc2c2c-dd3d-ee4e-ff5f-aaaaaa6a6a6a" ,
"subscriptionName" : "MICROSOFT AZURE" ,
"subscriptionDescription" : "MICROSOFT AZURE" ,
"billingCycleType" : "MONTHLY" ,
"orderId" : "568297985605838583" ,
"serviceName" : "VIRTUAL MACHINES" ,
"serviceType" : "D/DS SERIES WINDOWS" ,
"resourceGuid" : "62C64B6C-4033-4E20-AB33-9E81271AC12A" ,
"resourceName" : "D1/DS1" ,
"region" : "US WEST" ,
"consumedQuantity" : 24 ,
"chargeStartDate" : "2019-08-05T00:00:00" ,
"chargeEndDate" : "2019-09-04T00:00:00" ,
"unit" : "1 HOUR" ,
"billingProvider" : "azure" ,
"attributes" : {
"objectType" : "DailyUsageLineItem"
"links" : {
"self" : {
"uri" : "/invoices/1234000000/lineitems?provider=Azure&invoicelineitemtype=UsageLineItems&size=2&offset=0" ,
"method" : "GET" ,
"headers" : []
"next" : {
"uri" : "/invoices/1234000000/lineitems?provider=Azure&invoicelineitemtype=UsageLineItems&size=2&offset=2" ,
"method" : "GET" ,
"headers" : []
"attributes" : {
"objectType" : "Collection"
Request-response example 4
In the following example, the details are as follows:
BillingProvider : OneTime
InvoiceLineItemType : BillingLineItems
Authorization : Bearer <token>
Accept : application/json
MS-RequestId : 1eb2ecb8-37af-45f4-a1a1-358de3ca2b9e
MS-CorrelationId : aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd
X-Locale : en-US
MS-PartnerCenter-Application : Partner Center .NET SDK Samples
Host :
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length : 2484
Content-Type : application/json; charset=utf-8
MS-CorrelationId : aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd
MS-RequestId : 1eb2ecb8-37af-45f4-a1a1-358de3ca2b9e
MS-CV : bpqyomePDUqrSSYC.0
MS-ServerId : 202010406
Date : Thu, 07 Sep 2017 23:31:09 GMT
"continuationToken ": "d19617b8 -fbe5 -4684 -a5d8 -0230972 fb0 cf,0705 c4 a9 -39 f7 -4261 -ba6d -53 e24 a9 ce47 d_a4 ayc/80 /OGda4BO /1 o/V0etpOqiLx1JwB5S3beHW0s =,0 d81 c700 -98 b4 -4 b13 -9129 -ffd5620f72e7 ",
"totalCount ": 3 ,
"items ": [
"partnerId ": "934 f3416 -bc2f -47 f3 -b492 -77 e517 d4 e572 ",
"customerId ": "c139c4bf -2 e8 b-4 ab5 -8 bed-d9f50dcca7a2 ",
"customerName ": "Test_Test_Office R2 Reduce Seats Validation ",
"customerDomainName ": "testcustomerr2t2reduce .onmicrosoft .com ",
"customerCountry ": "US ",
"invoiceNumber ": "G000773581 ",
"mpnId ": "5357564 ",
"resellerMpnId ": "4649221 ",
"orderId ": "94 e858 b6 d855 ",
"orderDate ": "2021 -05 -20 T18 :30 :06 .6045692 Z",
"productId ": "CFQ7TTC0LH0R ",
"skuId ": "0002 ",
"availabilityId ": "CFQ7TTC0K5RQ ",
"productName ": "Microsoft 365 Phone System - Virtual User ",
"skuName ": "Microsoft 365 Phone System - Virtual User ",
"productQualifiers ": [
"AddOn ",
"Trial "
"chargeType ": "new ",
"unitPrice ": "0 ",
"effectiveUnitPrice ": "0 ",
"unitType ": "",
"quantity ": "25 ",
"subtotal ": "0 ",
"taxTotal ": "0 ",
"totalForCustomer ": "0 ",
"currency ": "USD ",
"publisherName ": "Microsoft Corporation ",
