FTP is working fine on IP and port 21 of my subscription. Can you please give me an alternative in case if i wnat to automate bringing the file without FTP (or) SSH please? Is there any gateway in azure (or) function which can do this work? Note, the remote system is on public internet and not on Azure domain.
The gateway did not receive a response from 'Microsoft.Web' within the specified time period.. Client request id: 'BC314308-5369-4919-924D-B990B915D9BD'
Hari Krishna Kommineni
Reputation point
I am using FTP conection to copy across file from a remote system to az server and I selected the connection and is fine. But when selecting the folder, I am facing below error in the logic app designer. Please help me
The gateway did not receive a response from 'Microsoft.Web' within the specified time period.. Client request id: 'BC314308-5369-4919-924D-B990B915D9BD'