ADF unable to call internal API via web activity with self-host Integration Runtime

Eric Kwan (HSL) 0 Reputation points

Hi, I am working on a project with Azure Data Factory.

We have setup an internal application and provided a API for updating record, and we would like to trigger a POST call by web activity in ADF (with Self host IR), but failed with the follow message:

Error code: 2108

Failure Type: User configuration issue

Error calling the endpoint 'https://<internal domain>.com'. Response status code: 'NA - Unknown'. More details: Exception message: 'NA - Unknown [ClientSideException] An error occurred while sending the request.'. Request didn't reach the server from the client. This could happen because of an underlying issue such as network connectivity, a DNS failure, a server certificate validation or a timeout.

(FYI the ADF is adopted with private endpoint, and tested the self-hosted IR can call the API using postman)

I saw the similar questions here but didn't mention if the API is internal.

May I know if there is any similar use case and how to solve this problem?

Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory
An Azure service for ingesting, preparing, and transforming data at scale.
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