"publisherId ": "",
"subscriptionDescription ": "",
"subscriptionId ": "dddd3d3d -ee4e -ff5f -aa6a -bbbbbb7b7b7b ",
"subscriptionStartDate ": "2021 -05 -20 T00 :00 :00 Z",
"subscriptionEndDate ": "2021 -06 -19 T00 :00 :00 Z",
"chargeStartDate ": "2021 -05 -20 T00 :00 :00 Z",
"chargeEndDate ": "2021 -06 -19 T00 :00 :00 Z",
"termAndBillingCycle ": "One -Month commitment for trial ",
"alternateId ": "94 e858 b6 d855 ",
"referenceId ": "0 cf1202 a-5 b7 d-4219 -966 e-93 c637113708 ",
"priceAdjustmentDescription ": "",
"discountDetails ": "",
"pricingCurrency ": "USD ",
"pcToBCExchangeRate ": "1 ",
"pcToBCExchangeRateDate ": "2021 -05 -01 T00 :00 :00 ",
"billableQuantity ": "25 ",
"meterDescription ": "",
"billingFrequency ": "",
"reservationOrderId ": "99 f246 cf-ed96 -41 b4 -b0cd -0 aa43 eb1 fe91 ",
"invoiceLineItemType ": "billing_line_items ",
"billingProvider ": "one_time ",
"promotionId ": "",
"attributes ": {
"objectType ": "OneTimeInvoiceLineItem "
"partnerId ": "934 f3416 -bc2f -47 f3 -b492 -77 e517 d4 e572 ",
"customerId ": "835 a59 a7 -3172 -47 b5 -bdef -d9cc65f4d0e4 ",
"customerName ": "TEST_TEST Test Promotions 01 ",
"customerDomainName ": "kyletestpromos01 .onmicrosoft .com ",
"customerCountry ": "US ",
"invoiceNumber ": "G000773581 ",
"mpnId ": "5357564 ",
"resellerMpnId ": "0 ",
"orderId ": "5 f9 d52 bb1408 ",
"orderDate ": "2021 -05 -20 T18 :48 :30 .6168285 Z",
"productId ": "CFQ7TTC0HL8W ",
"skuId ": "0001 ",
"availabilityId ": "CFQ7TTC0K59S ",
"productName ": "Power BI Premium Per User ",
"skuName ": "Power BI Premium Per User ",
"productQualifiers ": [],
"chargeType ": "new ",
"unitPrice ": "16 ",
"effectiveUnitPrice ": "14 .4 ",
"unitType ": "",
"quantity ": "50 ",
"subtotal ": "720 ",
"taxTotal ": "73 ",
"totalForCustomer ": "793 ",
"currency ": "USD ",
"publisherName ": "Microsoft Corporation ",
"publisherId ": "",
"subscriptionDescription ": "",
"subscriptionId ": "eeee4efe -ff5f -aa6a -bb7b -cccccc8c8c8c ",
"subscriptionStartDate ": "2021 -05 -20 T00 :00 :00 Z",
"subscriptionEndDate ": "2022 -05 -19 T00 :00 :00 Z",
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Request-response example 5
In the following example, there's paging using a continuation token. The details are as follows:
BillingProvider : OneTime
InvoiceLineItemType : BillingLineItems
SeekOperation : Next
Authorization : Bearer <token>
Accept : application/json
MS-ContinuationToken : d19617b8-fbe5-4684-a5d8-0230972fb0cf,0705c4a9-39f7-4261-ba6d-53e24a9ce47d_a4ayc/80/OGda4BO/1o/V0etpOqiLx1JwB5S3beHW0s=,0d81c700-98b4-4b13-9129-ffd5620f72e7
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MS-PartnerCenter-Application : Partner Center .NET SDK Samples
Host :
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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Date : Thu, 07 Sep 2017 23:31:09 GMT
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