Ad Insight Service Operations
The Ad Insight service defines the following service operations.
Service Operation | Description | Request Limits |
ApplyRecommendations | Apply one or more recommendations. | N/A. |
DismissRecommendations | Dismiss one or more recommendations. | N/A. |
GetAuctionInsightData | Gets auction insight data for an account, campaigns, ad groups, or keywords. | 200 EntityIds |
GetAudienceFullEstimation | Gets the audience full estimation. | N/A. |
GetAutoApplyOptInStatus | Get the auto-apply recommendations opt-in status for a single account. | The number of distinct recommendation types is no more than 100 |
GetBidLandscapeByAdGroupIds | Given a list of existing ad groups, this operation returns for each a list of suggested bids and estimated performance statistics. | 1,000 AdGroupBidLandscapeInput |
GetBidLandscapeByKeywordIds | Given a list of existing keywords, this operation returns for each a list of suggested bids and estimated performance statistics from 1 to 7 days. | 1,000 KeywordIds |
GetBidOpportunities | Gets the keyword bid opportunities of the specified ad group. | 1 AdGroupId 1 CampaignId |
GetBudgetOpportunities | Gets the campaign budget opportunities of the specified campaign. | 1 CampaignId |
GetDomainCategories | Gets the list of categories available for the website domain and language. | 1 DomainName 1 Language |
GetEstimatedBidByKeywordIds | Gets the estimated bid value of one or more keywords - specified by keyword identifier - that could have resulted in an ad appearing in the targeted position in the search results in the last 7 days. | 1,000 KeywordIds |
GetEstimatedBidByKeywords | Gets the estimated bid value of one or more keywords that could result in an ad appearing in the targeted position in the search results. | 1 AdGroupId 1,000 Keywords |
GetEstimatedPositionByKeywordIds | Gets the estimated position in the search results if the specified bid value had been used for the keywords in the last 7 days. | 1,000 KeywordIds |
GetEstimatedPositionByKeywords | Gets the estimated position in the search results if the specified bid value would be used for the specified keywords. | 1 AdGroupId 1,000 Keywords |
GetHistoricalKeywordPerformance | Gets the historical performance of the normalized search term. | 1,000 Keywords |
GetHistoricalSearchCount | Gets the number of times the normalized term was used in a search during the specified time period. | 1,000 Keywords |
GetKeywordCategories | Gets the keyword categories to which the specified keywords belong. | 1,000 Keywords 5 MaxCategories |
GetKeywordDemographics | Gets the age and gender of users who have searched for the specified keywords. | 1,000 Keywords |
GetKeywordIdeaCategories | Gets the list of keyword idea categories. | Not applicable |
GetKeywordIdeas | Gets the list of keyword ideas. | Maximum 1 of each SearchParameter type within SearchParameters |
GetKeywordLocations | Gets the geographical locations of users who have searched for the specified keywords. | 1,000 Keywords 10 MaxLocations |
GetKeywordOpportunities | Gets a list of keyword suggestions that are relevant to the specified ad group. | 1 AdGroupId 1 CampaignId |
GetKeywordTrafficEstimates | Provides traffic estimates for keywords e.g., average CPC, average position, clicks, CTR, impressions, and total cost. | N/A. |
GetPerformanceInsightsDetailDataByAccountId | Gets the performance insights detail data for a single account. | N/A. |
GetRecommendations | Discover your recommendations. | Returns a maximum of 2,000 Recommendations. |
GetTextAssetSuggestionsByFinalUrls | Gets text asset suggestions by final URLs. | 5 FinalUrls |
RetrieveRecommendations | Retrieve a list of recommendations. | N/A. |
SetAutoApplyOptInStatus | Set the auto-apply recommendations opt-in status for a single account. | 100 AutoApplyOptInStatusInputs |
SuggestKeywordsForUrl | Suggests the possible keywords for the content located at the specified URL. | 200 MaxKeywords 1 Url |
SuggestKeywordsFromExistingKeywords | Suggests keywords that could perform better than the specified keywords. | 1,000 Keywords 100 MaxSuggestionsPerKeyword |
TagRecommendations | Notifies Microsoft Advertising that the specific recommendation to create responsive search ads should be tagged as applied or dismissed. | 100 RecommendationsInfo |