addCustomView (Client API reference)
Adds a new view for the lookup dialog box.
Control types supported
formContext.getControl(arg).addCustomView(viewId, entityName, viewDisplayName, fetchXml, layoutXml, isDefault)
viewId: String. The string representation of a GUID for a view.
This value is never saved and only needs to be unique among the other available views for the lookup. A string for a non-valid GUID will work, for example "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001". It's recommended that you use a tool like guidgen.exe to generate a valid GUID.
entityName: String. The name of the table.
viewDisplayName: String. The name of the view.
fetchXml: String. The fetchXml query for the view.
layoutXml: String. The XML that defines the layout of the view.
isDefault: Boolean: Indicates whether the view should be the default view.
This method doesn't work with Owner lookups. Owner lookups are used to assign user-owned records.